Oh yah, resolutions!
I'll see what I can steal from my holiday resolutions first.
-Hold breath to inhuman limits (I did try, but progress has been slow. A recent breakthrough involved imagining myself as some creature that didn't need to breathe air. Results were very successful. Really a mind over matter thing, it seems.)
-Learn knots (Indispensable for the navy, says the father)
-Learn languages
-Polyphasic sleep (Could be especially useful for NS. The initial sleep deprivation stages, that is.)
Now to think of newbies.
Oh, wait. I can still steal from last year's.
3: Start running regularly again.
7: Read a German book with full comprehension.
8: Read a Mandarin book beyond the primary 3 level with full comprehension.
Kay NOW to conjure n00bs.
-Befriend at least two students from Vic's school. Or the area.
-Write a short story. Bonus pride points if it's a comic.
-Master the drawing of no less than three different animal species.
-Keep a journal that AT LEAST lasts 30 consecutive days. Please.
-Survive NDU's "Hell week".
-Work for money during February.
-If NS permits, go vegetarian for at least a month.
-get grail
-Do best to demolish what politics may arise in my NS experience.
-Learn coin tricks. Minimum of 4.
-Not get my blog deleted.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas Conceptions
I sat in the pews at ORPC for their Christmas service, family-tradition dictate, and contemplated the presence of those without pew-seats, standing/sitting in the back. And how they could be cured of their predicament.
Observation told me that only a small fraction of the huge indoor space was being used for the audience - the floor. Gravity-dictate. Unused space existed! Also, there was a lot of empty space in the volume of air above us that could have been used for audience-spaces.
Trying to fix the latter cause (of the space-waste problem) first, I imagined a second floor above the audience, where more seats could be filled. The problem with this hypothetical, of course, was that members further back on the ground level would be obstructed by the new 'ceiling' formed by the second floor.
This could be rectified by lifting the second floor higher, but that would cost the top-floor audience their proper view of the stage. This wasn't good enough. I wanted a solution with no re-allocated costs to the audience.
I imagined antigravity, to simplify things. People could just float around anywhere to view the service at the spatial location of their choosing. Still, in this case, there would inevitably be some people blocking others as they hovered in front of them. Bah!
How would I fix that?
I came to the conclusion that resolving the wastage of space by using the free space within the volume of the room would only be simple if there was some way to render people transparent. Then, people could more efficiently utilise the room as an audience and wouldn't have their view blocked.
But I didn't want to delve into that problem (making people temporarily transparent). So instead I battled with the former cause of the problem - unused surfaces. If other surfaces could be filled, it would cause benefit by adding more audience seats without costing the existing audience their view of the stage (in this case, the choir).
The problem was like a cube. One interior side was being used for the choir, and another side - the bottom - was being used for the audience. If we could fill the other sides with audience, the problem would be greatly lessened.

click to zoom in, by the way.
Now that I think of it, an antigravity-based solution isn't really necessary.. but whatever. I'll continue.
What popped into mind was that the church hall could instead be a cylindrical shape in a simulated symmetrical gravity. The great cylinder-church would spin to simulate gravity towards the inner surface of the tube. Like a-this:

Way more surface-efficient!
But one last problem. This way, there would be people seeing the choir upside down. To solve this, the choir would have to be organised a different way - a circular arrangement, as opposed to the usual horizontal columns. Their song would resonate through the tube in a circular symmetry.
Then I extrapolated a bit.
Say this structure of building was commonly used in a world where humans habitated space (i.e. in antigravity, woop). for buildings where a large audience was needed in front of a common "message-giver" (a choir, a musical band, a presentation, a talk, etc.) . There would exist a new problem: Text. For all of the people in the circularly-arranged audience to read the same text without tilting their heads at some angle to the side, lots of copies of that same text would have to be made, and arranged in a circle.

Whether this is done with screens or print, the same problem arises: It's pretty costly, especially if all you want to say is one letter (in the case of the illustration, ''A''). The messagers aren't getting much bang for their buck.
Then I thought: A new text/language that could be developed to suit this circular style of presenting a message. One that could be read from all angles of reading. It would have to be read vertically, for all spectators can see the text's "radius", but text lying on the circumference could only be read partially. And would have to scroll I guess. So.. example!

Liddat. Of course a more fluid text, easier to write in a circle, than mine would be developed.
I guess the circle language would have its limitations. The more letters, the more circles, and each letter would have to cover subsequently larger perimeters. So it's limited to shorter texts I suppose.
It was a cool idea in my head though. ._.
Then the thoughts ended there, and I continued paying attention. Woo! But I thought the circular text thing was a pretty neat idea. Had to save it here lest it be lost forever.
Had to get the tablet plugged up to the office to make some of this clear, would've been too confusing otherwise. FinallyI'm touching dearest tablet after SO LONG. WOOOOO
Observation told me that only a small fraction of the huge indoor space was being used for the audience - the floor. Gravity-dictate. Unused space existed! Also, there was a lot of empty space in the volume of air above us that could have been used for audience-spaces.
Trying to fix the latter cause (of the space-waste problem) first, I imagined a second floor above the audience, where more seats could be filled. The problem with this hypothetical, of course, was that members further back on the ground level would be obstructed by the new 'ceiling' formed by the second floor.
This could be rectified by lifting the second floor higher, but that would cost the top-floor audience their proper view of the stage. This wasn't good enough. I wanted a solution with no re-allocated costs to the audience.
I imagined antigravity, to simplify things. People could just float around anywhere to view the service at the spatial location of their choosing. Still, in this case, there would inevitably be some people blocking others as they hovered in front of them. Bah!
How would I fix that?
I came to the conclusion that resolving the wastage of space by using the free space within the volume of the room would only be simple if there was some way to render people transparent. Then, people could more efficiently utilise the room as an audience and wouldn't have their view blocked.
But I didn't want to delve into that problem (making people temporarily transparent). So instead I battled with the former cause of the problem - unused surfaces. If other surfaces could be filled, it would cause benefit by adding more audience seats without costing the existing audience their view of the stage (in this case, the choir).
The problem was like a cube. One interior side was being used for the choir, and another side - the bottom - was being used for the audience. If we could fill the other sides with audience, the problem would be greatly lessened.

click to zoom in, by the way.
Now that I think of it, an antigravity-based solution isn't really necessary.. but whatever. I'll continue.
What popped into mind was that the church hall could instead be a cylindrical shape in a simulated symmetrical gravity. The great cylinder-church would spin to simulate gravity towards the inner surface of the tube. Like a-this:

Way more surface-efficient!
But one last problem. This way, there would be people seeing the choir upside down. To solve this, the choir would have to be organised a different way - a circular arrangement, as opposed to the usual horizontal columns. Their song would resonate through the tube in a circular symmetry.
Then I extrapolated a bit.
Say this structure of building was commonly used in a world where humans habitated space (i.e. in antigravity, woop). for buildings where a large audience was needed in front of a common "message-giver" (a choir, a musical band, a presentation, a talk, etc.) . There would exist a new problem: Text. For all of the people in the circularly-arranged audience to read the same text without tilting their heads at some angle to the side, lots of copies of that same text would have to be made, and arranged in a circle.

Whether this is done with screens or print, the same problem arises: It's pretty costly, especially if all you want to say is one letter (in the case of the illustration, ''A''). The messagers aren't getting much bang for their buck.
Then I thought: A new text/language that could be developed to suit this circular style of presenting a message. One that could be read from all angles of reading. It would have to be read vertically, for all spectators can see the text's "radius", but text lying on the circumference could only be read partially. And would have to scroll I guess. So.. example!

Liddat. Of course a more fluid text, easier to write in a circle, than mine would be developed.
I guess the circle language would have its limitations. The more letters, the more circles, and each letter would have to cover subsequently larger perimeters. So it's limited to shorter texts I suppose.
It was a cool idea in my head though. ._.
Then the thoughts ended there, and I continued paying attention. Woo! But I thought the circular text thing was a pretty neat idea. Had to save it here lest it be lost forever.
Had to get the tablet plugged up to the office to make some of this clear, would've been too confusing otherwise. FinallyI'm touching dearest tablet after SO LONG. WOOOOO
Friday, December 17, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Something's up.
I've been feeling pretty darn awesome since around 6pm yesterday. Some sense of calm or peace or coolness has bud in me. Perhaps I have fully internalized the fact that the A levels are over - all the way down to the deepest psychological bone.
maybe I just jinxed it. lollerskates.
And for some reason I was being ridiculously jittery in bed last night, thinking about going to the library today. The excitement, the anticipation. The absolute bliss of getting a pile of books, sitting down and reading them without feeling pressured to read something relevant to school syllabi, without being pressured to study, using the library as a library should be used.
So my bag got really fat today; they let us borrow twice as many books now, since it's December.
Something weird happened during the walk up the hill home.
Somewhere ahead, I heard a faint wailing of a man's voice - "..enn"
I looked up. Must have come from the neighbours' house, they had people over this afternoon. The party's probably still on, or something. Look down. Walk.
"... enn"
Look up again. Walk.
(it sounded like 'gwenn' or 'whenn' or something. some word ending with the syllable made when you say the letter N. and the voice sounded like it was calling from far away.)
Look up, catch a shadow to my right with my peripheral vision. It's the cat, standing there in the dark. Looking at me. I look at her. She's not usually this far down the road/hill.
I walk on.
I don't hear the voice any more for the rest of the walk.
maybe I just jinxed it. lollerskates.
And for some reason I was being ridiculously jittery in bed last night, thinking about going to the library today. The excitement, the anticipation. The absolute bliss of getting a pile of books, sitting down and reading them without feeling pressured to read something relevant to school syllabi, without being pressured to study, using the library as a library should be used.
So my bag got really fat today; they let us borrow twice as many books now, since it's December.
Something weird happened during the walk up the hill home.
Somewhere ahead, I heard a faint wailing of a man's voice - "..enn"
I looked up. Must have come from the neighbours' house, they had people over this afternoon. The party's probably still on, or something. Look down. Walk.
"... enn"
Look up again. Walk.
(it sounded like 'gwenn' or 'whenn' or something. some word ending with the syllable made when you say the letter N. and the voice sounded like it was calling from far away.)
Look up, catch a shadow to my right with my peripheral vision. It's the cat, standing there in the dark. Looking at me. I look at her. She's not usually this far down the road/hill.
I walk on.
I don't hear the voice any more for the rest of the walk.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Paisley Bowtie, and an Outstretched Hand to the Whipping Post
Wake up.
Wake up.
See dead, dry, crackled up gecko hanging from its tail off the side of the upper bed bunk. Looking at me with hollowed eyes.
Grab book beside pillow, get to the living room. It's noon.
"It's alive!" Hi Daddy.
Eat fruit.
Eat lunch.
Freaks & Geeks on Youtube.
Prom was pretty fun! Glad it didn't just end up being all "I'm only here to eat and take pictures"-ish. At least not for the bunch of us. Gotta be a good audience, you know? (I love my suit, though. Suits. Suuuuit.)
Post-prom was okay. Lively, yes, but I wouldn't give someone that experience if I were trying to convince him how fun clubbing was. My first time. And it was PACKED. Couldn't move anywhere without smashing oneself through the tight, fluctuating corridors between bodies that appeared once in a while.
But okay lah. Okay. Would go again, if only to seek a better time. Clubbing 'properly', har har har.
Gotta work on the cardio for the next judo training. I shan't let the old asthma get the better of me during the next uchikomi. SwimrunrunswimssuriwrLIBRARYrunsmwiunLIBRARYYYY
Oh, and presents. Gotta beat Claire. HOO HAH.
Wake up.
See dead, dry, crackled up gecko hanging from its tail off the side of the upper bed bunk. Looking at me with hollowed eyes.
Grab book beside pillow, get to the living room. It's noon.
"It's alive!" Hi Daddy.
Eat fruit.
Eat lunch.
Freaks & Geeks on Youtube.
Prom was pretty fun! Glad it didn't just end up being all "I'm only here to eat and take pictures"-ish. At least not for the bunch of us. Gotta be a good audience, you know? (I love my suit, though. Suits. Suuuuit.)
Post-prom was okay. Lively, yes, but I wouldn't give someone that experience if I were trying to convince him how fun clubbing was. My first time. And it was PACKED. Couldn't move anywhere without smashing oneself through the tight, fluctuating corridors between bodies that appeared once in a while.
But okay lah. Okay. Would go again, if only to seek a better time. Clubbing 'properly', har har har.
Gotta work on the cardio for the next judo training. I shan't let the old asthma get the better of me during the next uchikomi. SwimrunrunswimssuriwrLIBRARYrunsmwiunLIBRARYYYY
Oh, and presents. Gotta beat Claire. HOO HAH.
Thursday, December 02, 2010
ok list things to do.
-Clear the house of scattered papers and such
-Clear the desktop of MCQ files/Notes in pdf/SCHOOL STUFF
-Work on (and finish) that header.
-Work out!
-Get NS phone
-Draw a whole buncha shit
-Do nothing!
-Besuch des Vaterlandes
-Vegetate before Youtube
-Vegetate before Reddit
-Vegetate in various public libraries
-Behold in wonderment the hundreds of free tables at library study corners (lookingatyoubugis)
-Hold breath to inhuman limits
-Learn knots
-Learn languages yo
-Relearn judo!
-Get Xmas presents
-Beat Claire at getting Xmas presents
-Have a whack at polyphasic sleep again? Maybe?
-Convince myself that the Pacman moleskines aren't worth it!
-not finish this list!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
A significant moment today.
I probably shouldn't share potty tales, but eh.
Today was the first time in almost EVER that the autoflush toilet sensor actually worked well for me!
Most of the time it flushes before I'm done. This is annoying. Very annoying.
This time it waited until I put my belt back on. Booyah.
Jurong east 4th floor toilet, you are the shit.
Brownie points for you.
Chocolate, of course.
Time to dump. Phone notes:
"Personal hell"
"unshatterable glass cups and stuff."
Note: Unshatterable. As in, hit the ground and go 'clunk'. Or 'clang'. Or 'not-smash'. As if it were metal, only with a see-through, glass-like appearance.
Or maybe if they were shatterable, but the shattering would appear as some sort of design on the cup/bowl/whatever. Like spider-webbish. Like broken windshield glass, only not broken.
"Remember hashbrowns?"
It's been so long.
"Spatial needs"
Oh, lol, sounds like 'special needs'. hurhurhur punny
"Mirrors that record and replay."
Came to mind. No doubt they've appeared in some sci-fi flick or story somewhere. But in years to come, if nobody's gonna make em, I'm going to have to try.
"14 march"
Blub blub blub
"highlighter 'sheets', translucent phosphorous rectangles shaped in various sizes that you could stick on longer sections of text"
Eh. If anyone wants to highlight.. paragraphs, I guess.
"Rapidly self-drying tissue. You could use the same one forever!"
Probably should be self-cleaning, too. Nanobot disinfectant steamers embedded within the tissue fabric.
"I wonder if the norm for the writing tool - a small, thin, stick-shaped solid - will ever evolve. Or if it can, at all. It probably can."
I mean, what if holding a little stick in your hand and gliding or scratching it against a surface was never the most efficicent, comfortable, intuitive way to write? Why did we not develop finger-painting on cave walls instead? Like finger-writing gloves with mini cartridges in each of the 'writing' fingers (probably all of them except the ringfinger and pinkie). Or something else?
k thassit
back to studying two very polar-opposittey subjects.
Today was the first time in almost EVER that the autoflush toilet sensor actually worked well for me!
Most of the time it flushes before I'm done. This is annoying. Very annoying.
This time it waited until I put my belt back on. Booyah.
Jurong east 4th floor toilet, you are the shit.
Brownie points for you.
Chocolate, of course.
Time to dump. Phone notes:
"Personal hell"
"unshatterable glass cups and stuff."
Note: Unshatterable. As in, hit the ground and go 'clunk'. Or 'clang'. Or 'not-smash'. As if it were metal, only with a see-through, glass-like appearance.
Or maybe if they were shatterable, but the shattering would appear as some sort of design on the cup/bowl/whatever. Like spider-webbish. Like broken windshield glass, only not broken.
"Remember hashbrowns?"
It's been so long.
"Spatial needs"
Oh, lol, sounds like 'special needs'. hurhurhur punny
"Mirrors that record and replay."
Came to mind. No doubt they've appeared in some sci-fi flick or story somewhere. But in years to come, if nobody's gonna make em, I'm going to have to try.
"14 march"
Blub blub blub
"highlighter 'sheets', translucent phosphorous rectangles shaped in various sizes that you could stick on longer sections of text"
Eh. If anyone wants to highlight.. paragraphs, I guess.
"Rapidly self-drying tissue. You could use the same one forever!"
Probably should be self-cleaning, too. Nanobot disinfectant steamers embedded within the tissue fabric.
"I wonder if the norm for the writing tool - a small, thin, stick-shaped solid - will ever evolve. Or if it can, at all. It probably can."
I mean, what if holding a little stick in your hand and gliding or scratching it against a surface was never the most efficicent, comfortable, intuitive way to write? Why did we not develop finger-painting on cave walls instead? Like finger-writing gloves with mini cartridges in each of the 'writing' fingers (probably all of them except the ringfinger and pinkie). Or something else?
k thassit
back to studying two very polar-opposittey subjects.
Sunday, November 07, 2010
8/23 Days
Fourteen seperate papers.
Fourteen seperate one-to-three-hour moments
to show off. to do it right. to peak.
the best you'll ever need to be. ever. university and work doesn't exist to you yet.
grab them. grab for the good one.
Fourteen seperate one-to-three-hour moments
to show off. to do it right. to peak.
the best you'll ever need to be. ever. university and work doesn't exist to you yet.
grab them. grab for the good one.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Pretend I posted this on Saturday, 18 September, 2010.
Grand crusty opening! After almost 19 years, the shell comes to light and is subsequently partially broken into a million yellow bits. Things become clearer. More distinct. A world unearthed. Perspectives shifted.
Too bad it's not over, though. Too bad the door will probably remain that way, never renovated.
(Yes it's cryptic. You're not supposed to get it. This post is for me. I need to mark the day for its personal significance. Weehee.)
side-idea-I-thought-of-in-mrt: Imagine if everyone had lasers, like the ones on gun scopes, in their eyes. You could see exactly which direction each eye was 'pointed' at. A ride in the mrt would look like some laser-guarded Mission-Impossible room or something.
Too bad it's not over, though. Too bad the door will probably remain that way, never renovated.
(Yes it's cryptic. You're not supposed to get it. This post is for me. I need to mark the day for its personal significance. Weehee.)
side-idea-I-thought-of-in-mrt: Imagine if everyone had lasers, like the ones on gun scopes, in their eyes. You could see exactly which direction each eye was 'pointed' at. A ride in the mrt would look like some laser-guarded Mission-Impossible room or something.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Looking at the old meiji-era photographs, I walk around and feel how everything around me will eventually become the old stuff. and then the present, yesterday's tomorrow, becomes my imagination's past.The feeling is so strong I don't even have to picture being in a future to make everything around me 'feel' old. Especially the architecture. Even in the mrt.
Mmmmmmmm. Pleasant morning.
Stupid book, made me look.
Search, rather.
Mmmmmmmm. Pleasant morning.
Stupid book, made me look.
Search, rather.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Ha! Caught you, July.
Time to dump my handphone notes again. I didn't know I had only a limited number I could keep. Dang. Here goes.
"Resolution for the teleporting mechanism of superheroes:
Problem - when they teleport, do they 'fuse' with the atmospheric molecules that were there?
Solution - they simply switch places with the molecules that were there."
"Advantages of walking behind couples in crowds sometimes"
I guess I already elaborated on this in a June post, but didn't specifically state couples. I guess their added benefit to the 'tagger' is that they push aside more people - hence clearing the way - when they decide to walk directly beside each other at every point in their walking.
Not a clue.
"Danny yung. Tian tian shang."
I wanted to find more about that artist who did these comic tiles in PageOne (Vivo). The framed, square-ish comics they have displayed around a particular section.
"If only money were time."
-description of a dream-
"Apex = ahpeks."
"Is it considered good luck to take an opened umbrella indoors and close it?"
"I wonder if dried papaya or dried watermelon exist."
Apparently both do.
"7.7.10, 3.20pm
random urge to burst a balloon underwater."
I bet it'd look really cool.
"From my dream: the blue bag. It is zip-lock. It is underground. It contains everything you've decided you actually need, and when the rest of your life comes crumbling to the ashes, you pull it through all the shit and the rubble and it. is. there. for. you."
I might have been subconsciously inspired by the end of the book 1984. That's what this reminded me of.
"Resolution for the teleporting mechanism of superheroes:
Problem - when they teleport, do they 'fuse' with the atmospheric molecules that were there?
Solution - they simply switch places with the molecules that were there."
"Advantages of walking behind couples in crowds sometimes"
I guess I already elaborated on this in a June post, but didn't specifically state couples. I guess their added benefit to the 'tagger' is that they push aside more people - hence clearing the way - when they decide to walk directly beside each other at every point in their walking.
Not a clue.
"Danny yung. Tian tian shang."
I wanted to find more about that artist who did these comic tiles in PageOne (Vivo). The framed, square-ish comics they have displayed around a particular section.
"If only money were time."
-description of a dream-
"Apex = ahpeks."
"Is it considered good luck to take an opened umbrella indoors and close it?"
"I wonder if dried papaya or dried watermelon exist."
Apparently both do.
"7.7.10, 3.20pm
random urge to burst a balloon underwater."
I bet it'd look really cool.
"From my dream: the blue bag. It is zip-lock. It is underground. It contains everything you've decided you actually need, and when the rest of your life comes crumbling to the ashes, you pull it through all the shit and the rubble and it. is. there. for. you."
I might have been subconsciously inspired by the end of the book 1984. That's what this reminded me of.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Weak in the Knees
What're you lookin' at, frog? What do you want? What do you mean?
I shall do this post in chunks.. screw you, coherence and flow.
Was having an interesting time taking a visual approach to studying. Bio and Econs, specifically. It's.. closing my eyes and seeing the points in my notes flow together as a visual story (bio) or closing my eyes and starting with a problem in my head from absolute scratch, and progressing with the answer from there (econs). And I think this visually thinkingy thingy works very well for me. WOO.
Then I went on applying it to other weird headproblems. Like how I would defeat myself in a battle of two other clones with identical relative starting points. Cool stuffzorxz. Really. Really!
And the day before, I noticed something odd in the mrt. I was walking from Outram's purple line to the green line at about 8:30am in the morning when I realised all I could hear around me was the stamping, the consistent marching, of feet. Nobody was talking. The fact that it was very, very crowded made it odder. I realise I hadn't consciously noticed the ambient verbal rambling of the crowd until that morning. Heh.
Third chunk: One of the best places to be alone in is a club washroom. With grooming tools by a huge mirror. And fantastic shower facilities. And a sauna. Oh yes.
Fourth: I have increasingly found usefulness in the practice of 'tagging' onto people publically. Usefulness, particularly, in getting oneself through crowds with ease.
For instance, you are in a crowded mrt cab. You are leaning on one door, and your stop comes. The door on the other side opens. You need to get through. Normally, one would have to do the uncomfortable "excuse me" routine several times as one passes through the idle, rigid bodies, rushing with the fear that the door will soon close.
However! If you are lucky and have someone beside/around you who must go through the same problem, you may simply 'tag' onto them. This means as they push through the people to get to the door, simply follow directly behind them in the temporary space they have made by getting through people.This way you can depend completely on the other person to get you through without doing the 'excuse-me's.
(If the person you've tagged happens to be very slow, or the crowd is particularly thick, and so you two don't make it to the door on time, at least you are in it together ey?)
This also works wonderfully when one is moving through a large crowd in, say, a shopping aisle in Bangkok..
Fifth: There should be some sort of sport where you can use all manner of hand and foot techniques (from soccer, basketball, handball, etc.) to get the ball to the other team's net. This game would be called "Ball".
First, we would all be in a large, empty expanse. We would be sitting on a chair each, and a table, facing each other to form a perfect equilateral triangle. Because we're all me, anything I do would be exactly what the other two would do. They'd be thinking the same thoughts, working out this problem too. The only way to get out of our identical mindpath would be to screw it up with the forces of randomness. So I'd throw something in the centre of the 'triangle', knowing they would do the same. I (and therefore we) decide that the first person to be targeted would be the one who had the thrown objects located closer to them after the collision. So I would go about beating him first, before setting myself on the other clone. One would eventually win, despite identical physical ability, as there is bound to be a difference in our responses due to different starting positions in the fight. Especially given close contact.
Of course, I would have to anticipate what I would do were it myself who ended up the 'loser' in the throw-things-to-the-centre gamble. I would immediately dash in the backwards direction and continue running. As the other two would have started out behind me, there will eventually come a point where they have just enough energy to travel the distance between me and them, and I can stay still to wait for them to do so. I use this equal amount of energy to recuperate, while they have expended it in their last steps.
Then, having thought of that, I would need to find a counter-measure. Because I would want to chase someone till my death. So I guess my starting move towards the first clone victim would be to throw the furniture I have at them. yay for long range weaponry, I guess.
And then I would have to think of a counter for that! And the list would go on!
Maybe I would end up just.. chionging into the fight of three.
I shall do this post in chunks.. screw you, coherence and flow.
Was having an interesting time taking a visual approach to studying. Bio and Econs, specifically. It's.. closing my eyes and seeing the points in my notes flow together as a visual story (bio) or closing my eyes and starting with a problem in my head from absolute scratch, and progressing with the answer from there (econs). And I think this visually thinkingy thingy works very well for me. WOO.
Then I went on applying it to other weird headproblems. Like how I would defeat myself in a battle of two other clones with identical relative starting points. Cool stuffzorxz. Really. Really!
And the day before, I noticed something odd in the mrt. I was walking from Outram's purple line to the green line at about 8:30am in the morning when I realised all I could hear around me was the stamping, the consistent marching, of feet. Nobody was talking. The fact that it was very, very crowded made it odder. I realise I hadn't consciously noticed the ambient verbal rambling of the crowd until that morning. Heh.
Third chunk: One of the best places to be alone in is a club washroom. With grooming tools by a huge mirror. And fantastic shower facilities. And a sauna. Oh yes.
Fourth: I have increasingly found usefulness in the practice of 'tagging' onto people publically. Usefulness, particularly, in getting oneself through crowds with ease.
For instance, you are in a crowded mrt cab. You are leaning on one door, and your stop comes. The door on the other side opens. You need to get through. Normally, one would have to do the uncomfortable "excuse me" routine several times as one passes through the idle, rigid bodies, rushing with the fear that the door will soon close.
However! If you are lucky and have someone beside/around you who must go through the same problem, you may simply 'tag' onto them. This means as they push through the people to get to the door, simply follow directly behind them in the temporary space they have made by getting through people.This way you can depend completely on the other person to get you through without doing the 'excuse-me's.
(If the person you've tagged happens to be very slow, or the crowd is particularly thick, and so you two don't make it to the door on time, at least you are in it together ey?)
This also works wonderfully when one is moving through a large crowd in, say, a shopping aisle in Bangkok..
Fifth: There should be some sort of sport where you can use all manner of hand and foot techniques (from soccer, basketball, handball, etc.) to get the ball to the other team's net. This game would be called "Ball".
First, we would all be in a large, empty expanse. We would be sitting on a chair each, and a table, facing each other to form a perfect equilateral triangle. Because we're all me, anything I do would be exactly what the other two would do. They'd be thinking the same thoughts, working out this problem too. The only way to get out of our identical mindpath would be to screw it up with the forces of randomness. So I'd throw something in the centre of the 'triangle', knowing they would do the same. I (and therefore we) decide that the first person to be targeted would be the one who had the thrown objects located closer to them after the collision. So I would go about beating him first, before setting myself on the other clone. One would eventually win, despite identical physical ability, as there is bound to be a difference in our responses due to different starting positions in the fight. Especially given close contact.
Of course, I would have to anticipate what I would do were it myself who ended up the 'loser' in the throw-things-to-the-centre gamble. I would immediately dash in the backwards direction and continue running. As the other two would have started out behind me, there will eventually come a point where they have just enough energy to travel the distance between me and them, and I can stay still to wait for them to do so. I use this equal amount of energy to recuperate, while they have expended it in their last steps.
Then, having thought of that, I would need to find a counter-measure. Because I would want to chase someone till my death. So I guess my starting move towards the first clone victim would be to throw the furniture I have at them. yay for long range weaponry, I guess.
And then I would have to think of a counter for that! And the list would go on!
Maybe I would end up just.. chionging into the fight of three.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Farewell, Gentle Way.
Time for the true test. They will either remove "南初柔道 IPPON!" from their nicnames, or leave them there forever.
After finishing the warm part of my shower, I turn the heat off and spray the water at my feet. I look at the showerhead with reluctance.
I turn up the cold water to a higher force, and suddenly my fears subside. I spray an icy cold blast to my chest and back, and it feels fine.
Yes. I need to explore 'Just zam'.
That's all. Been a while.
After finishing the warm part of my shower, I turn the heat off and spray the water at my feet. I look at the showerhead with reluctance.
I turn up the cold water to a higher force, and suddenly my fears subside. I spray an icy cold blast to my chest and back, and it feels fine.
Yes. I need to explore 'Just zam'.
That's all. Been a while.
Monday, May 03, 2010
Why I Support Manchester United: An Anecdote.
Long ago, when I was still of a single-digit age, there came the day when my elder sister introduced me to paper soccer.
"First, we draw the field on the paper. Then this is your starting point. Then you flick your pencil like this -"
she pressed the lead end of the pencil down onto the paper, one finger on the rubberised end. Shifting this one-finger grip slightly, the pencil flicked forward, leaving a tapered line on the paper 'field'.
" - and we play until one person reaches the other person's goal."
"kay lets start. Wait, must choose our teams first. Who you want to be?"
"er, don't know.."
"kay uh.. you be Man U. I choose Liverpool"
"but I want liverpool!"
"Cannot! I already choose. I always choose liverpool when I play one"
And so, from then on, I always played that game as Manchester United. And this is why I am biased, slightly, towards Man Utd supporters.
red devils go
"First, we draw the field on the paper. Then this is your starting point. Then you flick your pencil like this -"
she pressed the lead end of the pencil down onto the paper, one finger on the rubberised end. Shifting this one-finger grip slightly, the pencil flicked forward, leaving a tapered line on the paper 'field'.
" - and we play until one person reaches the other person's goal."
"kay lets start. Wait, must choose our teams first. Who you want to be?"
"er, don't know.."
"kay uh.. you be Man U. I choose Liverpool"
"but I want liverpool!"
"Cannot! I already choose. I always choose liverpool when I play one"
And so, from then on, I always played that game as Manchester United. And this is why I am biased, slightly, towards Man Utd supporters.
red devils go
As You Sit,
Things are happening.
What is happening? [PHYSICS, BIO, GP,]
How is it happening? [PHYSICS, BIO, ECONS]
Why is it happening? [GP, ECONS]
What if I don't care? [MATH]
And now to be hellboy.
What is happening? [PHYSICS, BIO, GP,]
How is it happening? [PHYSICS, BIO, ECONS]
Why is it happening? [GP, ECONS]
What if I don't care? [MATH]
And now to be hellboy.
Friday, April 09, 2010
Interesting marketing concept I thought of. Probably not new.
Say a shopkeeper wishes for a certain group of products to be sold (e.g. coke cans, bananas and toilet paper. A potent mix).
He/she sets up an attractive offer - a free gift for every X dollars spent on goods. No more, no less.
To get you buying those products, he/she does this: altering all prices of goods sold in the store such that no (or very few) combinations of things purchased total up in cost to exactly X.
So that, in order to get that free gift, the only thing you can do to do so is to buy that combination of goods that he/she wants you to buy.
And these are the assumptions/conditions:
-The gift must be desirable to some extent (no tissue paper, thanks).
-The combination of goods in question must be obvious to the consumers. i.e. it must not be difficult to see that they add up perfectly to make X.
+The shop may have few other goods in the shop, to facilitate this.
+The shop may present the prices of the predetermined goods very prominently.
+The shop may be small in size.
Say a shopkeeper wishes for a certain group of products to be sold (e.g. coke cans, bananas and toilet paper. A potent mix).
He/she sets up an attractive offer - a free gift for every X dollars spent on goods. No more, no less.
To get you buying those products, he/she does this: altering all prices of goods sold in the store such that no (or very few) combinations of things purchased total up in cost to exactly X.
So that, in order to get that free gift, the only thing you can do to do so is to buy that combination of goods that he/she wants you to buy.
And these are the assumptions/conditions:
-The gift must be desirable to some extent (no tissue paper, thanks).
-The combination of goods in question must be obvious to the consumers. i.e. it must not be difficult to see that they add up perfectly to make X.
+The shop may have few other goods in the shop, to facilitate this.
+The shop may present the prices of the predetermined goods very prominently.
+The shop may be small in size.
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Doppelmadhyastha. And limits.
Trips on the NEL night train beg me to theorise this. Every caucasian/European face has a twin somewhere in India.
That is all.
The finish line stares you directly in the face.
You are going to die. Maybe it is far. Even so, it is present. Unless.
An empty road lies before you.
What do you do?
That is all.
The finish line stares you directly in the face.
You are going to die. Maybe it is far. Even so, it is present. Unless.
An empty road lies before you.
What do you do?
Friday, April 02, 2010
The forest flowers sigh an olfactory swan song. I sigh back.
It's time I blogged again. Goodness, I skipped May!
I guess I'll type about the recent blood donation-ing.
Entered the hall, saw a couple of familiar judo faces, filled in my form. Went to get screened by the doctor, followed by a blood check (for haemoglobin count. And maybe disease. :-o). Sat down with JK, then LY, in the waiting line.
My turn. Took the left-hand bench and reclined. A little more waiting before a nurse comes over to give me a wee injection in my arm. A little pinch.
A little more waiting, and she's back. She prepares the big one. I make it a point not to look away while she's inserting it. I'll seldom get the chance to do so anyway. So I look. By now the anasthetic injection appears to have kicked in; the needle doesn't bring a sensation. But once it's in, I feel very aware of the piece of metal embedded within my left arm. I make it a point not to move me left arm or hand. At all. And so it lays dead still. Before I realise what's happening, the tube is already dark red and the bag fills up. The tube to the bag feels warm along my arm. Nice!
I recline. I read the book. I look at stuff. I answer the phone. I smile at JK's taunts. Another wait.
I feel discomfort. Something feels odd. Like my skin is going 'ooowwwWWW' slowly. I don't consider the possibility that the anasthetic wasn't that powerful. Instead I notice that the bag looks really full, and notice that no nurses notice that the bag looks full. So I fret a little. Is there some kind of backflow going on or something? What's happening? Somebody, COME HERE AND LOOK. I continue silently fretting.
The blood-checking nurse points at me while talking to another nurse. This other nurse comes by. At this point I feel very giddy. Very weak, very numb. The needle comes out painlessly, but I feel no comfort. I musta looked horrid, because the nurse set my bench down and propped my legs up. "A bit giddy is it?" "Ya a bit."
I lay there, ears numb and vision whitened (for some reason) (with the edges blurred) while I sweat. I feel the nurse wrap up my arm. I lay there to rest.
I feel better! Mr G comes over and says I look really pale. I don't feel pale. I ask around. I was apparently really pale. I decide I feel fine and proceed to get off the bench. Nurse stops me and says I have to wait for the doctor.
More waiting. Doctor comes over and checks me up. Blood pressure, are-you-feeling-fines, the usual. All is well. I proceed to the feed-me-lotsa-sweets table. Escorted by a red cross person. "Are you okay?" Then escorted by a red cross person and Mr G. Then seated down and brought food by the two. "I'm fine la I'm fine."
Then waited for JK, LY, M and headed off.
Interesting first time!
Odd to consider that an ex-fraction of my body's blood may end up in another body for use. Coo'.
Handphone notes. Time to dump em here.
"You may have long lost twins or clones that you've never met, living in foreign countries. That you will never meet. Ever."
Speaks for itself, really. A wee fantasy.
"A world with people that have the non-mirrored organs of their body horizontally flipped along the body's 'y-axis'. e.g. their hearts on their right, their stomachs on their right."
Odd thought. After which it appeared in this emo comic book I read and the movie Ninja Assassin. Kwinkydink.
"Aint no need to rush for the same late train."
No idea why this arrangement of words popped into head. I've yet to think about it and consider how it may be applied. If at all.
"It's been a long time since I called another person Alex. What are the chances of that happening?"
I'm saving these two for a later post. They're a bit long.
"Ice cream prata? wtf?"
Saw a sign for it while walking to tuition. Still strikes me as a bit weird. And should probably be put here.
"The fuzzy, primal enclave.
There is a $1 coin in the sky."
Random phrase. And it was a full moon that night.
"can you hear the whistle blow a hundred miles"
Guess I remembered that song and didn't want to forget it again. heh
"The whole world smells like shit today.
-22 march 2010, 8.21am"
Was feeling real emo on the walk to school that morning. I remember that day being the first time I harnessed emo power during training. And it made me slightly awesome. But that's gone nao.
On that note, HUGE judo dinner earlier. Plus lame games on the roof of J8.
And off I go.
Yay, I blogged!
TGIGF tomorrow
Happy April fools.
It's time I blogged again. Goodness, I skipped May!
I guess I'll type about the recent blood donation-ing.
Entered the hall, saw a couple of familiar judo faces, filled in my form. Went to get screened by the doctor, followed by a blood check (for haemoglobin count. And maybe disease. :-o). Sat down with JK, then LY, in the waiting line.
My turn. Took the left-hand bench and reclined. A little more waiting before a nurse comes over to give me a wee injection in my arm. A little pinch.
A little more waiting, and she's back. She prepares the big one. I make it a point not to look away while she's inserting it. I'll seldom get the chance to do so anyway. So I look. By now the anasthetic injection appears to have kicked in; the needle doesn't bring a sensation. But once it's in, I feel very aware of the piece of metal embedded within my left arm. I make it a point not to move me left arm or hand. At all. And so it lays dead still. Before I realise what's happening, the tube is already dark red and the bag fills up. The tube to the bag feels warm along my arm. Nice!
I recline. I read the book. I look at stuff. I answer the phone. I smile at JK's taunts. Another wait.
I feel discomfort. Something feels odd. Like my skin is going 'ooowwwWWW' slowly. I don't consider the possibility that the anasthetic wasn't that powerful. Instead I notice that the bag looks really full, and notice that no nurses notice that the bag looks full. So I fret a little. Is there some kind of backflow going on or something? What's happening? Somebody, COME HERE AND LOOK. I continue silently fretting.
The blood-checking nurse points at me while talking to another nurse. This other nurse comes by. At this point I feel very giddy. Very weak, very numb. The needle comes out painlessly, but I feel no comfort. I musta looked horrid, because the nurse set my bench down and propped my legs up. "A bit giddy is it?" "Ya a bit."
I lay there, ears numb and vision whitened (for some reason) (with the edges blurred) while I sweat. I feel the nurse wrap up my arm. I lay there to rest.
I feel better! Mr G comes over and says I look really pale. I don't feel pale. I ask around. I was apparently really pale. I decide I feel fine and proceed to get off the bench. Nurse stops me and says I have to wait for the doctor.
More waiting. Doctor comes over and checks me up. Blood pressure, are-you-feeling-fines, the usual. All is well. I proceed to the feed-me-lotsa-sweets table. Escorted by a red cross person. "Are you okay?" Then escorted by a red cross person and Mr G. Then seated down and brought food by the two. "I'm fine la I'm fine."
Then waited for JK, LY, M and headed off.
Interesting first time!
Odd to consider that an ex-fraction of my body's blood may end up in another body for use. Coo'.
Handphone notes. Time to dump em here.
"You may have long lost twins or clones that you've never met, living in foreign countries. That you will never meet. Ever."
Speaks for itself, really. A wee fantasy.
"A world with people that have the non-mirrored organs of their body horizontally flipped along the body's 'y-axis'. e.g. their hearts on their right, their stomachs on their right."
Odd thought. After which it appeared in this emo comic book I read and the movie Ninja Assassin. Kwinkydink.
"Aint no need to rush for the same late train."
No idea why this arrangement of words popped into head. I've yet to think about it and consider how it may be applied. If at all.
"It's been a long time since I called another person Alex. What are the chances of that happening?"
I'm saving these two for a later post. They're a bit long.
"Ice cream prata? wtf?"
Saw a sign for it while walking to tuition. Still strikes me as a bit weird. And should probably be put here.
"The fuzzy, primal enclave.
There is a $1 coin in the sky."
Random phrase. And it was a full moon that night.
"can you hear the whistle blow a hundred miles"
Guess I remembered that song and didn't want to forget it again. heh
"The whole world smells like shit today.
-22 march 2010, 8.21am"
Was feeling real emo on the walk to school that morning. I remember that day being the first time I harnessed emo power during training. And it made me slightly awesome. But that's gone nao.
On that note, HUGE judo dinner earlier. Plus lame games on the roof of J8.
And off I go.
Yay, I blogged!
TGIGF tomorrow
Happy April fools.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Standard conversation I've had with many, many people upon just meeting them. 354
Are you Singaporean?
"Yep. Born here."
You're mixed/mixedblood/Eurasian?
So your dad is from..
Oh. [Insert possible comment about Canada] So you go there every year to meet your relatives?
"Twice. Ever. Once when I was a baby."
From which the rest of the conversation tends to follow. mramrm.
When walking towards a certain destination, sometimes people will walk up from beside or behind you in a direction different to yours. Impulsively, I sometimes follow their direction quickly in order to pass them to continue travelling your way. To get out of their way, while still moving forward.
Sometimes, when this does not prove as smooth as I intended, the following occur.
1: The person perceives you as you perceive them, a person-in-the-way, and attempts the same maneuver. This results in a little race where at least one person ends up travelling an unnecesarily long path to where they intended to go, wasting a fair bit of time (and energy) in doing so.
2: The person, oblivious to your action, keeps moving. But you are unable to overtake them within a short period of time, as they walk at a similar or higher speed than you. This results in a little race where you end up travelling an unnecesarily long path to where you intended to go, wasting a fair bit of time (and energy) in doing so.
Not only is time wasted when you sidetrack
and energy wasted when you accelerate
but you may end up travelling the same distance it would have taken you to get to the end, only ending up at another location, like some wall, due to the abberated path.
An alternative approach is simply to pause momentarily, have the person walk in their direction in front of you, and carry on in your direction.
The sacrifice is that you may take a longer time to reach your destination due to the pause. But there is no risk of veering off track in the first place.
Sometimes I forget to use this method, in my oft-hurried walk.
Because sometimes I blur.
Are you Singaporean?
"Yep. Born here."
You're mixed/mixedblood/Eurasian?
So your dad is from..
Oh. [Insert possible comment about Canada] So you go there every year to meet your relatives?
"Twice. Ever. Once when I was a baby."
From which the rest of the conversation tends to follow. mramrm.
When walking towards a certain destination, sometimes people will walk up from beside or behind you in a direction different to yours. Impulsively, I sometimes follow their direction quickly in order to pass them to continue travelling your way. To get out of their way, while still moving forward.
Sometimes, when this does not prove as smooth as I intended, the following occur.
1: The person perceives you as you perceive them, a person-in-the-way, and attempts the same maneuver. This results in a little race where at least one person ends up travelling an unnecesarily long path to where they intended to go, wasting a fair bit of time (and energy) in doing so.
2: The person, oblivious to your action, keeps moving. But you are unable to overtake them within a short period of time, as they walk at a similar or higher speed than you. This results in a little race where you end up travelling an unnecesarily long path to where you intended to go, wasting a fair bit of time (and energy) in doing so.
Not only is time wasted when you sidetrack
and energy wasted when you accelerate
but you may end up travelling the same distance it would have taken you to get to the end, only ending up at another location, like some wall, due to the abberated path.
An alternative approach is simply to pause momentarily, have the person walk in their direction in front of you, and carry on in your direction.
The sacrifice is that you may take a longer time to reach your destination due to the pause. But there is no risk of veering off track in the first place.
Sometimes I forget to use this method, in my oft-hurried walk.
Because sometimes I blur.
Monday, February 15, 2010
To Health.
I have failed. There was just too much stuff to have to be done for me to go all sleepy like that. Not the right time.
Here, have a compensatory drawing.

Here, have a compensatory drawing.

Sunday, February 14, 2010
Don't be sad that it ended, be happy that it happened.
Don't be sad that it happened, be happy that it ended.
Works both ways under different contexts, lawl.
My report on night 1 of sleeplessness. That's the night of Feb 12/morning of Feb 13.
11.10pm: I look at the clock and think 'you are so not prepared..'
11.59pm: first yawn.
12.23am: drowsy, fidgeting eyes.
12.41am: very heavy eyelidding. So soon? Probably because of judo earlier. Ohboy.
12.59am: k not as drowsy any more.
1.40am: I realise I have about 22 hours before I sleep. I should designate them into work.
2.05am: Tip: do not search for sleep-related articles on Wikipedia.
3.02am: were those dark spots under my eyes there before?
3.04am: time for 5 almonds.
3.45am: time to shut down the compy and read bookz.
4.10am: concentrating on the story proves to be highly unsuccessful due to drowsiness. I go for a walk.
5.30am: back. shower. turn on lights and read in the living room.
somewhereinbetween: seriously going off tangent mentally when reading book. Ocassional 'snap out of it!' moments when I realise my eyes are closed.
9.30am: woah, I look terrible.
[day continues as per normal]
noonish: Thoughts of "I realise I am going to sleep tonight. YYYYEESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!"
Thassall. Post-mortem reflection: It felt terrible. It became very difficult to do work on the second half of the 48-hour day. Though I did feel back to full capacity around 2pm. Probably the best I felt was during the walk from St Theresa's and back. There was no reluctance to abuptly stop walking and look around. No rush or pressure at all. Felt serene. Felt nice.
Oh well, the second one's tonight. See what happens.
CNY celebrations today. Went to the Concorde for lion dance, followed by a heavy lunch at Marché. First time there, nice place. Great food. I regret not having my own shredded-potato-thing (called a rösti, I think it was).
Off to family dinner part 2 later today.
Almost done with Heinlein's Stranger. I'm finally at the end!
The End.
Don't be sad that it happened, be happy that it ended.
Works both ways under different contexts, lawl.
My report on night 1 of sleeplessness. That's the night of Feb 12/morning of Feb 13.
11.10pm: I look at the clock and think 'you are so not prepared..'
11.59pm: first yawn.
12.23am: drowsy, fidgeting eyes.
12.41am: very heavy eyelidding. So soon? Probably because of judo earlier. Ohboy.
12.59am: k not as drowsy any more.
1.40am: I realise I have about 22 hours before I sleep. I should designate them into work.
2.05am: Tip: do not search for sleep-related articles on Wikipedia.
3.02am: were those dark spots under my eyes there before?
3.04am: time for 5 almonds.
3.45am: time to shut down the compy and read bookz.
4.10am: concentrating on the story proves to be highly unsuccessful due to drowsiness. I go for a walk.
5.30am: back. shower. turn on lights and read in the living room.
somewhereinbetween: seriously going off tangent mentally when reading book. Ocassional 'snap out of it!' moments when I realise my eyes are closed.
9.30am: woah, I look terrible.
[day continues as per normal]
noonish: Thoughts of "I realise I am going to sleep tonight. YYYYEESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!"
Thassall. Post-mortem reflection: It felt terrible. It became very difficult to do work on the second half of the 48-hour day. Though I did feel back to full capacity around 2pm. Probably the best I felt was during the walk from St Theresa's and back. There was no reluctance to abuptly stop walking and look around. No rush or pressure at all. Felt serene. Felt nice.
Oh well, the second one's tonight. See what happens.
CNY celebrations today. Went to the Concorde for lion dance, followed by a heavy lunch at Marché. First time there, nice place. Great food. I regret not having my own shredded-potato-thing (called a rösti, I think it was).
Off to family dinner part 2 later today.
Almost done with Heinlein's Stranger. I'm finally at the end!
The End.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Before I lose the chance.
-Sleep alternate nights for the following period or more: Feb 12 - Feb 20
-Do not consume caffeine.
-Spend majority of awake-night hours doing productive things. (aka 'don't stone')
-Record observances if any.
-Refrain from acting on potential increased irritability. Be nice.
-No naps until the 16th.
Summary of CNY celebrations @NYJC:
-Sat all the way in the back due to seating arrangements. Rar.
-CO people with instrumental version of what sounded like the Mortal Kombat theme.
-Lion dance. (drums could've been more energetic!)
-Get pulled out with S to go onstage for costume contest thing (because we wore special shirts)
-Gong Xi Fa Cai! *swerves hands in synchrony with partner*
-Embarrass self by over-talking on stage
-2nd for guys category, ho ho
-Sleep alternate nights for the following period or more: Feb 12 - Feb 20
-Do not consume caffeine.
-Spend majority of awake-night hours doing productive things. (aka 'don't stone')
-Record observances if any.
-Refrain from acting on potential increased irritability. Be nice.
-No naps until the 16th.
Summary of CNY celebrations @NYJC:
-Sat all the way in the back due to seating arrangements. Rar.
-CO people with instrumental version of what sounded like the Mortal Kombat theme.
-Lion dance. (drums could've been more energetic!)
-Get pulled out with S to go onstage for costume contest thing (because we wore special shirts)
-Gong Xi Fa Cai! *swerves hands in synchrony with partner*
-Embarrass self by over-talking on stage
-2nd for guys category, ho ho
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Personal side-project.
Construct poetry/song lyrics for the following.
-Structure of DNA
-Transcription Process
-Translation Process
-Interphase (G1, S, G2)
-Functions of Golgi
I don't feel like dancing.
-Structure of DNA
-Transcription Process
-Translation Process
-Interphase (G1, S, G2)
-Functions of Golgi
I don't feel like dancing.
Friday, February 05, 2010
A Letter to My Wallet
Dear Arrow,
I am sorry.
I am so, so sorry.
I know it's been a rough week
and yet I can't let you rest this weekend, not yet.
Please, just bear with me until it's over.
Just a few more days.
I promise.
I am sorry.
I am so, so sorry.
I know it's been a rough week
and yet I can't let you rest this weekend, not yet.
Please, just bear with me until it's over.
Just a few more days.
I promise.
Monday, February 01, 2010
Bodies in Motion
Sweaty right hand. Right hand's sweaty. Sweaty hand on my right. Past few days. Why why why.
Claire's loud friends propagating large quantities of Obnoxium (Obx). Uergh.
Learnt the 32nd mass dance today. Woot woot woot.
Claire's loud friends propagating large quantities of Obnoxium (Obx). Uergh.
Learnt the 32nd mass dance today. Woot woot woot.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Boe Tax
Barber had his naughty grandson in the barbershop today.
Decided to try having the top slightly longer than the sides, to reduce the poofing-out look that occurs when my hair goes longer.
Two spambots on msn I've deleteblocked recently:
"Hi. Who is this?"
" Do I know you?"
"i'm 21/f your a male right?"
"Yeah. How did you get my email?"
"nice, I just got off work and finally got some time to relax which site did i msg you from again?"
[at this point it's pretty obvious. Just one more test..]
"I am a little busy right now, trying to upload some new pics to my photobucket if ya wanna check them out go http://photobucket.com/SweetSouthern tell me what ya think :-)"
"k you're a bot. tsk."
"whats a bot?"
"Hey. Who is this?"
"hey, hows it going?"
"Crap. You're a bot."
"whats a bot?"
"i'm 22/f your a male right?"
Be wary.
Decided to try having the top slightly longer than the sides, to reduce the poofing-out look that occurs when my hair goes longer.
Two spambots on msn I've deleteblocked recently:
"Hi. Who is this?"
" Do I know you?"
"i'm 21/f your a male right?"
"Yeah. How did you get my email?"
"nice, I just got off work and finally got some time to relax which site did i msg you from again?"
[at this point it's pretty obvious. Just one more test..]
"I am a little busy right now, trying to upload some new pics to my photobucket if ya wanna check them out go http://photobucket.com/SweetSouthern tell me what ya think :-)"
"k you're a bot. tsk."
"whats a bot?"
"Hey. Who is this?"
"hey, hows it going?"
"Crap. You're a bot."
"whats a bot?"
"i'm 22/f your a male right?"
Be wary.
Languages that would be cool to know.
Friday, January 29, 2010
School of a Thousand Zans
Open daily except Fridays
9.30AM - 7PM
All are welcome"
Coulda done it today. Cripes.
Open daily except Fridays
9.30AM - 7PM
All are welcome"
Coulda done it today. Cripes.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Imagine people with the non-mirrored organs within their body flipped horizontally. Like their hearts on the right. And their appendix on the left. So on. Outside they'd look exactly the same, inside they'd function exactly the same. Just.. flipped.
"Oh, I'm left-bodied."
And that is all.
"Oh, I'm left-bodied."
And that is all.
Friday, January 22, 2010
It Seems JZK is Missing.
I will now list possible reasons.
1. He is injured somewhere and cannot walk and is not in the open.
2. He is kidnapped.
3. Suicide.
4. Homicide.
5. Staying at a friend's house.
6. He has run away and is loitering around the streets with the money he has.
7. Hiding in school.
8. Accidental death.
9. Hiding in LAN shops.
10. He has run away and is living with someone who has hired him for work.
11. His mother is lying.
12. His father has taken him back to China.
13. Some other thing.
14. A company has hired him for his outstanding talents in something, and he is happily overseas.
[EDIT: The answer was apparently 6. And half of 3. And possibly 9, but I don't know for sure.]
[But anyway: hurray]
1. He is injured somewhere and cannot walk and is not in the open.
2. He is kidnapped.
3. Suicide.
4. Homicide.
5. Staying at a friend's house.
6. He has run away and is loitering around the streets with the money he has.
7. Hiding in school.
8. Accidental death.
9. Hiding in LAN shops.
10. He has run away and is living with someone who has hired him for work.
11. His mother is lying.
12. His father has taken him back to China.
13. Some other thing.
14. A company has hired him for his outstanding talents in something, and he is happily overseas.
[EDIT: The answer was apparently 6. And half of 3. And possibly 9, but I don't know for sure.]
[But anyway: hurray]
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Quick one.
Diaryblog entries for yesterday and the day before that.
7.30 GP lesson. Continuation of the class similie exercise, lesson on metaphor and personification. I left 10 minutes early to meet up with Ms L at the parade square, as instructed.
Assembly. Got the ltc dvds and distributed to most of the Snapeys. Next: Physics.
Lecture was okay, filling in blank parts of Current Electricity notes on the way due to bridging. Got to know about the exam format with more detail. Gotta ace them last two chapters to secure 40 marks.
Breeeaaaak. Everyone wondering where to go for phys tutorial due to the fact that it was converted from a practical session.
Commence the 2-hr tutorial. Went into Superposition tutorial more (finally cleared my head about what a Harmonic was) and then went into Current.
2.5 hour break. Worked on the econs project. Ish. It's pretty much done save for individual research for our portions of the presentation.
Econs lecture. Which was right in the middle of the partial solar eclipse that may've been seen from Singapore, says John. Rrrrrrrr.
Faber jog at 6! Slept early so I woke early so I ran. Ideas arose during my run.
Back, showered, computer-ed, math-ed. Biology-ed. Slept. :D
I guess the day gets simpler without school, no? Yes.
7.30 GP lesson. Continuation of the class similie exercise, lesson on metaphor and personification. I left 10 minutes early to meet up with Ms L at the parade square, as instructed.
Assembly. Got the ltc dvds and distributed to most of the Snapeys. Next: Physics.
Lecture was okay, filling in blank parts of Current Electricity notes on the way due to bridging. Got to know about the exam format with more detail. Gotta ace them last two chapters to secure 40 marks.
Breeeaaaak. Everyone wondering where to go for phys tutorial due to the fact that it was converted from a practical session.
Commence the 2-hr tutorial. Went into Superposition tutorial more (finally cleared my head about what a Harmonic was) and then went into Current.
2.5 hour break. Worked on the econs project. Ish. It's pretty much done save for individual research for our portions of the presentation.
Econs lecture. Which was right in the middle of the partial solar eclipse that may've been seen from Singapore, says John. Rrrrrrrr.
Faber jog at 6! Slept early so I woke early so I ran. Ideas arose during my run.
Back, showered, computer-ed, math-ed. Biology-ed. Slept. :D
I guess the day gets simpler without school, no? Yes.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
When the moon is yellow silver
Maybe when our story's over
We'll go where it's always spring
The band is playing our song again
And all the world is green
~Tom Waits
Today was the first time I saw a part of my own face flash in the eigengrau. Hrm.
Diaryblogging for today:
Went to school early for PE at 7.30. Height&weight check, followed by three laps around the field. Followed by pullups. ZK did not do his share. Went to canteen, ate yong tau foo, went to econs. Then math lecture. On the applications of differentiation. Then GP. Then physics with the wonderful new teacher Mrs C. Then canteen for an hour before clb. I don't know what it was. But I was dying in that classroom keeping my eyes open. This does not happen. Maybe it was the early PE.
Then I homed.
Then here.
We'll go where it's always spring
The band is playing our song again
And all the world is green
~Tom Waits
Today was the first time I saw a part of my own face flash in the eigengrau. Hrm.
Diaryblogging for today:
Went to school early for PE at 7.30. Height&weight check, followed by three laps around the field. Followed by pullups. ZK did not do his share. Went to canteen, ate yong tau foo, went to econs. Then math lecture. On the applications of differentiation. Then GP. Then physics with the wonderful new teacher Mrs C. Then canteen for an hour before clb. I don't know what it was. But I was dying in that classroom keeping my eyes open. This does not happen. Maybe it was the early PE.
Then I homed.
Then here.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Diaryblogging, dwei und drei
Assembly in the hall, followed by further preparation of booth. Setting up the banners, tablemat, posters, flyers, tiny bookmarks, mats. We changed into our gis and operations soon begun.
Had fun manning the stall. Playing the role of Obligatory Annoying Photographer and watching L, KS and D get chosen the highest number of times (ignoring the fact that we forced KS to play a number of times). Evasive tactics to exclude myself as a armwrestle victim were initially successful, such as playing the 'host' and telling guests they could "play with annnyone you want here" so that they would look around at everyone else. 8D
Watched a bit of the performances, walked around, had lunch, had fun. Felt nice going around the school barefoot. And I shoulda shoulda joined them in 'Tell me'. CRAP
Then it ended. Pack up, help others. Go homme.
Read a bit of that book, finished up biology homework, spent the rest of the evening doing math.
First morning assembly of the year! H, S and I clinched the front part of the assembly line so hurrah. H transitioning from "sol" to "zom".
Econs lecture on Trade. New lecturer, who I feel is the CCW of the Econs department. Der lecturer ist gut!
GP. Mrs T is okay-er than she first appeared. Very much so. But I still don't like the way she does that thing.
Break. Briyani rice is now available in nyjc! As is prata! Fists. In. The air. Exclamationmark.
Math. We chased Mr H to the class after waiting for him to leave the canteen before we left. Went through the differentiation tutorial, thank goodness, quite quickly. He gave us a good refresher on trigonometric properties. Inducing more oooohhs and ohyaaaas.
Bio. Much better than expected! Mr MG's the new tutor. Okay today, but he warns us of change because today was merely our first tutorial with him. Homework: 300-word essay to introduce ourselves to him. wth. side-note: thank you h2 bio students who dropped to h1. Now I have more people in class that I know.
After bio, went to atrium. Signed name on attendance sheet for Bridging Programme records. Filled in new reflection form, meaning my previously-completed one was a bit of a waste. Rr.
Pretty good day, when I think about it.
Now, to book. Then, to math.
(edit: forgot to mention the odd feeling in my right ear. Been lingering with me for the past two days. Feels as though there's water inside my ear, but.. not. Not sure what it is, but I know it is annoying.)
Assembly in the hall, followed by further preparation of booth. Setting up the banners, tablemat, posters, flyers, tiny bookmarks, mats. We changed into our gis and operations soon begun.
Had fun manning the stall. Playing the role of Obligatory Annoying Photographer and watching L, KS and D get chosen the highest number of times (ignoring the fact that we forced KS to play a number of times). Evasive tactics to exclude myself as a armwrestle victim were initially successful, such as playing the 'host' and telling guests they could "play with annnyone you want here" so that they would look around at everyone else. 8D
Watched a bit of the performances, walked around, had lunch, had fun. Felt nice going around the school barefoot. And I shoulda shoulda joined them in 'Tell me'. CRAP
Then it ended. Pack up, help others. Go homme.
Read a bit of that book, finished up biology homework, spent the rest of the evening doing math.
First morning assembly of the year! H, S and I clinched the front part of the assembly line so hurrah. H transitioning from "sol" to "zom".
Econs lecture on Trade. New lecturer, who I feel is the CCW of the Econs department. Der lecturer ist gut!
GP. Mrs T is okay-er than she first appeared. Very much so. But I still don't like the way she does that thing.
Break. Briyani rice is now available in nyjc! As is prata! Fists. In. The air. Exclamationmark.
Math. We chased Mr H to the class after waiting for him to leave the canteen before we left. Went through the differentiation tutorial, thank goodness, quite quickly. He gave us a good refresher on trigonometric properties. Inducing more oooohhs and ohyaaaas.
Bio. Much better than expected! Mr MG's the new tutor. Okay today, but he warns us of change because today was merely our first tutorial with him. Homework: 300-word essay to introduce ourselves to him. wth. side-note: thank you h2 bio students who dropped to h1. Now I have more people in class that I know.
After bio, went to atrium. Signed name on attendance sheet for Bridging Programme records. Filled in new reflection form, meaning my previously-completed one was a bit of a waste. Rr.
Pretty good day, when I think about it.
Now, to book. Then, to math.
(edit: forgot to mention the odd feeling in my right ear. Been lingering with me for the past two days. Feels as though there's water inside my ear, but.. not. Not sure what it is, but I know it is annoying.)
Monday, January 11, 2010
Diaryblogging, part 1.
Right. Almost forgot.
Today I woke up, slept, woke up, prepared my bag for school and left for school. I was unsure what exactly was going to happen there, but I knew what the first thing we'd be doing was. Bringing the mats back from the Art room to the MPR at 7.30 in the morning. Luckily I brought my PE attire for this. Didn't want to sweat in the uniform. Glad to have seen L and K do the same.
After this was assembly. But not before a minidiscussion with Ms Yap regarding the judo exco's treatment for our judo juniors for the year to come. Last year was the year nyjudo faced the greatest number of injuries, apparently. Who knew.
Assembly. I tried very hard not to sleep. Our class finally met our ct/gp tutor, Mrs B's, replacement, Mrs TSL. I am sad to report that she is not Mrs B. We'll see how she is, la.
Break in the canteen. Before we knew it the 30 minutes were over.
In class with Mrs TSL. Obligatory We've-Just-Met talk. Obligatory more-homework assigned to us. Oh, and we got the new school handbooks. Haven't taken the time to analyse mine yet, though.
LT4. Being briefed by Mr N about tomorrow.
Helping out with the setting up of our (small and first-aid looking) judo banner and our judo booth. Cutting out posters on boards, hauling tables, drawing on the voting boards, drawing on the whiteboard for our one-minute arm-wrestling [check it out, mummy's shouting at C. sigh.] challenge.
Math+Computer. [maybe I shouldn't complain, and she deserves it when he does that..]
And here I am.
By the way, this is my 1/3(numberofthebeast)-th published post, according to Blogger. Wooha. (another instance of the number 3!)
Today I woke up, slept, woke up, prepared my bag for school and left for school. I was unsure what exactly was going to happen there, but I knew what the first thing we'd be doing was. Bringing the mats back from the Art room to the MPR at 7.30 in the morning. Luckily I brought my PE attire for this. Didn't want to sweat in the uniform. Glad to have seen L and K do the same.
After this was assembly. But not before a minidiscussion with Ms Yap regarding the judo exco's treatment for our judo juniors for the year to come. Last year was the year nyjudo faced the greatest number of injuries, apparently. Who knew.
Assembly. I tried very hard not to sleep. Our class finally met our ct/gp tutor, Mrs B's, replacement, Mrs TSL. I am sad to report that she is not Mrs B. We'll see how she is, la.
Break in the canteen. Before we knew it the 30 minutes were over.
In class with Mrs TSL. Obligatory We've-Just-Met talk. Obligatory more-homework assigned to us. Oh, and we got the new school handbooks. Haven't taken the time to analyse mine yet, though.
LT4. Being briefed by Mr N about tomorrow.
Helping out with the setting up of our (small and first-aid looking) judo banner and our judo booth. Cutting out posters on boards, hauling tables, drawing on the voting boards, drawing on the whiteboard for our one-minute arm-wrestling [check it out, mummy's shouting at C. sigh.] challenge.
Math+Computer. [maybe I shouldn't complain, and she deserves it when he does that..]
And here I am.
By the way, this is my 1/3(numberofthebeast)-th published post, according to Blogger. Wooha. (another instance of the number 3!)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Weirdo Dreams
The ghostly backyard. Walking around, we come to a door around the corner. Before we can read the sign on it, it opens and a little girl stands before us. She looks at us, and suddenly a large, exhausted-looking middle-aged and grey man slumps out, putting a hand on my shoulder for support before walking away, followed by the little girl.
We read the sign.
Something along those lines. A little longer, perhaps. But I know as I read the bolded text that I was not going to go in that room. I hope he's not feeling too adventurous either. I look at him, and we both turn away from the door. Phew. Of course it then made sense why the large man was so tired - he must have been afraid he may never had left the room. Or something. Perhaps the hand on my shoulder was the result of a yearning for human contact after being stuck so long. Maybe the girl was, in fact, not in there with him. Odd.
We read the sign.
Something along those lines. A little longer, perhaps. But I know as I read the bolded text that I was not going to go in that room. I hope he's not feeling too adventurous either. I look at him, and we both turn away from the door. Phew. Of course it then made sense why the large man was so tired - he must have been afraid he may never had left the room. Or something. Perhaps the hand on my shoulder was the result of a yearning for human contact after being stuck so long. Maybe the girl was, in fact, not in there with him. Odd.
Saturday, January 09, 2010
No Man Ask For
Perhaps I should try out a week of diary blogging.
To illustrate:
Yesterday I went to Bukit Merah library. Completed my physics homework there, and I was about to leave when - I saw the rain crashing outside the window. Tsk. Of course the rain quickly stopped only after I passed through it to get to the bus home. Oh ya, saw Shabeera at the interchange. What a coincidence.
Like that.
Journalling, basically. Online.
Perhaps next week.
To illustrate:
Yesterday I went to Bukit Merah library. Completed my physics homework there, and I was about to leave when - I saw the rain crashing outside the window. Tsk. Of course the rain quickly stopped only after I passed through it to get to the bus home. Oh ya, saw Shabeera at the interchange. What a coincidence.
Like that.
Journalling, basically. Online.
Perhaps next week.
Friday, January 08, 2010
The likelihood that this has been conceived already is extremely high, though: Things that record smell/touch on the spot. Like recorders or cameras. Because views and sounds aren't the only thing that I'd like to sort've 'relive' at will.
In fact, there should be experience-recorders that could allow you to relive your every touch, smell, sight, taste and sound at a given moment. That would be cool.
Please go away????
No, really.
Get me the eraser.
The likelihood that this has been conceived already is extremely high, though: Things that record smell/touch on the spot. Like recorders or cameras. Because views and sounds aren't the only thing that I'd like to sort've 'relive' at will.
In fact, there should be experience-recorders that could allow you to relive your every touch, smell, sight, taste and sound at a given moment. That would be cool.
Please go away????
No, really.
Get me the eraser.
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Many Dollars and No Sense
Little experiment: to look inside oneself and continuously asking the question 'Why?' after I make a thought. To dig deeper to the simple driving forces of my character. Flublfubllbub.
Today I finally figured out how I want to die!
I wanna be an old person, and allow myself to fall to my death from the highest possible height that I can. Like sky-diving. As high as I can, then I'll fly down. Suspended in mid-air, for the longest time before my death. To bring myself hurtling closer and closer to the world until I am one with it. Flublsdlsublub.
Today I also realised that.. I kinda.. am sad that Huseyn isn't joining us next year. Hurm.
Anyway. A good start with H, S and ZK yesterday.
miniBeard is evening out!
Today I finally figured out how I want to die!
I wanna be an old person, and allow myself to fall to my death from the highest possible height that I can. Like sky-diving. As high as I can, then I'll fly down. Suspended in mid-air, for the longest time before my death. To bring myself hurtling closer and closer to the world until I am one with it. Flublsdlsublub.
Today I also realised that.. I kinda.. am sad that Huseyn isn't joining us next year. Hurm.
Anyway. A good start with H, S and ZK yesterday.
miniBeard is evening out!
Friday, January 01, 2010
As the Earth Comes Full Circle
, my brain realises what a sweat it's going to be in for this year.
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