Contrairement à la croyance populaire.
"Contrary to popular belief" in French. Gotta remember that.
Here's what I managed to produce for "My Perfect Day" when Cynthia asked.
copypasted from msn:
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
How aboout
I dont like when people describe a positive thing about me to another person
Perfect day?
I would wake up from a fantastic sleep from which a very interesting lucid dream was produced. I would remember every part of this dream long enough to go write it down. For some reason, on this day time has slowed down and it is still 7.30am. Yet I feel well-rested. I go running up mount faber and through the bridges and around the horticultural park and along that road beside the bus interchange that I only went once which had a great foresty smell I never smelled/smelt before and then back home. During the run, the sun would be beaming and really bright and it'd be a really hot day. And I would be wearing a thin sleeveless shirt so that I wouldnt have a bloody shirttan. I'd go home and use bags to do weight training exercises while still sweating from the run. I keep sweating until I decide to shower
When I am so very, very tired liao I go for a cold shower
after which I wear this nice loose shirt and track pants that arent so long they occassionally
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
find themselves under my heels
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
when I walk.
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
I go to the living room, and it happens to suddenly rain
the weather is cool and there are winds about. There are no clothes hanging outside all of a sudden so I dont need to bring them in. Nobody else is at home, so I know that there is still fruit in the fridge
I get out juicy, red pomelo that has been pre-peeled
I get out prepeeled oranges
I get out a carton of grapefruit juice, no cup because I know I'll finish it all.
I sit under the livingroom fan and eat all this
I get out seedy cereal and pour it into a bowl with milk
I eat it
I look at the clock, it's only 8.30
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
I get out all chapters of some comic I borrowed from the library and finish the whole thing until 10pm
I have my blue sketchbook beside me, and a mechanical pencil that does not smudge on paper or rub onto the skin upon contact. I draw animals, heads and characters. I draw hands that are really ugly and bony. It is now 11pm
Delighted that is still before 12nn, I go to Sentosa and find that the beach has been cleared of the muck and litter that is everpresent in the waters. Nobody is on the beach, so I change on the beach without having to use the crappy bathrooms. I lounge around in the water and feel the waves until I decide to swim to the tiny island that is about 200m away
on the little island, I make lots of sandcastles and figures. I find many interesting rocks and shells, which I keep
I swim back to shore, losing some of the shells on the way
I relax a little more, and walk back. It is really sunny now, and my skin is dried as I walk along the beach.
Nobody is at the open public shower, so I can use it without wearing swimming attire
I cycle back home, but not before cycling
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
around the area
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
and I shower again
it is 12.30pm
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
I am, for some reason, not sleepy at all
despite all the exercise
nor am I hungry. I surf the internet and read pages and pages of wikipedia
I read webcomics
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
All the while, I listen to music that I find suits my exact moods at the moment the music plays, and sing loudly to the music or songs that happen to play
Someone on msn asks me to help then make a graphic and I do it in 20 minutes. It is beautiful. He makes some comments about how it could be changes, and I completely agree with him and willingly make the amendments
I make a blog entry that makes me smile when I write it
I find a website that has sketches of mike mignola and simon bisley
some of this inspires me and I scribble stuff on the sketchbook that's right beside me
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
it is 2pm
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
Trying to think of a perfect afternoon. Er.
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
I'm still at the computer, 2pm
I search up lots of photos of particular animals with google image search and make a collage of the animals in microsoft paint
using these collages, I master chimpanzees, goats, mandrills and octopi
It is 3.45
someone interesting appears on msn and I have a interesting talk with them lasting till 5pm
I realise I havent eaten in quite a while, and go to vivo
I go to an extremely crowded place and eat really good fish & chips that for some reason have fresh oysters as a side dish on a table that I somehow found amidst the thick crowd
I sit and look at all the people and ponder for a while. It is 6.15, but I dont realise it. I walk around vivo for what appears to me to be a long time, but only 15 minutes have passed. At the end of this journey, I chance upon a watch shop where I finally find a pocketwatch that I immediately buy. It is very well-designed and the colours go together perfectly.
I go to the lower floors and have oily chive-fritters as a snack as I walk around
I go home
someone I have a crush on is online, and we have a l
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
ong conversation wherein we share lots of things
I am suddenly brilliant at being funny, yet dont appear too playful
we go offline
it is 8pm
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
The afternoon is over, and I go down to the field to finally watch the sunset that I have been waiting for the time to watch for years
the sunset is beautiful, and the clouds accentuate its beauty instead of obstructing it
no trees or buildings are in the way
the sun is down
it is nighttime
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
I lie in the grass
the bugs crawl around and on me, but they never go near worrying places
I close my eyes
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
9.30, I awake
the night sky stares back at me, I stare back and ponder for hours. At least it seemed like hours; only 10 minutes have passed. I go home and have a banana. I go toilet. For some reason I knew that what came out was my breakfast. Only the fish and chips and bananas are in my system! I feel light and start pouncing around. I realise I am thirsty, and get a huge bottle of water. I go cycling, with bottle attached to bike. I dont know where I'm going, but the wind gusts through me wherever I ride
and the night is cool
no cars are on the roads, save the occassional bus or two.
It is now 10.40
I chance upon a huge garden-like forest that lies under great trees which create the illusion of a canopy-like ceiling. All shades of the colours green and brown are held within it, and every once in a while Pink, Blue, Red, Yellow and orange show themselves in many different shades
everything is lit perfectly by strategically placed lamps, and I remember that I have brought along a camera with me.
Every photograph taken appears to be taken as if mother nature herself posed for them, e
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
each of them are almost completely different from the other, even though the objects depicted are neighbours in real life
such is the variety that lies within the forest
I decide to leave, and I find my way back home
I memorise the trip back to the forest/canopy as I cycle back
the thought of going back another day makes me feel happy
I go home, it is now 11.30
I have finished my bottle of water
I shut down the computer
I drink lots of cold, sweet fruit juice as I find a book to read
it is 11.50
A cup lies beside my bed, containing juice
I lie sideways on the bed, reading the book
without knowing it, the last sip I take from the cup before I sleep leaves no juice in the cup
meaning I had chosen the correct amount to fill the cup with. awesome
I stop reading and turn so that I now lie on my back
the blanket covers me to half of my stomach
all mosquitoes in my vicinity die
I close my eyes and lie flat
It is 12.00am
I sleep
And there ya have it.
Oh, hold on.
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
i'd like to add that
whenever I shower on my perfect day
my towel smells like baby
Yep, that's it.
Now, here's a teeny list I typed out to show Cynthia I'm not THAT indicisive/wishy washy.
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
I dont like the naggy feeling that I could be doing something else when I'm wasting time somewhere, I dont like unfair treatment/uneccessary bad treatment, I dont like deadlines (^_^), I dont like stage nervousness, I dont like tight shirts, I dont like broken pencials, I dont like pens that still have lots of ink inside but for some reason cant work, I like my desk, I like making things to serve a need, I dont like the fact that most of my childhood toys were given away without my permission, I like rings, I like stones, I sometimes like picking interesting-looking stuff off the ground in the hopes that I will make some use of it someday in the future, I like doing well in subjects except for English, I dont like the way mandarin is taught in class, I like smooth penx/pencils
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
I like when I type unexpectedly fast (not now, but... when it DOES happen)
I dont like my unseemingly grubby keyboard
Chloe says:
Chloe says:
Chloe says:
zan zan lexi lex
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
Chloe says:
can like or not like things
Chloe says:
i like
X - toot toooot tooooooooooot says:
Okay, no more msn transcripts.
Gosh, my hand smells like mango. I peeled and ate one earlier. Ate it like an apple/tomato/pear. LIKE A REAL FRUIT. Not all diced and cube-ish. Nya.
6 more days.
Actually 5.
k lets see.
1: inside drawings, finish covers
2: finish inside drawings
3: poetry
k. k. Mus faster do
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My CLB composition felt real good, I wrote about two girls that encountered this person whose grandfather fell in a longkang. Girl calls her father, who is a doctor, etc.
CLB paper 2 wasnt that nice. Quite a lot of tikams. At least I had a moderate amount of answers that were same as Van's.
Van brought me to the mrt via cab, and thus she was the last student I saw in school.
Last outram uniform other than mine that I saw today belonged to David Gammon (he was in Harbourfront mrt.)
It's finally over!
And now I gotsta get started on stuff. I feel free, fresh. And the rain helped this feeling too.
Got myself organic oaten biscuits again. And organic milk, too. For the organic cereal. ^^
The milk tastes creamy.
Yah, not an organised post.
Time to exercise and study physics!
Friday, November 07, 2008
Eurgh, woke up to an eyelash stuck on the surface of my left eye.
(This is like the 4th time)
But today's was special. Oh yes. Today I had the luck of actually prying it out of the bottom lid with a fingernail.
(Usually it slips through the edge of my eye)
>: c
Okay, now to continue the day.
<: )
(This is like the 4th time)
But today's was special. Oh yes. Today I had the luck of actually prying it out of the bottom lid with a fingernail.
(Usually it slips through the edge of my eye)
>: c
Okay, now to continue the day.
<: )
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