I probably shouldn't share potty tales, but eh.
Today was the first time in almost EVER that the autoflush toilet sensor actually worked well for me!
Most of the time it flushes before I'm done. This is annoying. Very annoying.
This time it waited until I put my belt back on. Booyah.
Jurong east 4th floor toilet, you are the shit.
Brownie points for you.
Chocolate, of course.
Time to dump. Phone notes:
"Personal hell""unshatterable glass cups and stuff."Note: Unshatterable. As in, hit the ground and go 'clunk'. Or 'clang'. Or 'not-smash'. As if it were metal, only with a see-through, glass-like appearance.
Or maybe if they were shatterable, but the shattering would appear as some sort of design on the cup/bowl/whatever. Like spider-webbish. Like broken windshield glass, only not broken.
"Remember hashbrowns?"It's been so long.
"Spatial needs"Oh, lol, sounds like 'special needs'. hurhurhur punny
"Mirrors that record and replay."Came to mind. No doubt they've appeared in some sci-fi flick or story somewhere. But in years to come, if nobody's gonna make em, I'm going to have to try.
"14 march"Blub blub blub
"highlighter 'sheets', translucent phosphorous rectangles shaped in various sizes that you could stick on longer sections of text"Eh. If anyone wants to highlight.. paragraphs, I guess.
"Rapidly self-drying tissue. You could use the same one forever!"Probably should be self-cleaning, too. Nanobot disinfectant steamers embedded within the tissue fabric.
"I wonder if the norm for the writing tool - a small, thin, stick-shaped solid - will ever evolve. Or if it can, at all. It probably can."I mean, what if holding a little stick in your hand and gliding or scratching it against a surface was never the most efficicent, comfortable, intuitive way to write? Why did we not develop finger-painting on cave walls instead? Like finger-writing gloves with mini cartridges in each of the 'writing' fingers (probably all of them except the ringfinger and pinkie). Or something else?
k thassit
back to studying two very polar-opposittey subjects.