The four (consecutive) homeless evenings:
One: I think it was right when I came home from camp, and stayed in the Youthhub (JSSC) for a few hours.
Two: When we went to.. Hewtors to celebrate van's bday, and I came back home about 11-ish
Three: I think I had a meeting at the JSSC riight after polo. Which ended about 8-ish. Damn.
Four: Oh, this one is the best. I woke up with Claire passing me the phone, saying she didn't know who this person was. I took the phone: "do you know who this is?" "Huh? No, who?" "Do you know?" "No.." "Mr Ngian lah! Anyways, blablabaskfdasbndfu..."
Hearing that name.. that voice.. IN THE MORNING.. WAKING ME UP.. sucked enough. He told me that the duedate of this podcast we were supposed to do throughout the month had come, and we hadn't submitted our podcast.
So I rushed to the computer and immediately started with the project with Chun Feng and Devar (They were the only people in the group available at the time).
To make things easier, I went to Chun Feng's house, as he had a recorder there and didn't want to do the thing alone.
As for the afternoon, we spent it redoing the damn thing AGAIN and AGAIN and recording AGAAAIN. It was awesome. >:(
The best part: As I finished recording.. FINALLY.. and we thought it was FINALLY done, his com screwed up. And no, we couldn't save it.
And those are the four consecutive days of which I spent the afternoon/evenings outside. And for me -me- to do that is pretty topsy turvy, I'm sure a few people'd agree..
Let it never happen again.
Bandits, go.
that about sums up my first experience with my group alone.
It started with me sitting outside the JSSC at about... 5am. Waiting and waiting and staring at the oh-so-beautiful stars. And then Malina came and laid down too. And then Amanda came and they went to get prad- sorry, prata.
And then Syaz came and wondered where exactly they went for the.. prata.
Meanwhile, many many old men and women were starting something in front of the JSSC. About 5 of them wearing white and red were in front of everyone, and Everyone (The other old people) wer in straight lines, getting ready, for something.
And then the radio (Huge, beatbox-type radio) that the 5 people had started playing, and it played National Day music. National Day Music with this guy going "yi, er, san, si, er, er, san si" (1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3, 4). And all of them started.. dancing. Or.. stretching or something. Exercising.
And as the rest of the exco came, and the ball was rolling, and the campers came for the registration, the music changed to this soothing kinda.. 'peaceful pond' music. With a woman going "huuuuu........ xiiiiiiii........ huuuuuu......... xiiiiiiiii" (in... out... in... out. Referring to breath, folks.)
After a few minutes they left, and FINALLY we could start the registration.
Being part of crowd control, ahmad and I had nothing to do then, as there wasn't much of a 'crowd'. So we went to the 7-11 across the road and got food and drinks. As we walked back, Ahmad introduced to me the terms Mat and Minah, which I will not go into. :)
Anyways, skipping the registration, Mariam and I were assigned to the fourth bus. The fourth bus was half-filled with Malays (front) and half-filled with Chinese (back). For the first few hours of the trip to the Sarimbun campsite, the malays were talking and talking and taaalkiiing... and the Chinese were all quiet. Mariam and I thought it was gonna be like this the whole way, heh.
But then for the second part of the 'journey', the Chinese campers started taaalking and talking, and the malay campers were quiet. Weird. Still, I liked it when the Malay campers talked more. They were less "chitchattish", and didn't laugh so horribly loud.
This will be a 'to be continued' moment for now. Nya nyaa.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Bake until Golden-Brown.
Saw this on Van's Blogger blog. Couldn't resist making my own.
6 parts Random Brainfarts
5 parts Love for Pencil&Paper
1 part Eyebrows
1 part Grammar
50 parts Romance
0 parts Intelligence
0 parts Stupidity
15 parts Age
Store 50 parts Romance in freezer until 15 parts Age and 0 parts Intelligence expands to size of liking.
Dump rest into bowl, mix and pour into brain mould. Place brain mould into Zanmould. Serve while warm.
[I am so ruining this. Ahahah.]
6 parts Random Brainfarts
5 parts Love for Pencil&Paper
1 part Eyebrows
1 part Grammar
50 parts Romance
0 parts Intelligence
0 parts Stupidity
15 parts Age
Store 50 parts Romance in freezer until 15 parts Age and 0 parts Intelligence expands to size of liking.
Dump rest into bowl, mix and pour into brain mould. Place brain mould into Zanmould. Serve while warm.
[I am so ruining this. Ahahah.]
Friday, December 01, 2006
March 30th, here I come.
Oh man, I've got to get updating this thing again.
Lets see... I have..:
The four homeless evenings
And one of the shittier days I've had
and of course,
to post.
(Well, Bangkok will be.. after I come back from Bangkok.)
Oh man, I've got to get updating this thing again.
Lets see... I have..:
The four homeless evenings
And one of the shittier days I've had
and of course,
to post.
(Well, Bangkok will be.. after I come back from Bangkok.)
Monday, November 13, 2006
"Top 5 Computer Capabilities I wish I had in My Life"
1. Undo
2. Search
3. Copy & Paste
4. Redo
5. Debug
2. Search
3. Copy & Paste
4. Redo
5. Debug
Saturday, November 04, 2006
.. Petty Judgement?
(Note: The names of the people mentioned in this post have been very slightly edited to prevent myself from getting into trouble.)
(It's become more of a.. "You know who you are" kind of thing.)
Had to make this post after hearing about CF's punishment..
Well. On Friday we had our English lessons, work was being done, there were about 17 minutes to the end of the class, and to our dismissal. Our teacher, Ms X, came over beside CF and asked him why his hair was so.. brown. (It was dyed, of course)
He replied with something along the lines of "Mine isn't as obvious as yours"
"CF, are you comparing yourself with me?"
and that's where it hit the fan.
Now hold on a bit. I know that some people may take a little offence in having their hair dye being pointed out. But what I don't know is why. and why you'd get angry if the hair dye was so blatantly... there.
Now, Ms X's hair was one of those. it was very obviously dyed, we knew that, she knew that, blabla bla. But for some reason, she snapped. "You want to irritate me, right?" "Want to get in trouble, RIGHT?"
She walked to the desk while raising her voice increasingly...
"Ms Lee why are you angry"
So they went to see Mr Z, our school's Discipline Master, about CF's dyed hair, which is not allowed.
Still, many students walk around the school with dyed hair. Mainly because the lessons we have now are outside the official schooldays.
All Mr Z said was "Why is your hair like that?"
.. yeah, that's it.
That's all he said.
And now, CF's punishmentis to write down "I will not irritate Ms X" a THOUSAND times.
Yeah, guess who gave him that punishment.
And that's where I get confused. A little angry, maybe.
Shouldn't the lesson be to never give trouble to your teacherS?
Instead of just a specific teacher.
What I'm saying is, WHY isn't the punishment "I will not irritate my teachers"?
Isn't "I will not irritate Ms X" kind of... selfish?
And isn't punishing a student for pointing out hair dye a little petty?
I say the right way the situation could've played out is
"But yours is more obvious than mine"
"CF, I am a teacher. The rules require that all STUDENTS not dye their hair. And if you compare me to yourself again, I'll give you five demerits."
And that would be all.
No petty discipline.
No overcoming anger.
No subtle hate for the student the rest of the class..
Student knows what not-to-do.
Oh, and this is going in the potential-blackmail list for teacherhood.
(It's become more of a.. "You know who you are" kind of thing.)
Had to make this post after hearing about CF's punishment..
Well. On Friday we had our English lessons, work was being done, there were about 17 minutes to the end of the class, and to our dismissal. Our teacher, Ms X, came over beside CF and asked him why his hair was so.. brown. (It was dyed, of course)
He replied with something along the lines of "Mine isn't as obvious as yours"
"CF, are you comparing yourself with me?"
and that's where it hit the fan.
Now hold on a bit. I know that some people may take a little offence in having their hair dye being pointed out. But what I don't know is why. and why you'd get angry if the hair dye was so blatantly... there.
Now, Ms X's hair was one of those. it was very obviously dyed, we knew that, she knew that, blabla bla. But for some reason, she snapped. "You want to irritate me, right?" "Want to get in trouble, RIGHT?"
She walked to the desk while raising her voice increasingly...
"Ms Lee why are you angry"
So they went to see Mr Z, our school's Discipline Master, about CF's dyed hair, which is not allowed.
Still, many students walk around the school with dyed hair. Mainly because the lessons we have now are outside the official schooldays.
All Mr Z said was "Why is your hair like that?"
.. yeah, that's it.
That's all he said.
And now, CF's punishmentis to write down "I will not irritate Ms X" a THOUSAND times.
Yeah, guess who gave him that punishment.
And that's where I get confused. A little angry, maybe.
Shouldn't the lesson be to never give trouble to your teacherS?
Instead of just a specific teacher.
What I'm saying is, WHY isn't the punishment "I will not irritate my teachers"?
Isn't "I will not irritate Ms X" kind of... selfish?
And isn't punishing a student for pointing out hair dye a little petty?
I say the right way the situation could've played out is
"But yours is more obvious than mine"
"CF, I am a teacher. The rules require that all STUDENTS not dye their hair. And if you compare me to yourself again, I'll give you five demerits."
And that would be all.
No petty discipline.
No overcoming anger.
No subtle hate for the student the rest of the class..
Student knows what not-to-do.
Oh, and this is going in the potential-blackmail list for teacherhood.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Walk Thoughts
I pity the one with the good-looking mate who must tolerate passerby stares.
I pity the one that has great power but no place or event to use it.
I pity the one who has been the best at one thing all their life, only to find somebody better.
I pity the one that must suffer for the happiness of others.
I pity the one that is misunderstood.
I pity the one that blindly conforms.
I love the one that thinks by their own judgement.
I love the one who is not afraid to reject.
I hate the blog program that has disallowed me to post the two posts I posted before.
Saw yet another black person today.
They seem to be all around Singapore lately. Meh.
But the guy I saw today was -special-. He had a white girlfriend. I don't know why, but seeing races being friends or more with other races never fails to make me all choked up (To a small degree.) It's just so... BEAUTIFUL. AJAGAJAGAKA It's just such a great thing to look at.
Started reading V for Vendetta - the comic. The comic the movie is based off. And from the start of this one and the last 'big comic' I read, Watchmen, I am now psychologically compelled to SHUN those that refer to comic books as a kids' thing. As a 'childish' thing. Go read the aforementioned books, you'll see what I'm talking about. Assuming little... things.
I've gotta get blogging more.
I'm compelled to.
"The exams are over".
Oh, and a funny thing about that...
Just a week after the exams ended, I experienced two days of unexplained depression, lethargy and sadness. Of course you could blame the haze and it's toxic toxicness, but I blame the fear of The Overall Grade. That thing is FREAKY.
And about the haze. I don't know whether to love it for its polo-training-preventing capabilities, or to hate it because of the eye-hurt it causes Van, and the blockage of my love for scenic views.
Oh, and I went for polo training today.
It's been... weeks. MONTHS EVEN.
And polo was, well, same old polo. which I shall summarize with the following:
Ball training
Nothing left to write now. I'll just hope this is interesting, hope more people than Van read this and hope that Van gets her 'daily dose' worth of my blog entries.
I pity the one that has great power but no place or event to use it.
I pity the one who has been the best at one thing all their life, only to find somebody better.
I pity the one that must suffer for the happiness of others.
I pity the one that is misunderstood.
I pity the one that blindly conforms.
I love the one that thinks by their own judgement.
I love the one who is not afraid to reject.
I hate the blog program that has disallowed me to post the two posts I posted before.
Saw yet another black person today.
They seem to be all around Singapore lately. Meh.
But the guy I saw today was -special-. He had a white girlfriend. I don't know why, but seeing races being friends or more with other races never fails to make me all choked up (To a small degree.) It's just so... BEAUTIFUL. AJAGAJAGAKA It's just such a great thing to look at.
Started reading V for Vendetta - the comic. The comic the movie is based off. And from the start of this one and the last 'big comic' I read, Watchmen, I am now psychologically compelled to SHUN those that refer to comic books as a kids' thing. As a 'childish' thing. Go read the aforementioned books, you'll see what I'm talking about. Assuming little... things.
I've gotta get blogging more.
I'm compelled to.
"The exams are over".
Oh, and a funny thing about that...
Just a week after the exams ended, I experienced two days of unexplained depression, lethargy and sadness. Of course you could blame the haze and it's toxic toxicness, but I blame the fear of The Overall Grade. That thing is FREAKY.
And about the haze. I don't know whether to love it for its polo-training-preventing capabilities, or to hate it because of the eye-hurt it causes Van, and the blockage of my love for scenic views.
Oh, and I went for polo training today.
It's been... weeks. MONTHS EVEN.
And polo was, well, same old polo. which I shall summarize with the following:
Ball training
Nothing left to write now. I'll just hope this is interesting, hope more people than Van read this and hope that Van gets her 'daily dose' worth of my blog entries.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Too Bad
See those two words there in the title? Those two words are offensive, rude words.
BAD, BAD words. Terrifying words.
Words that should never enter the ears of another being.They haunt the very fabric of virtue. Thou shalt not waggle thy tongue to formeth them. Shunned is he who utters the phrase.
Brilliant plan!: As an attempt to gain less of a smartass appearance with a certain teacher of mine, I'll differ from my usual criticizing ways in class and let her teach without my horrible corrections - I'll be a good 'ol, obedient 'ol, quiet 'ol studious kid in her class. I'll pass the Interesting Student title to Van. We all win!
I love it when nobody 'gets' my plans. Of course, my motives won't be explained until they take place, which won't be anytime soon. Until then, BE CREATIVE. THINK.
BAD, BAD words. Terrifying words.
Words that should never enter the ears of another being.They haunt the very fabric of virtue. Thou shalt not waggle thy tongue to formeth them. Shunned is he who utters the phrase.
Brilliant plan!: As an attempt to gain less of a smartass appearance with a certain teacher of mine, I'll differ from my usual criticizing ways in class and let her teach without my horrible corrections - I'll be a good 'ol, obedient 'ol, quiet 'ol studious kid in her class. I'll pass the Interesting Student title to Van. We all win!
I love it when nobody 'gets' my plans. Of course, my motives won't be explained until they take place, which won't be anytime soon. Until then, BE CREATIVE. THINK.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Oh jea.
Highest for Bio.
2nd for Math.
... Oh yeah.
Anyways, I've been feeding myself with Avatar episodes from Youtube recently. It's not healthy, heh.
Went with Van and our form teacher for this Singtel briefing on this...Moblog competition. For blogging. About anything, but knowing the judges, it's going to have to be all CIVIL... and good-citizen-ey... yuck.
"Blog for a Cause" is the theme. Who doesn't blog for a cause? I blog to relieve boredom and vent and give myself false hope that my thoughts are being read. I guess the only reason for bloging without a cause is... wait. No, there isn't a cause... so there isn't a reason. QED.
Gotta say that she (form teacher) was kind of.. childish there. Sleeping, complaining at certain habits of mine, being "Kay poh"... either she IS childish, or she was trying to be, for fitting-in's sake. No idea, but if she had something to say about it, it wouldn't be the latter (even if it was true... or not) .
Singtel makes great pens.
No, wait.
Singtel gives out great pens. Vietnam makes great pens.
Fun fact: There are eight "..."s in the above paragraph. This last one makes 9. Wee.
2nd for Math.
... Oh yeah.
Anyways, I've been feeding myself with Avatar episodes from Youtube recently. It's not healthy, heh.
Went with Van and our form teacher for this Singtel briefing on this...Moblog competition. For blogging. About anything, but knowing the judges, it's going to have to be all CIVIL... and good-citizen-ey... yuck.
"Blog for a Cause" is the theme. Who doesn't blog for a cause? I blog to relieve boredom and vent and give myself false hope that my thoughts are being read. I guess the only reason for bloging without a cause is... wait. No, there isn't a cause... so there isn't a reason. QED.
Gotta say that she (form teacher) was kind of.. childish there. Sleeping, complaining at certain habits of mine, being "Kay poh"... either she IS childish, or she was trying to be, for fitting-in's sake. No idea, but if she had something to say about it, it wouldn't be the latter (even if it was true... or not) .
Singtel makes great pens.
No, wait.
Singtel gives out great pens. Vietnam makes great pens.
Fun fact: There are eight "..."s in the above paragraph. This last one makes 9. Wee.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Teenagers can be horrible things at their worst.
Note: This does not refer to a particular person, it refers to all of us. I say this so my dear friend Van doesn't get the wrong idea about what I type.
Note: This does not refer to a particular person, it refers to all of us. I say this so my dear friend Van doesn't get the wrong idea about what I type.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Okay, I've got a few things I've been meaning to put here.. one of them is the title of this entry.
On Friday, when I was going out to something, walking down the hill from our house, I saw in the distance... our neighbour. One of our newer neighbours, whom we seldom talk to, but still say "Hi" to(to be friendly).
Well, he was about 15m away from me, I could see him, he could see me, and according to the Law of The Universe, you only say Hi when you're close enough to see his ear detail (or something). So as we walked to each other NOT saying anything... we just tried looking away from each other... looking at each other awkwardly, until we were close enough to go "Hi!" and walk on.
I hate it when that happens. GARHASJSDF
Oh, and on the way home from school I saw, on a van windshield, a sticker with the words (and I kid you not,) "SAYING NO TO DRUGS IS COOL".
You know that's a lie. Drugs are cool. That's the running reason why people take them. You can't lie to us. And saying NO to drugs is NOT cool. "cool" isn't responded to with "BAWK, BAWK, CHICKEN IS IT?!"
Now, don't take me wrong, I don't take drugs. I HATE BODYKILLERS. And my protest is, drugs are cool, but taking them isn't very clever. The joy you get out of them is probably short-lived, and you just crave for more, and MORE, till you go crazynuts.
SAYING NO TO DRUGS MAY NOT BE COOL, but it sure has no regrets.
Oh, and here are pictures from yesterday, Van, Devar, Jeremy, Chun Feng, Joe and I went out to
work on the horrible CME project (Which we h
ave yet to complete, TODAY). I taught them the Joy of Wikipedia, which was a big part of our research. HA.
Oh, Jeremy and I were pretty tired after that, but van was still all shiny and bouncy, and WASN'T SUPPOSED TO TAKE THIS PICTURE:

Anyways, most of them were pretty disgusted to learn that I hadn't showered before going out, heh.
One more thing:
Claire has been acting pretty... assy recently. I still blame MTV, especially that Sweet Sixteen show. Showing girls getting EEEVERYTHING THEY WANT. Spoilage. Spoilage.
Then she switches on to a little REAL LIFE, where you actually have to be good to get what you want, and expects us all to serve her.
I pity that. I just.. don't like it.
(I wonder if being a Nihilist has any use?)
(No, not really..)
(Has it?)
On Friday, when I was going out to something, walking down the hill from our house, I saw in the distance... our neighbour. One of our newer neighbours, whom we seldom talk to, but still say "Hi" to(to be friendly).
Well, he was about 15m away from me, I could see him, he could see me, and according to the Law of The Universe, you only say Hi when you're close enough to see his ear detail (or something). So as we walked to each other NOT saying anything... we just tried looking away from each other... looking at each other awkwardly, until we were close enough to go "Hi!" and walk on.
I hate it when that happens. GARHASJSDF
Oh, and on the way home from school I saw, on a van windshield, a sticker with the words (and I kid you not,) "SAYING NO TO DRUGS IS COOL".
You know that's a lie. Drugs are cool. That's the running reason why people take them. You can't lie to us. And saying NO to drugs is NOT cool. "cool" isn't responded to with "BAWK, BAWK, CHICKEN IS IT?!"
Now, don't take me wrong, I don't take drugs. I HATE BODYKILLERS. And my protest is, drugs are cool, but taking them isn't very clever. The joy you get out of them is probably short-lived, and you just crave for more, and MORE, till you go crazynuts.
SAYING NO TO DRUGS MAY NOT BE COOL, but it sure has no regrets.
Oh, and here are pictures from yesterday, Van, Devar, Jeremy, Chun Feng, Joe and I went out to

Oh, Jeremy and I were pretty tired after that, but van was still all shiny and bouncy, and WASN'T SUPPOSED TO TAKE THIS PICTURE:

Anyways, most of them were pretty disgusted to learn that I hadn't showered before going out, heh.
One more thing:
Claire has been acting pretty... assy recently. I still blame MTV, especially that Sweet Sixteen show. Showing girls getting EEEVERYTHING THEY WANT. Spoilage. Spoilage.
Then she switches on to a little REAL LIFE, where you actually have to be good to get what you want, and expects us all to serve her.
I pity that. I just.. don't like it.
(I wonder if being a Nihilist has any use?)
(No, not really..)
(Has it?)
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Small Observae-shunnnnnn
Noticed today in the mrt station that about 90% of the people walking around have one hand occupied with something. Be it holding a bag, newspapers, someone's hand, scratching their ass, the hand is never free. Only one hand does the swaying.
Also noticed that, for oral exams, or tests, the "Conversation" bit isn't really conversation. More of an... interview really. Teacher introduces topic, student gives opinions. Teacher asks question, student answers, et cetera.
Also noticed that, for oral exams, or tests, the "Conversation" bit isn't really conversation. More of an... interview really. Teacher introduces topic, student gives opinions. Teacher asks question, student answers, et cetera.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Because I want to post it. I don't care if you won't get it.
Mr Chng was right.
I'll never doubt him again.
This sucks because it's forced.
This sucks because will is challenged.
This sucks because it can't be told.
This sucks because lies must be told.
This sucks because the equality isn't.
This sucks because it has to suck.
Don't ask, and I tell nothing.
Ask, and I tell nothing.
Continue asking, and I tell nothing.
I'll never doubt him again.
This sucks because it's forced.
This sucks because will is challenged.
This sucks because it can't be told.
This sucks because lies must be told.
This sucks because the equality isn't.
This sucks because it has to suck.
Don't ask, and I tell nothing.
Ask, and I tell nothing.
Continue asking, and I tell nothing.
Friday, June 23, 2006
MRT tip #2.
Say there are two seats in front of you. A person is in one of those seats. If you do not take the empty seat at first, do not take it even after the person has left. If you do, you will be forver thought of by the surrounding people as a jerk who won't sit with people. The situation will be worse if the person who left is of a different race. Then you would be the racist jerk who doesn't sit with [insert race here].
Say there are two seats in front of you. A person is in one of those seats. If you do not take the empty seat at first, do not take it even after the person has left. If you do, you will be forver thought of by the surrounding people as a jerk who won't sit with people. The situation will be worse if the person who left is of a different race. Then you would be the racist jerk who doesn't sit with [insert race here].
MRT tip #1.
In the MRT, if you wish to fart in public, do NOT do it while standing still. Do it when walking past people. This way there are two outcomes:
1: People will suspect the person beside them, as you have already passed the people.
2: If the person knows it's you, at least you've walked away far enough to avoid embarassment.
In the MRT, if you wish to fart in public, do NOT do it while standing still. Do it when walking past people. This way there are two outcomes:
1: People will suspect the person beside them, as you have already passed the people.
2: If the person knows it's you, at least you've walked away far enough to avoid embarassment.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
ARGH. NO. NO. NOO. Just.. NO.
Here I am, broken hearted to realise that school reopens on MONDAY(?!) and not the END OF JUNE?
Pride of the Ones
I've been searching for the following things on Ebay, but if any of you have them, and don't want them anymore, FEEL FREE TO SEND EM OVER:
=Lego blocks. As many as possible.
=Silly putty (that stuff that comes in a plastic egg, kinda like dough.)
=Prismacolour markers. *drool* (Doubt anyone has these. Besides, they're too AWESOME to give away.)
In other news.
Inform the presses! I've found another Friendster trend:
More and more users are using the term 'Single and proud of it!' in their profiles..
Methinks.. no, meknows this is a clever ploy for other people to consider them. Cause nobody admits they're single, PUBLICLY, for nothing. Especially with a long line of photos of your face looking up at the camera with sparkling eyes and pursed lips. Jeez.
PS: I'm single, and proud of it.
call me.
Monday, June 19, 2006
I don't speak that dialect.
To the person who directed the commercial with the following sentence:
There's one language we all speak.
I mean...
.. I don't like you.
Stereotyping piece of poopoo.
Leave comments. I need a good answer.
Now, for Part 2 of this magically happy entry.
I've gone through the Friendster list, and noticed that half of the 'Friend's on it are people I barely talk to. Sure, I've seen a few at school, subtle glances while walking past each other, but that would be the highest form of contact I have with these people.
Most of them add me. I really can't brag about this, because I can't add who I don't know. Now, when I look at the same peoples' profiles, they have about over 300 friends, 100 at minimum. This scares me. This means people are going around Friendster adding and ADDING people for no reason... yeesh.
This also drives me even further to my 'theory' that people only use Friendster for seeing peoples' pictures. Sneaky little weasels.
Part 3:
I would fill this bit in with my dreams of last night and the night before, but certain people I know read this blog, and it's just too embarassing (The corny kind.) to let em out. So ha.
So all you get is this wonderful video, which is definitely compensation enough if you ask me:
There's one language we all speak.
I mean...
.. I don't like you.
Stereotyping piece of poopoo.
Leave comments. I need a good answer.
Now, for Part 2 of this magically happy entry.
I've gone through the Friendster list, and noticed that half of the 'Friend's on it are people I barely talk to. Sure, I've seen a few at school, subtle glances while walking past each other, but that would be the highest form of contact I have with these people.
Most of them add me. I really can't brag about this, because I can't add who I don't know. Now, when I look at the same peoples' profiles, they have about over 300 friends, 100 at minimum. This scares me. This means people are going around Friendster adding and ADDING people for no reason... yeesh.
This also drives me even further to my 'theory' that people only use Friendster for seeing peoples' pictures. Sneaky little weasels.
Part 3:
I would fill this bit in with my dreams of last night and the night before, but certain people I know read this blog, and it's just too embarassing (The corny kind.) to let em out. So ha.
So all you get is this wonderful video, which is definitely compensation enough if you ask me:
Going for an English.
For those who don't get it..
In Britain, English people usually go to Indian restaurants (I hate the way that word is spelt) on Friday nights, and call it 'Going for an Indian'. This is the Indian version.
Part 4, because I keep coming up with stuff to add:
I've noticed a trend going 'round Messenger, where people (usually girls) have scary, fear-striking nicnames like "SHUT UP ALL OF YOU, LEAVE MI LIFE ALONE :'("
but when you start talking to them:
"What's with the nicname?"
"nth la lol"
There are names with a suicidal gist too, like "nobody luvs mi, sumtimes gonna feel lik killing myslf"
But they still speak chirpy and sunshine-filled on conversations.
.. Creepy.
For those who don't get it..
In Britain, English people usually go to Indian restaurants (I hate the way that word is spelt) on Friday nights, and call it 'Going for an Indian'. This is the Indian version.
Part 4, because I keep coming up with stuff to add:
I've noticed a trend going 'round Messenger, where people (usually girls) have scary, fear-striking nicnames like "SHUT UP ALL OF YOU, LEAVE MI LIFE ALONE :'("
but when you start talking to them:
"What's with the nicname?"
"nth la lol"
There are names with a suicidal gist too, like "nobody luvs mi, sumtimes gonna feel lik killing myslf"
But they still speak chirpy and sunshine-filled on conversations.
.. Creepy.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
I was wondering why every country in the world (except maybe China) uses the same 'year system' as Christians do? The whole B.C and A.D thing. Not all religions have Christ in them, so why does everyone judge the current year from each year counting from AD?
Pondering, pondering..
and why don't more people use solar panels? UNLIMITED ENERGY, MAN. FEWER ELECTRICITY BILLS.
Just a few thoughts.
PS: I miss playing with silly putty. I wonder if anyone sells it any more..
Pondering, pondering..
and why don't more people use solar panels? UNLIMITED ENERGY, MAN. FEWER ELECTRICITY BILLS.
Just a few thoughts.
PS: I miss playing with silly putty. I wonder if anyone sells it any more..
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Cycled to Sentosa with my dad and Claire yesterday. Used my elder sis' (Vic) bike cause mine was getting too small for me, proven by my knees touching the handlebars.
Does anyone else think that bicycle seats are too... thin? Who designed these things?
Anyways, because of the very uncomfortable bike seat, I woke up this morning with a very painfully aching 'rear-end'.
Man this hurts.
Does anyone else think that bicycle seats are too... thin? Who designed these things?
Anyways, because of the very uncomfortable bike seat, I woke up this morning with a very painfully aching 'rear-end'.
Man this hurts.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
The Pleasure of Sucking.
I just can't help but laugh at the Chupa-Chups' slogan that appears, ON TV, everyday:
"Chupa Chups, the pleasure of sucking"
Oh wait, there's more on their site:
"Sucking is good for you! Find out why!"
AHAHA, I am SO finding out.
"1: IT'S natural
2: IT STIMULATES your immune system
3: IT MAKES YOU feel good!
4: IT STOPS those bad habits!"
"Chupa Chups, the pleasure of sucking"
Oh wait, there's more on their site:
"Sucking is good for you! Find out why!"
AHAHA, I am SO finding out.
"1: IT'S natural
2: IT STIMULATES your immune system
3: IT MAKES YOU feel good!
4: IT STOPS those bad habits!"
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Short message to the Annoying.
It is M___l.
A________ B___ S____ M_____.
My last name is M_____.
Got it?
Another thing, I don't have a list of people whose blogs I know of... BECAUSE I can't work the html.
[July,2,2009 - cens0rzed!]
It is M___l.
A________ B___ S____ M_____.
My last name is M_____.
Got it?
Another thing, I don't have a list of people whose blogs I know of... BECAUSE I can't work the html.
[July,2,2009 - cens0rzed!]
Friday, June 02, 2006
Post fuzzy time.
Today my fuzzhead was revealed to the world. At polo training.
Not much, but they like it. :D
Surprisingly, I didn't get any
Yep, I didn't get any of that. Lucky me. Yay!
(PS: To that guy-playing-football-with-trunks-and-SHOES-on, you looked... REALLY gay. No offense.)
After polo I went out with Van, Nat and DEVAR.
I can't believe I didn't foresee Van calling the new haircut 'CEEEUUUUTE' tho. That was a shocker. She even shouted it at first sight!
Oh, and she is, as of my counting, the second person to rub my fuzzy head. First is me.
So Devar didn't know it, but he looked very.. very VERY corny. Hip-hop corny.
He had pants pulled down so far you could fit a balloon between his crotch and his pants-crotch.
Chains on his wrist, hair styled to the maximum, eyes squinted, head cocked up, and to top it all off, the subtle rubbing of his... DAMN EVER-GROWING GOATEE. You dick, you.
(PS: Hair growth post-mortem DOES NOT EXIST, DEVAR.)
We had fun popping bubble tea bubbles from the straws. Van and Devar were kinda disgusted-looking tho. Damn their mock-maturity. You know that shit is fun.

Thursday, June 01, 2006
I just went to get my baldy haircut. It feels... fuzzy.
So I walked to the barber, in the hot sun, causing the back of my neck to go all itchy for no reason. What kept me going was the fuel of having that ever-wanted-by-myself buzzcut.
When I got there I explained the cut right away, "everywhere, same length. No, not just hair on top and nothing on the sides. Everywhere, same length."This barber has been cutting my hair for years, and keeps saying stuff like "You can do really nice stuff with your hair", and so on. I guess he wasn't too happy about doing a fuzzy, short, short, SHORT CUT on me. So he gets out the buzzer, puts the little comb on it, and mows it off... except for the fringe. The fringe he cuts short with a comb and scissors.
So when he's done with the fringe, I tell him I 'don't want a fringe'.
He holds my head and pushes up my fringe with his hand and goes "That's what you want? It might look quite ugly ahh..hh..."
I look at him and go 'Yep!'.
He stares at me and dark, billowing clouds of rain form above his shiny head. He doesn't like this. But he does it anyway.
So he's done with everything, my hair is really short, comprende for him, and I go 'Uh, just a biiit shorter.'
He stares at me with a facial expression that can be described as "WHAT THE HELL. YOUR HAIR WAS NICE AND YOU WANT IT SHORTER?!1!11!!"
He does it quick. I pay 'im, and get outtathere, beaming and brushing my head. Weeee!
Fun fact: hair grows at a speed of 0.44mm per day. If I let my hair grow during the holidays, I should get just 1.32 more centimetres of hair. Yay!
I get lesser dandruff.
I know what the shape of my head actually looks like now.
Don't need to go to the barber for months.
Hats are easier to wear.
Blows of wind are easier to feel.
The skin on my head won't be pale-white all the time.
(Gosh, I wonder what my sister's gonna say when she comes back from camp today..)
So I walked to the barber, in the hot sun, causing the back of my neck to go all itchy for no reason. What kept me going was the fuel of having that ever-wanted-by-myself buzzcut.
When I got there I explained the cut right away, "everywhere, same length. No, not just hair on top and nothing on the sides. Everywhere, same length."This barber has been cutting my hair for years, and keeps saying stuff like "You can do really nice stuff with your hair", and so on. I guess he wasn't too happy about doing a fuzzy, short, short, SHORT CUT on me. So he gets out the buzzer, puts the little comb on it, and mows it off... except for the fringe. The fringe he cuts short with a comb and scissors.
So when he's done with the fringe, I tell him I 'don't want a fringe'.
He holds my head and pushes up my fringe with his hand and goes "That's what you want? It might look quite ugly ahh..hh..."
I look at him and go 'Yep!'.
He stares at me and dark, billowing clouds of rain form above his shiny head. He doesn't like this. But he does it anyway.
So he's done with everything, my hair is really short, comprende for him, and I go 'Uh, just a biiit shorter.'
He stares at me with a facial expression that can be described as "WHAT THE HELL. YOUR HAIR WAS NICE AND YOU WANT IT SHORTER?!1!11!!"
He does it quick. I pay 'im, and get outtathere, beaming and brushing my head. Weeee!
Fun fact: hair grows at a speed of 0.44mm per day. If I let my hair grow during the holidays, I should get just 1.32 more centimetres of hair. Yay!
I get lesser dandruff.
I know what the shape of my head actually looks like now.
Don't need to go to the barber for months.
Hats are easier to wear.
Blows of wind are easier to feel.
The skin on my head won't be pale-white all the time.
(Gosh, I wonder what my sister's gonna say when she comes back from camp today..)
Friday, February 17, 2006
We had our school's annual cross country thing today. They changed the location because its our school's 100th year, and 'Time for a change'.
The place was so far away we almost got lost. And it even took as a few minutes to find everyone, WHEN WE WERE IN THE AREA. Jeez. They coulda provided a map or something. Rr.
The event was pretty fun.
I was getting all hyped to go run, stretching and all, when - OMG - my form teacher asked me to go join the group of people going for the 'Funwalk'.
This is basically walking around dressed up in self-made costumes relating to our class' chosen theme (Ours: Tribal Warriors. Oo-gashaka oo-gashaka. XD)
Still, I've learned not to argue with my form teacher, and I figured I would run later anyways (WHICH I DIDN'T.>:|), so I went.
It wasn't too bad, involved sitting in the sun alot before we actually WALKED, but we got to play with the spears, which was pretty fun.
The big surprise I got was when our class got first prize. First prize. I still don't know what the prize was though. Rumors say money.
I've got a few stuff to blog about (From like, two weeks ago. Stuff from school and the new year.) next time, but I'm too tired now.
The place was so far away we almost got lost. And it even took as a few minutes to find everyone, WHEN WE WERE IN THE AREA. Jeez. They coulda provided a map or something. Rr.
The event was pretty fun.
I was getting all hyped to go run, stretching and all, when - OMG - my form teacher asked me to go join the group of people going for the 'Funwalk'.
This is basically walking around dressed up in self-made costumes relating to our class' chosen theme (Ours: Tribal Warriors. Oo-gashaka oo-gashaka. XD)
Still, I've learned not to argue with my form teacher, and I figured I would run later anyways (WHICH I DIDN'T.>:|), so I went.
It wasn't too bad, involved sitting in the sun alot before we actually WALKED, but we got to play with the spears, which was pretty fun.
The big surprise I got was when our class got first prize. First prize. I still don't know what the prize was though. Rumors say money.
I've got a few stuff to blog about (From like, two weeks ago. Stuff from school and the new year.) next time, but I'm too tired now.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Tilting Tower of Tin Tubes
I look to my left, and I see these stacked up Mandarin Orange Heaven & Earth green tea cans on my desk. I guess I should be sending em off to school for that Boy-Girl recycling war. I've been hearing that girls are taking cans from the guys' bins and putting them in the girls'. Didn't think they'd do that... thought it'd be the other way round. I guess I've gotta settle the score myself.. *evil chuckle*
Or... I can label my millions of Heaven & Earth cans with 'BOYS' underneath the thing. Eh. Too lazy.
PS: God I love that drink. If I've said this already... it deserves reminder. :b
Last saturday we went to my ex-neighbours' house for a lunar new year party (Nope, it hasn't ended yet..). Wasn't as fun as I hoped, got to watch a few Simpsons dvd's they had tho. Those were pretty funny..
And the only contact I had with my (ex)neighbour's sister was her handing me containers of food. And everyone else. "Want one? Want one?" I guess all she wanted was to go back to her computer. Just a guess though. Bla.
Today as I walked home from school, I passed about three smoking people. On a windy day. WITH WIND. BLOWING. IN MY DIRECTION. I hate smokers. The only good thing about them is that they get unhealthier. For smokers trying to stop, good for you. For those who blow smoke in other peoples' faces, I'm glad you die faster. Rrr...
On the topic of smoke, someone's gone and hired these exterminator guys to come here every week or so, to fog up the place with their noisy fogging gun-things. Every time they come, we have to close the windows, turn off the fan, and when they're done we open the windows and blast those clouds out with the fan. It's so tiresome. And sick. The smell is bad too.
Wow,I just realised how much smoke, in general, sucks.
I shall now end this post to the melody of my little sister bugging my dad.
Or... I can label my millions of Heaven & Earth cans with 'BOYS' underneath the thing. Eh. Too lazy.
PS: God I love that drink. If I've said this already... it deserves reminder. :b
Last saturday we went to my ex-neighbours' house for a lunar new year party (Nope, it hasn't ended yet..). Wasn't as fun as I hoped, got to watch a few Simpsons dvd's they had tho. Those were pretty funny..
And the only contact I had with my (ex)neighbour's sister was her handing me containers of food. And everyone else. "Want one? Want one?" I guess all she wanted was to go back to her computer. Just a guess though. Bla.
Today as I walked home from school, I passed about three smoking people. On a windy day. WITH WIND. BLOWING. IN MY DIRECTION. I hate smokers. The only good thing about them is that they get unhealthier. For smokers trying to stop, good for you. For those who blow smoke in other peoples' faces, I'm glad you die faster. Rrr...
On the topic of smoke, someone's gone and hired these exterminator guys to come here every week or so, to fog up the place with their noisy fogging gun-things. Every time they come, we have to close the windows, turn off the fan, and when they're done we open the windows and blast those clouds out with the fan. It's so tiresome. And sick. The smell is bad too.
Wow,I just realised how much smoke, in general, sucks.
I shall now end this post to the melody of my little sister bugging my dad.
Friday, February 03, 2006
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
I am now experiencing the worst feeling in the world..
Outside, the sky is on fire.
I feel bloated.
I've got nudding to do.
Interesting people to chat with who are online - 0
My desk is really messy. An ant couldn't find space on it.
Everything on the TV is crap.
I finished reading my book.
whine whine whine
[Told ya this blog wasn't entertaining. Nya nya.]
Outside, the sky is on fire.
I feel bloated.
I've got nudding to do.
Interesting people to chat with who are online - 0
My desk is really messy. An ant couldn't find space on it.
Everything on the TV is crap.
I finished reading my book.
whine whine whine
[Told ya this blog wasn't entertaining. Nya nya.]
Woke up well today, ate too much for my own acceptance, and watched Memoirs of a Geisha. Pretty good. Mm.
You show up and you make me miss
the times from then, those times of bliss
If only they I could be there now
happy, laughing, wondering how
I ever was happy before thse days
those days of where I learned to play
I'm starting to miss certain people.
You show up and you make me miss
the times from then, those times of bliss
If only they I could be there now
happy, laughing, wondering how
I ever was happy before thse days
those days of where I learned to play
I'm starting to miss certain people.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Leave 'er alone!
Just came back from Chinese New Year's eve party. Involved the usual eating and watching TV ritual we usually have. Wasn't so long, because my cousins were celebrating at their dad's family's place.
Anyways, my newest cousin, little baby [NAME] was there. And boy did it annoy me to see my little sister try to make it smile. By poking her in the face, taking off her mits.. and lifting her hand, whizzing it towards the baby's face, and stopping, as if threatening to whack her. Wow. That's really gonna make her smile, Claire. Yeah.
And I think the baby's most pitiful moment was when she was being held her dad and everyone-EVERYONE- whipped out the handphone-cameras and starting sticking them in the baby's face - all at once. And my little sister joined in too, grabbing a camera and blaring out "LOOK HERE LOOK HERE, SMILE SMILE"
The baby was wiggling around with a pained expression, and cried.
"Oh, it's probably because she just ate."
And so the baby got smothered with flashes of light while those without cameras just sat and watched while smiling, like this was perfectly normal. Jeez.
A while after that the baby needed a diaper change, and her parents went into a room to do the deed. My mom and little sis, still engrossed with the baby, went to the room too. The baby saw them and bawled it's eyes out. I think I saw Claire still holding a camera. give the baby a break, you guys.
When I have a kid, I'll never let that happen. Being smothered by faces while being changed. Getting smothered by faces while trying to rest. Man.
Anyways, my newest cousin, little baby [NAME] was there. And boy did it annoy me to see my little sister try to make it smile. By poking her in the face, taking off her mits.. and lifting her hand, whizzing it towards the baby's face, and stopping, as if threatening to whack her. Wow. That's really gonna make her smile, Claire. Yeah.
And I think the baby's most pitiful moment was when she was being held her dad and everyone-EVERYONE- whipped out the handphone-cameras and starting sticking them in the baby's face - all at once. And my little sister joined in too, grabbing a camera and blaring out "LOOK HERE LOOK HERE, SMILE SMILE"
The baby was wiggling around with a pained expression, and cried.
"Oh, it's probably because she just ate."
And so the baby got smothered with flashes of light while those without cameras just sat and watched while smiling, like this was perfectly normal. Jeez.
A while after that the baby needed a diaper change, and her parents went into a room to do the deed. My mom and little sis, still engrossed with the baby, went to the room too. The baby saw them and bawled it's eyes out. I think I saw Claire still holding a camera. give the baby a break, you guys.
When I have a kid, I'll never let that happen. Being smothered by faces while being changed. Getting smothered by faces while trying to rest. Man.
Day rate: 64%.
20%: Chinese new year celebration today, which replaced the last two lessons.
-10%: Last two lessons included english, and we had POA work to do. On this day. Of celebration.
-5%: Senior citizens blocked my view during the performances.
10%: Indian/malay performances were pretty good. Dunno why they had them on a CHINESE New Year's celebration. I mean, I know it improves the whole racial harmony thing, but they shouldn't force em to do that, really..
-10%: Overall thing was kinda boring. Appreciate the effort I must, tho.
25%: Went to Radin Mas for cny celebrations (I have no idea why we do this. Tradition, I guess.) and actually had a good time despite the lack of people.
5%: Met *BLEEP* there by sheer coincidence. Percentage woulda been higher if we got to talk more. Mm.
5%: I got to eat an awesome blueberry jam waffle. Those are the best.
10%: Walton party. Man that was good tofu.
-5%: Guess I shuldn't have eaten so much tofu. Auugh..
10%: Great fireworks view.
-5%: Shouldn't of drank so much Green Orange (haha) tea.
14%: That Koh guy is awesome. I want more of his riddletricky things.
-10%: ate too many chestnuts. Ughr.
-10%: Last two lessons included english, and we had POA work to do. On this day. Of celebration.
-5%: Senior citizens blocked my view during the performances.
10%: Indian/malay performances were pretty good. Dunno why they had them on a CHINESE New Year's celebration. I mean, I know it improves the whole racial harmony thing, but they shouldn't force em to do that, really..
-10%: Overall thing was kinda boring. Appreciate the effort I must, tho.
25%: Went to Radin Mas for cny celebrations (I have no idea why we do this. Tradition, I guess.) and actually had a good time despite the lack of people.
5%: Met *BLEEP* there by sheer coincidence. Percentage woulda been higher if we got to talk more. Mm.
5%: I got to eat an awesome blueberry jam waffle. Those are the best.
10%: Walton party. Man that was good tofu.
-5%: Guess I shuldn't have eaten so much tofu. Auugh..
10%: Great fireworks view.
-5%: Shouldn't of drank so much Green Orange (haha) tea.
14%: That Koh guy is awesome. I want more of his riddletricky things.
-10%: ate too many chestnuts. Ughr.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
From my Handy-Dandy-Notepad.
Well, I decided to post what I've been putting in my little notepad, where I scribble my thoughts[T], stuff to look up[W], words to define[M] and ideas[I] on so I don't forget them.
Group X - girl
that beefcake song
all my smarter friends have ****** ******** (Sorry, this contains no vulgarities, but may be offensive to certain friends of mine.)
The plural of oasis
Moon stealing sun's spotlight (don't wanna explain.)
properties of skin-cuts or scrapes healing in different temperatures
Rain - spreading germs
A world where no colour but blue exists, cave-digger-ist-things find the most beautiful thing their world has ever seen, the colour red, in solid form. They use this magic thing to colour everything in their world red. After all, after seeing blue all the time red is the most beautiful thing in existence. In months they realise all blue is gone and they are once again a world with one colour
...And that's it for now. Man I need stuff to blog about. Rrr.
Group X - girl
that beefcake song
all my smarter friends have ****** ******** (Sorry, this contains no vulgarities, but may be offensive to certain friends of mine.)
The plural of oasis
Moon stealing sun's spotlight (don't wanna explain.)
properties of skin-cuts or scrapes healing in different temperatures
Rain - spreading germs
A world where no colour but blue exists, cave-digger-ist-things find the most beautiful thing their world has ever seen, the colour red, in solid form. They use this magic thing to colour everything in their world red. After all, after seeing blue all the time red is the most beautiful thing in existence. In months they realise all blue is gone and they are once again a world with one colour
...And that's it for now. Man I need stuff to blog about. Rrr.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Had a very strange dream today. All I remember:
It starts off with a crowd in a rural version of chinatown kinda setting. At night. Suddenly, some huge tube slightly pokes out of the sky and sucks in a building, which rips itself off the ground and gets projected into the sky, with bits of dirt debris falling off. One by one, other buildings get sucked in, and then the weirdest thing happens - the huge clump of thick clouds slowly get sucked into it too. I get way too freaked out and scared and see a shelter - this house with a wide, garage-door kind of.. door. I run in, and there are these wooden chairs around a big dining table. Next thing I remember I peek out, look into the sky and see this machine with a light attached to it's end peering down, kinda like a camera. Some voice comes out of it, but I can't remember. I go back in. Scared
Later more people come in from a back door. We eat some kind of feast, and then the house gets ripped off the ground. We look around and see these buldings with names on them that start with "ONE//", and everything looks kinda futuristicky.
For example, there's this hospital with a name on it "ONE//GENERAL HOSPITAL" and another "ONE//FOOD CENTRE" and others. Surprisingly there's only one of every building around. The nly people around that weren't 'normal' are these policemen walking around with futuristic armor-police uniforms. Weird. We start living in the place, like we're specimens or test projects under the mysterious ONE corporation. I can't remember what comes next, all I remember is running around, and abandoning a beautiful girl I found in the place, who somehow gruesomely died by some machinery killing her.
Weird, I say.
It starts off with a crowd in a rural version of chinatown kinda setting. At night. Suddenly, some huge tube slightly pokes out of the sky and sucks in a building, which rips itself off the ground and gets projected into the sky, with bits of dirt debris falling off. One by one, other buildings get sucked in, and then the weirdest thing happens - the huge clump of thick clouds slowly get sucked into it too. I get way too freaked out and scared and see a shelter - this house with a wide, garage-door kind of.. door. I run in, and there are these wooden chairs around a big dining table. Next thing I remember I peek out, look into the sky and see this machine with a light attached to it's end peering down, kinda like a camera. Some voice comes out of it, but I can't remember. I go back in. Scared
Later more people come in from a back door. We eat some kind of feast, and then the house gets ripped off the ground. We look around and see these buldings with names on them that start with "ONE//", and everything looks kinda futuristicky.
For example, there's this hospital with a name on it "ONE//GENERAL HOSPITAL" and another "ONE//FOOD CENTRE" and others. Surprisingly there's only one of every building around. The nly people around that weren't 'normal' are these policemen walking around with futuristic armor-police uniforms. Weird. We start living in the place, like we're specimens or test projects under the mysterious ONE corporation. I can't remember what comes next, all I remember is running around, and abandoning a beautiful girl I found in the place, who somehow gruesomely died by some machinery killing her.
Weird, I say.
Whoooo are you.
There comes a time for every Friendster member when they look at their list of friends and think: "Who are these people?"
Man, I'm looking at these people, and I see... nobody I know. That isn't from my class. Well, with with the exception of a few (people from camp, polo, and neighbours). I hope I never rech the level of 300+ friends on friendster. Idunno how they remember these people. If.. they do remember them anyways.
This is the best thing ever:
Starting to miss Campteen. Again.
Also starting to miss Canada. Again.
And starting to miss the holidays, after saying I missed school during the holidays.
PS: Happy birthday Grannybird!
Man, I'm looking at these people, and I see... nobody I know. That isn't from my class. Well, with with the exception of a few (people from camp, polo, and neighbours). I hope I never rech the level of 300+ friends on friendster. Idunno how they remember these people. If.. they do remember them anyways.
This is the best thing ever:
Starting to miss Campteen. Again.
Also starting to miss Canada. Again.
And starting to miss the holidays, after saying I missed school during the holidays.
PS: Happy birthday Grannybird!
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Best. Sleep/Wake-up combo. In days. Weeks.
No, not the 'Oh' Ah. Or the Dissapointment Ah. Think Relaxed. Think leisure. Think taking-a-desperately-needed-piss-Ah. Think "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh....."
Today I woke up with a relaxingly blurry view of the room, dreams still clouding around in my brain. Sister not at home, other sister not at home, dad in his room, mom not at home. Noise: Not At Home.
Peaceful awakenings are Awesome.
So I went to my friend's house today. Guy's got a really religious mom (as he says), a lama (Idunno what a lama is, really. I figure it's equal to a priest in his religion.) in his room, and yet has a room holding a drawer of porno books, with a few lightly sprinkled around another room. Bake and you get your Wtf Cake™.
We played a bit of badminton, had a game of 'ABC' (more like basketball target practice) and swam, challenging each other who could paddle backwards while sitting in those orange hard plastic floats marked for lifeguard use only. I beat both of 'em. (of course).
After this we sat in the Room of Clouds, also known to many as the Steam Room. Breathing in that place felt like my mouth was pressed against some guy's ass, so I decided not to. I like breathing big breaths.
So. Anyways. I got sick of the room, said goodabai and left. In the drizzle. Damn weather. Still, I held in my hand the wonder of a bag that is waterproof, so I held it high above my head in pride, sheilding the head and shoulders (ahem) from wetness. Not minding that I looked like a total dork, walking through umbrella-holding people. Smiling assholes.
Later that day I went to a party for the opening of this sports magazine called FrontRow Sports. I came complaining that I was "SO... HUNGRY. FOOD. NEED FOOD." And left going "Auuughh... so.. full..". The food there was great. The band was great. The people were great. I loved it. And I wish I got the name of the band. They were pretty good. And now, I rest. Man it's late.
No, not the 'Oh' Ah. Or the Dissapointment Ah. Think Relaxed. Think leisure. Think taking-a-desperately-needed-piss-Ah. Think "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh....."
Today I woke up with a relaxingly blurry view of the room, dreams still clouding around in my brain. Sister not at home, other sister not at home, dad in his room, mom not at home. Noise: Not At Home.
Peaceful awakenings are Awesome.
So I went to my friend's house today. Guy's got a really religious mom (as he says), a lama (Idunno what a lama is, really. I figure it's equal to a priest in his religion.) in his room, and yet has a room holding a drawer of porno books, with a few lightly sprinkled around another room. Bake and you get your Wtf Cake™.
We played a bit of badminton, had a game of 'ABC' (more like basketball target practice) and swam, challenging each other who could paddle backwards while sitting in those orange hard plastic floats marked for lifeguard use only. I beat both of 'em. (of course).
After this we sat in the Room of Clouds, also known to many as the Steam Room. Breathing in that place felt like my mouth was pressed against some guy's ass, so I decided not to. I like breathing big breaths.
So. Anyways. I got sick of the room, said goodabai and left. In the drizzle. Damn weather. Still, I held in my hand the wonder of a bag that is waterproof, so I held it high above my head in pride, sheilding the head and shoulders (ahem) from wetness. Not minding that I looked like a total dork, walking through umbrella-holding people. Smiling assholes.
Later that day I went to a party for the opening of this sports magazine called FrontRow Sports. I came complaining that I was "SO... HUNGRY. FOOD. NEED FOOD." And left going "Auuughh... so.. full..". The food there was great. The band was great. The people were great. I loved it. And I wish I got the name of the band. They were pretty good. And now, I rest. Man it's late.
Monday, January 16, 2006
I Didn't Wake Up Proper - The saga continues!
The morning after the previous post (Sunday. Yesterday.), I woke up to the magical sound of none other than my little sister and my mom screaming.
My very first words on the christian day of rest:
Bleh. Too lazy to type more. Gatta sleep. G'night readers-who-are-not-reading.
The morning after the previous post (Sunday. Yesterday.), I woke up to the magical sound of none other than my little sister and my mom screaming.
My very first words on the christian day of rest:
Bleh. Too lazy to type more. Gatta sleep. G'night readers-who-are-not-reading.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Ah, Saturday morning.
8.00 am:
I wake up to a loud, annoying tune of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" coming from nowhere. In heaven, angels are pointing at me and laughing, because I can't wake up properly for once. Stupid angels.
I wait for the high-pitched tune to end, jamming my fists in my ears.
8.15 am:
The alarm clock finally finishes it's song of of mass irritation, determining the guarantee that my ears won't bleed eardrum when they get opened, which they do.
But, oh no.
It starts over.
10.30 am:
I wake up again to the sweet, sweet sound of nothing. I look to my right and see a nice alarm clock, with the 'snooze' button neatly turned on.
Only, the snooze button is actually a 4-inch long dent in the clock, and the light that shows it's turned on is flames.
I wake up to a loud, annoying tune of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" coming from nowhere. In heaven, angels are pointing at me and laughing, because I can't wake up properly for once. Stupid angels.
I wait for the high-pitched tune to end, jamming my fists in my ears.
8.15 am:
The alarm clock finally finishes it's song of of mass irritation, determining the guarantee that my ears won't bleed eardrum when they get opened, which they do.
But, oh no.
It starts over.
10.30 am:
I wake up again to the sweet, sweet sound of nothing. I look to my right and see a nice alarm clock, with the 'snooze' button neatly turned on.
Only, the snooze button is actually a 4-inch long dent in the clock, and the light that shows it's turned on is flames.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Numero uno.
Day one in the world of blogging.
People do it, the school's encouraging it (blog contests. CONTESTS. What?), and now I decide to give blogging a try.
Well, this is.. new... and I haven't (and probably won't any time soon) really... introduced it to anyone yet.. I suppose I can do anything I want..
Still, this is my first blog... post.
I shall make it nice (kinda) and proper (kinda).
Well, today started with me waking up early with painful eye-crusties (again), and showering with all the precious warm water used up (again), and started off school in the hall hopelessly alone and sitting (again).
Classes were okay, started with our groups giving out our "project" characters' descriptions. The paper was suddenly (but with subtle sneakiness) pushed to me, so I could present it. Yes, without being told beforehand. So much for group discussion. Jeez.
Still, we were 'saved by the bell', and Van was gonna do it because, well, she was holding the paper. Trying to give it to me.
Now, part of me goes "HA. THE GODS HAVE SPOKEN AND YOU SHALL PAY.", and the other part of me goes "Uh oh.I better watch my soon-to-be-tender shoulder and back area, she's giving me the squinty kill-mode look."
But I laugh anyway. What a saint.
Next lesson: Geography.
Blablabla, watched old-time videos about oil refinement in Singapore..
Not too bad actually. Did a bit of work, avoided conversation about the kite we had to make. (That's right. A kite. for chinese lessons. What. The. Earth.)
Next 'lesson': Recess! (Note how it rhymes with YES.)
Recess was okay, we got let off early, so we ate early, but had to choke up a bit of the food 'cause DT saw us.
"And I suppose he should spit out the food he was eating until the bell rings blablabla"
But innocent me was chomping away. Aha. Maybe I got let off because I was the only one there eating fruit?
("Sticks and stones... won't break my bones. But always... will.. be true." I love this song. I love Tom Waits. And yes, I've said this 10 bujillion times before.)
Next lessons: something. something. math. something. Home.
It didn't rain today! Finally, a day where I don't come home soaking with my clothes 20 pounds heavier and a guarantee of waking up flu-ified the following morning. Rain is a dog. Of the female variety.
Augh. I probaby shouldn't be picking at this pimple-scab. Oh, No. Now it's this huge, vertical puddle of blood on my face.
Note to self-which-I-show-you-anyway: dried up puddles of zitblood are cool. Puddles that haven't dried are messy. Messy factor = 10. Over 3.
People do it, the school's encouraging it (blog contests. CONTESTS. What?), and now I decide to give blogging a try.
Well, this is.. new... and I haven't (and probably won't any time soon) really... introduced it to anyone yet.. I suppose I can do anything I want..
Still, this is my first blog... post.
I shall make it nice (kinda) and proper (kinda).
Well, today started with me waking up early with painful eye-crusties (again), and showering with all the precious warm water used up (again), and started off school in the hall hopelessly alone and sitting (again).
Classes were okay, started with our groups giving out our "project" characters' descriptions. The paper was suddenly (but with subtle sneakiness) pushed to me, so I could present it. Yes, without being told beforehand. So much for group discussion. Jeez.
Still, we were 'saved by the bell', and Van was gonna do it because, well, she was holding the paper. Trying to give it to me.
Now, part of me goes "HA. THE GODS HAVE SPOKEN AND YOU SHALL PAY.", and the other part of me goes "Uh oh.I better watch my soon-to-be-tender shoulder and back area, she's giving me the squinty kill-mode look."
But I laugh anyway. What a saint.
Next lesson: Geography.
Blablabla, watched old-time videos about oil refinement in Singapore..
Not too bad actually. Did a bit of work, avoided conversation about the kite we had to make. (That's right. A kite. for chinese lessons. What. The. Earth.)
Next 'lesson': Recess! (Note how it rhymes with YES.)
Recess was okay, we got let off early, so we ate early, but had to choke up a bit of the food 'cause DT saw us.
"And I suppose he should spit out the food he was eating until the bell rings blablabla"
But innocent me was chomping away. Aha. Maybe I got let off because I was the only one there eating fruit?
("Sticks and stones... won't break my bones. But always... will.. be true." I love this song. I love Tom Waits. And yes, I've said this 10 bujillion times before.)
Next lessons: something. something. math. something. Home.
It didn't rain today! Finally, a day where I don't come home soaking with my clothes 20 pounds heavier and a guarantee of waking up flu-ified the following morning. Rain is a dog. Of the female variety.
Augh. I probaby shouldn't be picking at this pimple-scab. Oh, No. Now it's this huge, vertical puddle of blood on my face.
Note to self-which-I-show-you-anyway: dried up puddles of zitblood are cool. Puddles that haven't dried are messy. Messy factor = 10. Over 3.
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