Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Consider an Atheist Hillbilly.
Fate and her ally Understandingmp3 join forces to kick me in the face: On the mrt home, as I read the Isaac Asimov book, I chance upon the short story The Fun They had.
Read it and the trauma will be apparent. Probably.
(Remember that I read this on the last day of school before the month-long holidays.)
Then Understandingmp3 gives me We've Gotta Get Out Of This Place by The Animals as I leave Harbourfront mrt into the fresh day's air, into the holidays.
Here's the zebragraphs I've been pining to create since sec school, comin right up.
But first, some background.

Observe! The road outside Outram Sec. In orange are the entrances to the school's interior, and the red lines represent sidewalks.
After walking across the bridge, I enter the scene in the direction indicated by the pink arrow. One would simply jaywalk in a straight line to the large school entrance, but no. You can't jaywalk. Teachers drive to school in the morning, and it sucks to be caught by their angry cars.
AND SO. Here are the two routes that I'd take if I were to enter le school.

Eh, I usually use the blue route anyway. Less break in my line of direction, and not as much of a slope to climb once I'm inside.
Through months of walked down these paths, I seeked efficiency. How would I be able to get to the other side of the road in the least distance/time, whilst having to walk over that stupid zebra crossing?
And so, I mindxperimented with the following routes.

In transparent red is the 'normal' route. (see: n00wbzx0rZ route)
1: My favourite route. Especially satisfying when ending up ahead of people that were walking at the same speed as you before the zebra crossing. Confuses the councillors too.
2: Meh, a bit more guai. Better than the normal, but not as satisfying or fast as 1.
3: Even guaier-er. Used on days where I feel lazy or the DM is watching.
4: Lulz. Not used so much because it's the riskiest of the four. Only when in a rush.
Now for the bottomright-to-bottomleft crossings...

5: The other favourite. Used almost always, just a skimming of the zebra crossing to show I've acknowledged I'm not supposed to jaywalk (stupid camera-in-front-of-school).
6: Used when lazy. Again, just grazes the crossing. I do my best to file down that red path to a straight line.
7: omg secret path!: just jaywalk bah
Mangoes be a-falling along Marang road. This means food for birds, lizards, thecat, ants, squirrels, unwantedvisitorsthatcollectthebloodyfruit, squirrels and squirrels.
Also, this one day (last last week?) when I was walking home I thought of a neat-arse idea: 3-dimensional billards. In antigravity. Wooten!
It'd be neat to float one's way around the balls in the billiards arena to make each shot. The lack of gravity would enable balls to travel in a straight line, without the balls' weight pulling them away into a curved route and all.
I guess the only problem would be... how to stop the balls from moving on indefinitely? How to have them roll at the same speed and friction that a velvety pool table would provide? I doubt that the air in a space shuttle alone would give enough air resistance to stop the balls moving whole metres away from each other after a collision. What then?
Hm. Air saturated with a certain chemical would work, I guess. A chemical with just the right structure that would have the balls appear to move through it with the same friction as the aforementioned velvety table. Of course, such thick air would be dangerous to inhale. So astro-billiards-ers would have to wear gas masks.
It's still a neat thing to fantasize about if it worked...
Another thing found weeks ago: There is a spot on the back of my head (or is it in?) that goes all warm when I am... unknowingly frustrated? Or sianzed even? Dunno. But I felt it weeks ago, and it felt familiar. Just can't quite put a finger on what caused it the previous few times.
I thought about the times in my past where I've looked upon another person exhibit behaviours that I once had too. The stages in my behavioural development that I've passed, and now look back/look at other people exhibit them and think "Heh, I've been there/passed that stage". Like when a certain JZK talked about joining ___ as a cca because he wanted to focus on intellectual development rather than physical.
As if you had to sacrifice one for the other, or something.
And I realised that I used that excuse in primary school to keep indulging myself in my books, drawings and computering. Instead of standing up off my ass and exercising.
Also, when I saw JZK do tiny, silent, vicious attacks in response to repeated taunting n shit, I realised I did that a couple of times in the past too. If someone wouldn't stop being annoying, I'd make a quick and really painful pinch then go about like I didn't do a thing. Seeing someone do that again made me lol.
Anyway. This made me think o the things I'm doing now. Which ways I adopt will I look back on and say "lolz, I did that" or "lulz, I'm past that now"?
Do we really grow past these things? Or do our changing environments deprive us of the opportunity to reenact them again?
Also thought of what infinite longevity/youth would do to retirement. Or marriage.
Think. If you could live forever without dying by natural causes, would you ever be able to retire? To sustain the infinite amount of feeding you'd have to provide yourself, you would have to work.. like, forever.
But wait! Retirement may not disappear, but merely change its ways. People may work for about.. 60 years, then 'retire' for another 40 years with those savings, then start working again for another 60 years, then retire again, repeat ad infinitum. Retirement cycles, they'd be called. And we could get different jobs each time.
(Is there a job you could find that would keep you in retirement for the rest of your life?)
(i.e one that would keep providing without further input?)
And... marriage. What would happen to couples if they could live for thousands of years? Would people stick to the same person for that length of time? How many people will use the phrase "together 4ever" when actually faced with the 'forever' they've promised?
I'd imagine that marriages would eventually fade out, polygamy embraced as norm and children finding themselves in family trees that continuously expand not only from the latest branches, but in the earlier branches as well.
But who knows. Couples may indeed last forever.
Couples may even decide to end their lives together.
Gawsh. What would happen to the concept of death in a world where nobody can say "we'll all die eventually"? People could go on living forever if they wanted (of course, if they didn't like eat poison or commit suicide or sth)and death, if not by accident, would become a choice. A final "Kay, I think I've had enough" moment.
Would each person have a very special day to mark this event? This event where they decide not to go on? Or would such suicide have numerous efforts to be prevented, as it is now?
Have been revisiting Smash Mouth lately. Iz good stuffz. I wish I had limewire again, gawsh.
Yes, Vic. It was nice when I could pirate without knowing that it was pirating.
Yeah, I'd buy their cd, too. cheesebun
pullups 10
situps 45
shuttle run 9.4
sit&reach 145? Idunno, but I got B. And I'm 17 at the moment. (17.66, actually.)
jump 232
2.4: 10.20
Dumb little thing I noticed: Every word that ends with a plosive followed by 'le' can be pronounced the same way if the 'le' is reversed to 'el':
Principle > Principel
Jingle > Jingel
Dangle > Dangel
etc etc.
Read it and the trauma will be apparent. Probably.
(Remember that I read this on the last day of school before the month-long holidays.)
Then Understandingmp3 gives me We've Gotta Get Out Of This Place by The Animals as I leave Harbourfront mrt into the fresh day's air, into the holidays.
Here's the zebragraphs I've been pining to create since sec school, comin right up.
But first, some background.

Observe! The road outside Outram Sec. In orange are the entrances to the school's interior, and the red lines represent sidewalks.
After walking across the bridge, I enter the scene in the direction indicated by the pink arrow. One would simply jaywalk in a straight line to the large school entrance, but no. You can't jaywalk. Teachers drive to school in the morning, and it sucks to be caught by their angry cars.
AND SO. Here are the two routes that I'd take if I were to enter le school.

Eh, I usually use the blue route anyway. Less break in my line of direction, and not as much of a slope to climb once I'm inside.
Through months of walked down these paths, I seeked efficiency. How would I be able to get to the other side of the road in the least distance/time, whilst having to walk over that stupid zebra crossing?
And so, I mindxperimented with the following routes.

In transparent red is the 'normal' route. (see: n00wbzx0rZ route)
1: My favourite route. Especially satisfying when ending up ahead of people that were walking at the same speed as you before the zebra crossing. Confuses the councillors too.
2: Meh, a bit more guai. Better than the normal, but not as satisfying or fast as 1.
3: Even guaier-er. Used on days where I feel lazy or the DM is watching.
4: Lulz. Not used so much because it's the riskiest of the four. Only when in a rush.
Now for the bottomright-to-bottomleft crossings...

5: The other favourite. Used almost always, just a skimming of the zebra crossing to show I've acknowledged I'm not supposed to jaywalk (stupid camera-in-front-of-school).
6: Used when lazy. Again, just grazes the crossing. I do my best to file down that red path to a straight line.
7: omg secret path!: just jaywalk bah
Mangoes be a-falling along Marang road. This means food for birds, lizards, thecat, ants, squirrels, unwantedvisitorsthatcollectthebloodyfruit, squirrels and squirrels.
Also, this one day (last last week?) when I was walking home I thought of a neat-arse idea: 3-dimensional billards. In antigravity. Wooten!
It'd be neat to float one's way around the balls in the billiards arena to make each shot. The lack of gravity would enable balls to travel in a straight line, without the balls' weight pulling them away into a curved route and all.
I guess the only problem would be... how to stop the balls from moving on indefinitely? How to have them roll at the same speed and friction that a velvety pool table would provide? I doubt that the air in a space shuttle alone would give enough air resistance to stop the balls moving whole metres away from each other after a collision. What then?
Hm. Air saturated with a certain chemical would work, I guess. A chemical with just the right structure that would have the balls appear to move through it with the same friction as the aforementioned velvety table. Of course, such thick air would be dangerous to inhale. So astro-billiards-ers would have to wear gas masks.
It's still a neat thing to fantasize about if it worked...
Another thing found weeks ago: There is a spot on the back of my head (or is it in?) that goes all warm when I am... unknowingly frustrated? Or sianzed even? Dunno. But I felt it weeks ago, and it felt familiar. Just can't quite put a finger on what caused it the previous few times.
I thought about the times in my past where I've looked upon another person exhibit behaviours that I once had too. The stages in my behavioural development that I've passed, and now look back/look at other people exhibit them and think "Heh, I've been there/passed that stage". Like when a certain JZK talked about joining ___ as a cca because he wanted to focus on intellectual development rather than physical.
As if you had to sacrifice one for the other, or something.
And I realised that I used that excuse in primary school to keep indulging myself in my books, drawings and computering. Instead of standing up off my ass and exercising.
Also, when I saw JZK do tiny, silent, vicious attacks in response to repeated taunting n shit, I realised I did that a couple of times in the past too. If someone wouldn't stop being annoying, I'd make a quick and really painful pinch then go about like I didn't do a thing. Seeing someone do that again made me lol.
Anyway. This made me think o the things I'm doing now. Which ways I adopt will I look back on and say "lolz, I did that" or "lulz, I'm past that now"?
Do we really grow past these things? Or do our changing environments deprive us of the opportunity to reenact them again?
Also thought of what infinite longevity/youth would do to retirement. Or marriage.
Think. If you could live forever without dying by natural causes, would you ever be able to retire? To sustain the infinite amount of feeding you'd have to provide yourself, you would have to work.. like, forever.
But wait! Retirement may not disappear, but merely change its ways. People may work for about.. 60 years, then 'retire' for another 40 years with those savings, then start working again for another 60 years, then retire again, repeat ad infinitum. Retirement cycles, they'd be called. And we could get different jobs each time.
(Is there a job you could find that would keep you in retirement for the rest of your life?)
(i.e one that would keep providing without further input?)
And... marriage. What would happen to couples if they could live for thousands of years? Would people stick to the same person for that length of time? How many people will use the phrase "together 4ever" when actually faced with the 'forever' they've promised?
I'd imagine that marriages would eventually fade out, polygamy embraced as norm and children finding themselves in family trees that continuously expand not only from the latest branches, but in the earlier branches as well.
But who knows. Couples may indeed last forever.
Couples may even decide to end their lives together.
Gawsh. What would happen to the concept of death in a world where nobody can say "we'll all die eventually"? People could go on living forever if they wanted (of course, if they didn't like eat poison or commit suicide or sth)and death, if not by accident, would become a choice. A final "Kay, I think I've had enough" moment.
Would each person have a very special day to mark this event? This event where they decide not to go on? Or would such suicide have numerous efforts to be prevented, as it is now?
Have been revisiting Smash Mouth lately. Iz good stuffz. I wish I had limewire again, gawsh.
Yes, Vic. It was nice when I could pirate without knowing that it was pirating.
Yeah, I'd buy their cd, too. cheesebun
pullups 10
situps 45
shuttle run 9.4
sit&reach 145? Idunno, but I got B. And I'm 17 at the moment. (17.66, actually.)
jump 232
2.4: 10.20
Dumb little thing I noticed: Every word that ends with a plosive followed by 'le' can be pronounced the same way if the 'le' is reversed to 'el':
Principle > Principel
Jingle > Jingel
Dangle > Dangel
etc etc.
Monday, May 11, 2009
A Dumping.
Not very bloglike. I'm sorry:
Just putting stuff here so I can go back and think about them later. Things I wanna think about, but not right now. For it is 1.40 am:
-Why it seems more ethical to pick a dollar note that was left there off the ground than to stumble inside a house with the door left open and a dollar note left on the table, then take that note, or see a car with the door left open and a dollar note left on the dashboard, then taking the note.
-The advantages of sticking to honour
-Gosh, there's still that zebra-crossing thing I never posted here. rrgh
(Hopefully, I'll edit this post and make it proper)
Just putting stuff here so I can go back and think about them later. Things I wanna think about, but not right now. For it is 1.40 am:
-Why it seems more ethical to pick a dollar note that was left there off the ground than to stumble inside a house with the door left open and a dollar note left on the table, then take that note, or see a car with the door left open and a dollar note left on the dashboard, then taking the note.
-The advantages of sticking to honour
-Gosh, there's still that zebra-crossing thing I never posted here. rrgh
(Hopefully, I'll edit this post and make it proper)
Friday, May 08, 2009
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Balan S. Itall
No rules for a day. What'd you do?
Back in primary school (can't remember if it was upper or lower), I remember sometimes fantasizing about my future, older, 16-20-ish self coming back to his past and sharing with me all his awesome tips, tricks, secrets and wisdom that he got from already living through what I was in. Just seeing this person would make me feel happy, knowing that he was doing well and he was me.
My point is: I had an image of what I expected my future self to be. Wanted him to be, rather. He was smart, charming, and all that crapola. The question I thought of earlier on the morning walk to the mrt was... are you that guy? What would your little 7-12 year-old self think of you now? Would he look forward to being you? Would he prefer to change you?
Well, I doubt my future, older, 25-35-ish self would say much if he'd return to meet me, so's not to mess up the time continuum or anything. But I can dream, can't I? I can. I do have an expectation for the futuremenow to bear though, whatever he may turn out to be like.
To my future self:
Be happy, okay?
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Run West, my Son
-It would be nice to see a National Just-Go-Out-And-walk-Around Day happen. For everyone to take a break and explore the space around them. Take a breather. And it would be called... the Big Roam. Or Jalanfest. Or something.
-It would be nice to see more obsessives. Their fixation brings them to places we never thought to look, and they bring back things we never knew we could dooooo.
-It would have been nice to have a watch that didn't bloody stop every few minutes. Then I'd know if I ran an hour. Dangholio.
-It would have been better if I didn't shatter the watch face, ahem.. heh... ha.
Am now playing around with alphabet soup. I'm sorry, S, I couldn't help myself.
Scoop one: BONKO
Scoop two: FOOK
Scoop three: WOIY
Scoop four: VYLIPPN
Scoop five: VED
Et cetera.
Et cetera.
3pm, yo.
-It would be nice to see a National Just-Go-Out-And-walk-Around Day happen. For everyone to take a break and explore the space around them. Take a breather. And it would be called... the Big Roam. Or Jalanfest. Or something.
-It would be nice to see more obsessives. Their fixation brings them to places we never thought to look, and they bring back things we never knew we could dooooo.
-It would have been nice to have a watch that didn't bloody stop every few minutes. Then I'd know if I ran an hour. Dangholio.
-It would have been better if I didn't shatter the watch face, ahem.. heh... ha.
Am now playing around with alphabet soup. I'm sorry, S, I couldn't help myself.
Scoop one: BONKO
Scoop two: FOOK
Scoop three: WOIY
Scoop four: VYLIPPN
Scoop five: VED
Et cetera.
Et cetera.
3pm, yo.
Saturday, May 02, 2009
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