Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Duos Dies
I've been Wikipeding too much today.
Interesting pages visited:
The Divine Comedy
What Dreams May Come, a film I finally found the title of.
Poetic Justice
Eye Colour
Skin Colour Map
A video just.. painful to watch
Also, I finally got rid of the damn malware and spyware lurking in my computer. Woo, everything's so fast now.
Went to Vic's school for their library's $1 sale. Great deeealzzzoorrrs
For some reason, I'm getting this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that something isn't right. I think it involves Chinese people in Singapore, the attitudes of people, what is accepted as humour currently, the reason for why things are screwed up, but I can't quite get to it yet. My brain is passing me hints, but nothing more. Yarr.
(Heh, las if my brain and 'Me' are separate entities. Snortz. Or are they?)
Und zat vill be all.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Crossing Over to The Sinister
I decided this yesterday actually, but who givizzles a shizzle.
And I shall document my progress here.
I first started with switching the buttons of my mouse to suit my left hand (i.e: The right-click function is now on the left button, and the Click function is on the right button.)
and using the mouse with my left hand.
Of course, through the course of the day writing practice with the left hand was made.
Drawing, too.
And yesterday night I had the displeasure of trying to brush my teeth with my left hand. Arrgh. Twas a tediously patternless and slow task.
I will continue posting the progress here (that is, if I remember to do so.)
Hopefully will help me get back to updating this thing with the usual posts.
Monday, November 12, 2007
On False Hope and Optimism
A dog is hungry and wants food. Now.
A man waves a dog biscuit in front of the dog.
The dog believes that he can now have food.
Instead of what was hoped, the man eats the biscuit.
The dog is still hungry.
Should it care about the man?
The man made no difference to the dog's situation, other than waste his own time creating a show for the dog.
Thus, should the dog give a hoot?
Monday, August 20, 2007
CF almost lost his phone, but found it and someone took his Sim card instead. And even the little string on the phone his ex gave him.
I've got.. to watch.. my back.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Eye Daggers, Killmode: go.
-What is your problem?/What is wrong with you?
-Seriously, why are you such an asshole/ass/idiot/retard?
-Did you really have to do that?
-Are you that stupid?
-When will you grow up?
Usually these are asked with the hand raised forward, palm facing Northeast of the speaker who has his/her head tilted to one side, with a hinged-open mouth and a furrowed brow.
The word 'Seriously' or 'Seriously ah,' can be added to the start of the sentence to make the speaker sound like more of a shithead.
Friday, August 03, 2007
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Feelings call for better sentences. Herewego:
Worst was derived from reading the third line. Making such a decision over uncertainty and incautious trustworthiness of self. 'I feel it is, thus it must be', right? Christ.
Skin deep indeed.
I bid my trust in the generation, adieu.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
See Sea Ace
Something I will strive to further improve on.
Because CCAs are part of the job interview now. They will be there, burned into my report. And when the time comes where the interviewer asks why I, unlike so many other applicants, have pretty much 0% of qualities shown in most CCAs printed on that damn paper, I will have to come up with a better reply than "My CCA had no value, and I hate sports. It gave me no chance to show any values other than endurance for swimming fifty trillion laps each couple of days."
It sucks that, being in Sec 4, it's too late to change my CCA.
Being an average counselor. Involves no sports. Forces the leadership out of you. Responsibility plays a big part in keeping students, including yourself, in order.
Being an average librarian. Shows responsibility for keeping books safe. Assists the members of staff. Self-discipline is fostered by remaining silent in library.
An average Computer Club member. Gains knowledge of how to use the tool that is associated to the business world, and slowly becoming the most important machine in our lives today. Provides a chance to help old staff persons who did not learn how to use a computer in their youth.
An average art club member. If the member has an interest in the arts, this will nurture their talents and interests and will prove beneficial if they wish to have a job involving the specific art form they are interested in.
An average water polo member. Gets to learn how to swim well. And catch a ball. And be fit.
Leadership is only given to those above average in the sport, and thus this value is not shared by the other members on their report card. Teamwork is the only other value I see in this one.
Now, please, if I sound too pushy with my opinion, go ahead and tell me what you think.
(I'll still hate Waterpolo as a CCA. All we do is swim, as I've said many times before. Jeez. We don't even learn much else other than how to move in water faster. Or stay there longer.)
stupid sec 1 self..
Stupid new report card system
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Friendster Law #1
If you see that somebody has viewed your profile, it instantly opens a door for you to view theirs. Immediately.
And it doesn't matter if you've seen the profile of this guy or girl. Just view the damn thing. Because you have an excuse: They saw yours first.
Did You Do Anything Constructive Today?
Matt Groening:
From his book "Life in Hell".
And about books, I very recently read Watchmen again. And it rocked, again. The story had more meaning as I read the fictional documents within the book this time.
I'm leaving out a huge chunk of argumentative posting here just to avoid conflict with Van. The would-be section involves beauty pageants and feminist views.
This is the best fish I've ever tasted. At home, anyways.
Oh, and Devar, here's something for you. No, you won't like it.
If you're going to apologize for what happened with Chris in the canteen, mean it.
Why I point this out is because of a certain small occurence on the night of Van's competition.
When you were walking back to your seat, I told you that you "don't need to walk like that, Devar."
You did recognize it as a teasing statement, which it was, but what you did next reminded me instantly of what you did to Christopher earlier this year.
Instantly, INSTANTLY, you smacked me across my head. "Aaaass!"
And therein lies my problem.
If you didn't notice already, what you did is almost the exact same thing you did to Christopher.
I made a statement, and you acted physically.
(Only, if you look at it more thoroughly, what you did was in front of a lot more people. Also, what I said was only loud enough to reach your and WQ's ears. Also, Van's friends and family might've been around.)
Now, you might read this one day after it is posted on the blog, or you might read it a month after it is posted (on the account of myself not giving much reason for people to check it anymore). Either way, know this: I will still tell you what I think might be wrong with you at any time in the future, if you request it. I will still teach you what you think you need to know to not be what you call an 'ass', if you request it.
But, I will no longer be able to bring myself to trust that you take my advice to mind again. Evidently, you cannot recall it fast enough to handle your reflexive actions.
I do not expect an apology, nor do I expect anything else. This is just to inform you of the matter, and serves no further purpose than to do so.
Otherwise, it was an okay night. T'was a pity that SP didn't offer free 'refreshments' like they do during talks.
Ah, well. Time for some Tom Waits. All I've been listening to is Symphony recently.
*pops in the CD*
*I really need to write that letter. Shit.*
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Monday, June 04, 2007
Tell Me Something Constructive You Did Today
I was thinking about certain things people do that their future selves might regret. Things like watching humor videos, sitting in the bath for a little longer than expected, watching television they don't even like just because of boredom. Little things.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
More Weird Memory-Mappy-Linkage!
I was sitting here doing my geography work due tomorrow when this wheeled chair reminded me of when I sat in this teachers' room in Radin Mas to stay back finishing incomplete file work with a bunch of other classmates. It ws my first time being allowed to sit in a then-fancy, 'Adult' chair. With WHEELS.
This made me recall when I was sitting on the table doing my work halfway, ____ came in. I didn't know SHE had to stay back too. 'Damn'!
The Damn above is in inverted commas for reasons that will be explained shortly.
Well, that made me recall that ____ was (unknowingly at the time) my first 'friend-crush-tease'. Meaning that she was the friend I had a crush on sometimes, and kept exchanging insults with as a result. So the Damn is a 'Damn' because you had to pretend that you didn't like the person. Ah, those Playful, childish times. Those are the kind of people that people marry, aren't they? The people you like but don't feel uncomfortable around?
Eh, what doos I knowz abt <3 neW4yz
Oh, no!
It's a Monday tomorrow!
Well Godda-
Well Gosh Darn it!
Monday, April 02, 2007
Evolution. You could say that, as said in evolution, organisms are evolving to adapt to their surroundings. To be more and more suitable to where they live, over a course of millions of years.
Now this got me wondering:
In fifty billion ka-trillijillion years (assuming the sun would stay intact by then), would every lifeform on Earth have identical features? Would there be one lone species on Earth?
I wonder this because, if evolution progresses, it would slowly make everything more 'perfect', more suited to that which surrounds every living thingy.
And if evolution applies to every single being on the planet, slowly becoming more and more adapted to their surroundings, to what Nature would see as perfect, wouldn't all species ultimately form into one, nature-supposedly perfect species that has adapted to every possible environment findable on Earth? To be an entire planet covered by one species alone. To be mammal-amphibian-reptile-plant-fish-human-bird-hybrids.
Mm. And that's all.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Well, That Sucks
Chun Feng came back, and Shuen Keat spoke considerably less to me today.
But my theory of gloominess has been proven wrong. I remained stuck in another depressed morning, despite the lack of incredibly over-repeated jokes and quotes. What is it that is eating into my happiness?
Could it be schoolwork?
No, I didn't mind the assignments today.
Could it be lack of sleep?
Maybe, but I still was gloomy on Monday morning after resting all Sunday.
Well, I do hope it gets better. I'd like me back.
Ah, I did think of one thing that kind of bummed me earlier today.
Well, Mrs Y lost the cap to her back marker, and somewhere during her lesson it was pointed out by D that she had accidentally made two black marks on Van's back. The back of her shirt.
Needless to say, Van went crazy. The fact that it was Mrs Y that did it made the situation worse, for Van hated Y. After asking for the price of a school shirt from us, she demanded the price from Y. Well, there isn't much in that that bummed me, it was majorly from what happened shortly after.
V and D plotted V's revenge against Y. It kind of sickened me to hear the snickering and laughing in the process of the planning. It reminded me of the evils of teenagerism. The way they sounded so determined in her revenge, how they laughed in anticipation for it to happen, and how satisfied she looked after it did happen.
Seeing Van satisfied does not sicken me, but seeing anybody satisfied from such a cause does.
She'll hate me, probably, for writing this, but I'll leave it to her to explain how what she did was indeed fair. I'm sure she has a reason. I hope it's just.
: (
It was during that period that I had my first sign of sympathy for Y. Something did it.
I'm killing myself with this post.
Just got off the phone with Freddie.
His excuse for not coming tomorrow definitely is something I accept, but I don't know about the rest.
Well, if they're going to boot him, I want him to be some form of outside help. Damnit.
Almost forgot:
I played around a bit with the school piano today. Played it by ear. It kind of sucked as the notes were all blocky and the music had not flow, but it was a shot at playing again.
Sigh is the word of March.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I Need To Think Up Better Post Titles
It is not that I miss his company or his habit of sleeping in class, no, nothing like that. But it is because that when he is absent, he leaves a blank space. A blank space in that chair of his.
And this is dangerous.
For the SK has lurked behind that row of seats, waiting for a chance to sit closer to me.
He has taken his chance, and he sits behind me. And damn is it frustrating.
Do you like being pestered, bombarded rather, with jokes and quotes from movies that were released years ago?
Do you like being told the same damn joke over and over?
Do you like this happening to you each morning, marking the start of your very school lessons?
And that is why I am bitter in mornings. Why I have been that way recently, I mean.
I hate him now.
Because he is changing my style of typing here (very subtle in the change, but I see it: I haven't typing with the rush to do so, recently.)
Because he is making me dull in my morning periods, blocking my will to learn and sucking the soul from my body with each LAME STATEMENT.
Because he approaches me even before class, even when he has nothing to say.
And this is the part where Van comes in to suggest some method of help.
... please?
Anyways, the remainder of this post will consist of little notes and reminders for me to remember what to post about the next time I post.
Brow utility (in class).
Zebra crossings.
How staying late in school happifies me so.
Feeling like shitnuggets:
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Thursday, March 22, 2007
acegikmoqsuwy -ZED-
Should I trust the results? Should you?
Should I wait until after I finish my misanthropic/melancholic/stress-filled little period of no-sleepness to take the test once more?
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Stability results were high which suggests you are very relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic..
Orderliness results were moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.
Extraversion results were moderately low which suggests you are reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive.
secretive, reclusive, messy, disorganized, introverted, unassertive, rarely worries, dislikes large parties, does not like to fit in, does not need to control others, solitary, ambivalent about chaos, tough, leisurely, does not respect authority, not aggressive, observer, abstract, impractical, dislikes leadership, daydreamer, bizarre, does not make friends easily, not a perfectionist, suspicious, rarely irritated, strong physical instincts, unsympathetic at times, risk taker, submissive, weird, sarcastic, strange
-20% Zan's uncommon, current bitterness.
I don't like it.
I can't think of a person right now that I can't mentally snarl at. This might have something to do with me sleeping way too late staying up doing work for the past three days. Or.. nights. Or mornings.
I guess not sleeping does induce crankiness.
Oh, and I have finally started to hate "Mrs Ow".
Like, REALLY hate.
More than before, that is.
This post sucks. I have work to do here. Ararswsrfewf
Sunday, March 18, 2007
About Time.
1: Become a lousy vegetarian who sneaks fish into meals.
2: Have my normal haircut be a bald head for at least a year.
3: Have foot-length hair as a norm for at least 6 months.
4: Have a room purely for artistic expression.
5: have a room filled with bubble-pool balls.
And that's all I can think of so far.
More habits shown by other people in public that I hate:
People who stop in front of the escalator to look around with a mock "wtf?" expression, telling the world that they accidentally took the wrong escalator.
It sucks to be the person behind escalator-cloggers, because people will blame you for being the one causing all the stumbling.
I remember seeing a class of students in City Hall, being briefed on how they would be collecting donations. No, not the put-the-coin-in-the-can kind of collecting, but the kind where they show you their papers and ask for the donation. It usually is a Jaws-type of situation.
You are walking towards the inside of the MRT station.
You look around for a garbage bin to throw your can of (some carbonated drink)
As your eyes sweep around the area, they unknowingly chance upon the looming eyes of another.
In a fraction of a millisecond, those eyes somehow notice that you have looked at them. They look back, and the bearer of those eyes perks up.
Immediately he dashes towards you, holding out his card and papers, speaking with such bullet-like speed.
The following occurs:
*shows you identification card*
"Uh, I-"
"but I di-"
"WeArePartOfANon-ProfitBlaThatHelpsBlahsToBla. IfYouWouldJustBeSoKindTo
"Shit. Well all I have now is two dollars. Is that okay?"
he gives you some stupid crinkly look with the eyes.
And it's all so unnerving and embarrassing and Blegh.
Still, luckily for me the kids were being briefed, and their doom was not unleashed to the public before I hop-jogged my way past them.
Zan 1, Those Students 0.
I really gotta get blogging again. This all looks... sloppy.
Ah, right, the old people.
I hate walking past old people. Even worse, old-people posses.
It's just the fact that I feel so much like an ASSHOLE when they walk slowly.... slowly... sooo slowly in front of me, and when I walk normally past them i look like I'm deliberately trying to show off my superior walking skills. And I'm not! I even slow down a bit, I try my best, but nothing refrains from making you look like a dick when you walk past old people.
Tip: Pretend you're really late for something and just rush past. It should save you the guilt.
Sigh 1: This evening is the last evening of the holidays.
Sigh 2: Unexpected feelings and wtf-ness arise.
I do have one more thing to blog about (how to cheat the zebra-crossings.), but that'll be for next time. Now, I REALLY NEED TO DO MY WORK.
PS: You'll never guess what Sigh 2 is about.
(Not Van, in case anybody was wondering.)
Monday, February 26, 2007
Of Height.
except fer the runny nose. That part sucks. SUCKS.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
The God of Fortune is with you today!
Anyways. The last Hongbao has been taken, and the counting shall BEGIN.
More than I expected. Way more. Woot.
Dinner with the Wongs was interesting, and it was interesting to see Andrew after he'd gone through the most significant physical change in one's life - puberty.
Heck, he even had those little moustache-ends.
And his height! He's extremely close to my height, and I shall blame this on his association with basketball and his apparent 'bad eating habits', because protein helps you grow, and with a lotta eating comes alotta protein, I guess.
Oliv and Andrew were quiet at the table, though. Quieter than usual, that is. I guess that's what happens when we have teenagers at the table. Adults kept the noise going, though. The conversation, I mean. Vic was the loudest of the children at the table, though. To me anyways. I can't blame her cause my ear was right in front of her..
Edward still a happy guy. Bouncy. The fact that Andrew's been teaching him the stuff he knows is great.
Hey, he'll be of Primary school age next year. Interesting.
I seem to be using that word a lot recently... to the thesaurus!
Oh, right, gotta meet Chris tomorrow.
Commonwealth, 11am
Woah, it's past 12!
I guess this is the last event I'll be having for a while, so I'll be going back to the old observational posting after this.
Two, two and six.
The Obligatory Flag Day Post
As I look back at this morning/afternoon, I notice how the hours didn't draaag by as one would expect 8 hours of collecting donations to. Maybe it's because I didn't have a watch. Heh. Or a phone. Or any other chronologically informative device. It was also funny how people in the morning were more willing to donate than the afternooners.
Here's my list of people that were more likely to donate:
People on the phone, for some reason.
Suave looking Indian dudes. (Sunglasses)
Old Caucasian couples that are above 60. Those below are less likely to donate.
European couples.
Mothers with children (of any race).
Teenage couples.
People with their friends. (Adult or teenage. Of any race, even Chinese. Bonus points if they are of different race.)
Smokers. (Who knows why, but they seem willing to donate.)
Women friends.
Thin middle-aged Chinese guys. They're always nice!
People with earphones, for some reason.
Men with business pants. They seem to always have a pocket fulla coins.
And that's all, until something refreshes my memory. Now here's the list of people who were less likely to donate.
Normal-bodied middle-aged Chinese guys. They just give you this grimace.
Chinese teenagers that are female. (They don't even smile. They'll look at you if you're lucky. Friends are an exception though.)
Caucasians. (with the exception of elderly ones, and those with their children. Well, at least they reject with a smile.)
Fathers with their son.
Teenagers that are alone. (With the exception of Indian ones, for some reason. They're awesome.)
Note that the lists are based on my experience, meaning you might have a different one (based on how you look or ask for donations, probably.), and the lists do not apply to your donation-collecting.
All that aside, I'm grateful for the coins and notes I got. The fact that we got anything at all shows us that Singaporeans aren't really the 'typical Singaporeans' we think they are. Some of us, anyway.
And just a little tip I remember:
Do not fill the rim of your can with stickers. Put stickers on one by one, so people will get the impression that they'd be taking the last sticker. Makes them feel special, maybe. It worked for me!
Another tip:
When asking for donations, walk slower a little. Look like you're prepared to stop, because people will just pass by if you look like you're just flowing past.
If you bang around your can (sloshing around the coins), and people see this, and hear this, you are less likely to get a donation out of the same people afterwards.
If it is windy and some guy is trying to put a dollar bill in your can, do not help. This will raise the chances that the bill will accidentally fly away.
Banging your coin-filled (coinful?) cans to the tune of "We Will Rock You" is crazy-awesome.
boom-boom-BAP, boom-boom-BAP
Eating with the ex-neighbours in about 45 minutes. Woo.
I will not refer to CNY dinners as money collecting.
I will not refer to CNY dinners as money collecting.
I will not refer to CNY dinners as money collecting.
I will not refer to CNY dinners as money collecting.
I will not refer to CNY dinners as money collecting.
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Thursday, February 22, 2007
[sub-topic derived from topic]
[random noting]
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Maybe That Millisecond Isn't Gone
I chanced upon the article on John Titor, and it made me think about myself in a future where time travel is possible.
I would definitely take a visit to see the past Me again.
I probably already have. Maybe I haven't spoken with my future self (yet?) because he decides not to interfere with the past, for he might turn out to be a vastly different person.
Maybe the future me is just sitting somewhere, watching me.
What an interesting thought.
Har Har Har.
And I was thinking.
If there ever was a Mr. Banana NutCrunch, he would have...
... the WORST surname in the history of ever.
Hey, you think it'd be really easy for a magician to go atheist? Kinda like Penn & Teller. Knowing so many secrets to so many acts that seem to be magic is bound to make one a skeptic. "Naw, it can't be real."
Even the machine that was said to be 'real magic' (in the movie) was later referred to as just being science instead.
And it's strange how I always wake up in the morning with this surprisingly slim body. No matter how much cereal I eat for dinner the night before, all that food takes no place in my body. Or at least appears not to anyway. Maybe all that energy is being used up when I sleep. Maybe my brain is excessively using up more calories to compensate for lack of physical activity. If that truly was so, I LOVE MY BODY. Maybe that's why I go to sleep with strange pieces of music being created in my head. Or wake up with completely random song lyrics sometimes.
Still, I don't wanna depend on my brain too much for my bodily fat-burning. (Or oxidizing.) My body has to get used to exercise. I do have water polo tomorrow. Damnit.
The redder the font, the more I don't generally like the subject.
Hm. The weather forecast add-on in Firefox says it will be 'Cloudy with a thunderstorm for the next three days (including today).
It's still pretty sunny out. I'll base today's weather on whether I'll bring an umbrella tomorrow or not.
I wonder what's on Van's blog. Don't think she's updated it yet. Ar.
I bet Ada's updated hers. Off I go, then.
Just a word of thanks:
Thank you, Hero. I didn't know why you kept barking so awkwardly in the dead of the night, but I do now. I now see that your actions, although selfish, have spared Marang Road from being overrun by that pack of stray dogs. You get a mental cookie.
Hey, why is everything in tiny size? I hate this error.
... And that is all for this morning. Off I go!
Monday, February 19, 2007
The Nails on My Leg
They confuse their feet with their legs.
I've constantly heard people refer to their feet as their legs, and don't really see the difference when I point out this error to them.
Hopefully somebody sees this:
While I'm at it, here's another:
I swear, every time I hear someone pronounce it as 'flum', I get this horrible cringe in my head. It just makes me mentally go 'arrg!'. It's so very annoying.
Maybe it's because they pronounce the 'L' in the word by itself. Assuming that they pronounce 'L' as 'Luh' and not 'El'.
Nothing more to type about for now, except that I find myself becoming more concerned about working on the retreat than I usually am concerned with any project. It's a good thing, but it just seems... odd, for me. I'm usually the one who doesn't work that much.
Your body isn't the only thing growing, Zan.
Heh, I still hear rockets outside. at least I think they're rockets. Making that "pphhhwwweeeEEEEEeeu" sound and all.
The Prestige is AWESOME. Bowie plays a great Tesla, and the plot is great. A little grim, perhaps, but great. Like I told Joshua, the scene where Borden snaps the fingers of an innocent woman just to get back at Angier is the part that really set the movie for me. Makes it so much more serious.
And about snapped fingers:
The concept of having fingers you could never use again is actually very sad. Think about the many things we do with our fingers. The first time I thought about this was when I read a moral-bearing story where a father smashed all his son's fingers just because he was angry. The son asked his father "When are my fingers growing to grow back?", and the father killed himself.
Is that sad or what.
And my mind is already looking for something else to type about. Relax, fingers.
I 'liked' her again today. Funny how one moment my mind thinks of her and melts like butter. On a frying pan. Above the sun.
And yet thinks about her the next moment and feels nothing about it.
Oh how you puzzle me, FakeLove.
Here's another "And Also":
And also, I've noticed how my past few blog posts are more muddled as per usual.
I need something to blame.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
You foxy thing, you
News for the new year. Or, rather, today:
All it took was to completely uninstall my current (unworking) Firefox, and reinstall the new one. That's all it took! And here I was, mourning over how all my history and bookmarks would be uninstalled with the rest.
Smashmouth - Diggin' Your Scene is playing. Corny name, but does it ever fit the mood.
Aw, it's over.
In honour of the Lunar new year, I shall paste bits of astrology involving, well, my year.
Here we go:
I am born in the year of the Metal Goat/Ram/Sheep.
The Sheep, or Goat, oddly enough, is thought to be the most artistic sign of the zodiac, perhaps because this is a very creative sign. The Sheep is artistically talented and has a great sense of fashion (Ha!) . Chances are that this type will prefer to be a designer or painter, or go into the kind of profession where he/she can make the most of his/her gift for creating beautiful things.
These people are considerate creatures - they think before acting, and try not to hurt anyone's feelings. If it ever happens that the Sheep person causes unforeseen problems, it is very likely that he/she will step forward to rectify the situation (Meaning: If I did anything wrong, I didn't mean it!) . This side of their character helps them maintain a healthy social life (Double Ha!) as well as enabling them to deal with life's ups and downs.
Sympathy is very important to these people as is the approval of people they respect. However, they sometimes require too much attention and impose too much on those who are close to them (I wouldn't know. You tell me.) .
Sometimes they are too sensitive for the real world; they often misinterpret situations. People born in this year are insecure. They need to feel loved and protected. They are easily drawn into complex predicaments. This being so, they usually shy away from confrontation, pull back when faced with heavy decision-making situations, and blatantly refuse to take an unpopular stand in a conflict. (I hate this paragraph.)
Zodiac Location | 8th |
Ruling hours | 1pm-3pm |
Direction | South Southwest |
Season and month | Summer, July |
Gemstone | Emerald |
Roughly equivalent western sign | Cancer |
Polarity | Yin |
... and I just came back from Mount Faber. It conveniently had to rain when I came back from the hill, though. Rr.
Method of getting past Hero the Wonder dog upon arrival:
Picking up some stick on the way home, and throwing it away from me when Hero started running to me. This diverted him for a while and by the time he started running back to me I'd reached the stairs. Mission successful.
Time of post start: 1545 hrs
Time of post end: 1721 hrs
Hey, I was distracted through the course of writing this.
Hey, this is my blog's second ever CNY. Woo.
PS: To J:
How's this for not thinking too much?
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Just pointer-outers
-This blog, as it is called, is a Thought Bubble. If you read these posts or even comment on them, that would be really cool. But for the reader that goes 'wtf did that last one mean, be less vague', be reminded that this is but a thought bubble, and what I think goes in it, vague as it may be.
I may even start a post with
"ARGH. Look at what you did. Now I can't tell them.
I wish you wouldn't show him anymore. Argh."
... that. Because, once again, the posts in this blog represent what exactly I am thinking at the time. So don't be confused.
Just to keep people from getting further confused here - see that profile on your right there? That hasn't been updated in two years. Don't let it mislead you.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
laa deedaaaa
And I think it's time FOR ANOTHER...
Happy Points.
Happy points are a unit of your happiness. For example, watching TV and eating would usually have a HP (Happy Point) level of 60, due to its unstressful nature and lack of effort required in doing it. Whereas something such as working on a school project on 'The history and principles of our education system'... or something like that... would be worth 8HP, if not less.
The Happy Points administered are based on how people I KNOW would feel. Meaning they are based on how an 'average person' is supposed to feel.
Meaning not everybody has the same HappyPoint system.
Thus if you are a unique and different individual, sod off. These won't apply to you.
My question is
What is the ideal way to use your Happy Points?
Would it be to save them up and then reap the benefits later?

Or would it be better to remain with a constant level of Happy Points throughout your life, without any lowering (or 'saving') them at all?

What got me thinking about this is the O levels. They led to this question:
Would it be better to work reeallly hard at the start of your life, so that you'll be successfull and work a lot less later on, or would it be better to work at the same rate throughout your life, having an equal balance of work and leisure throughout.
I guess that's what determines the graph lines up there.
Graph one:
after time:
Graph two:
WORK neutral
LEISURE neutral
So the question you should ask yourselves today, young readers (I wonder if I have real 'readers' anyway. I need a tagboard, just to see who reads this thing, I guess.) is:
How should I use my Happy Points?
-Only tell your score when asked
-Stay away from friends you know are smart. They probably got a really high one. This will create unnecessary hatred.
-You have the right to hate your friend a little - no, wait, a lot -if their score is higher than yours, ONLY if e tells you without you asking, and especially after e heard your score.
-Always state your L1R4 score with your R5 score, so you at least have a lower mark to state.
-Please don't feel too bad about it.
-Turn off your phone. If you don't, you will have millions of people call you with the following words prepared: "SO WHAT YOU GET". And it really sucks when you have to repeat a number that you don't like over and over.
I have decided that how a student should think for the O levels is to aim for the absolute best and expect the absolute worst afterwards.
anyways, moving on:
-Do not tell anyone your score unless you are asked. Be humble.
-When telling someone your score, do not go into it (eg. 'I really expected myself to get a C for those subjects, surprised that I got an A!'). This will make your friends hate you, unless their scores are higher than yours. Or they are really good friends.
-Avoid bragging to people you know are smart. They might get back at you if their scores are better.
-Do not call or sms or message your friends for their results unless you know they would get good marks beforehand. Otherwise it would be a real downer if their marks were really far from what they expected.
-If you are speaking with your friend on the phone and e has bad grades, do NOT make a long pause and continue with "Aaaanyway, I got really good! In fact, I got blablabla", cause that's really mean.
Well, I guess it's applying time for them folks.
My unexperienced advice to those taking their Os this year:
-Aim for the best (a six!), expect like... a 40. This way your personal standards will affect the way you work during studying, and you won't be all cut up if you get a mark that's really bad, because it's still below 40.
-Really study. Really.
-Bring tissues for results day. Crying will occur, whether marks will be bad or not.
-Look everywhere for O level papers from the past. Ask your teachers!
-It is worth sacrificing your time to study for your O levels (I reckon.). This is purely because if you get a high score, the higher powers will be more biased towards you, even if the skills required to pass the Os will be forgotten by you in, like, 2 weeks. So take the time to study. STUDY.
Which reminds me of a thought I had earlier this morning, which I shall type about in my next post. Till then!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Chicken or Egg
I love these pants,
I love these socks,
I love this shirt,
I do not love suspense. MALINA, HAVE YOU FOUND OUT YET?!
Anyways, good luck to all y'all Sec 4 and 5's getting your results tomorrow.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Simple Mind = Simple Life?
Looking out from the balcony for the millionth time, I wondered if I was really taking notice of the trees right in front of me, and wondered if I would recognise them at once if shown a picture of them.
So I looked at the tree on my right, analysing it in all its glory. Its branches were extremely tangled and twisted together, which made me think of all the complications in this world that shape our personalities and our lives. And at the same moment made me think of how complicated our brains are.
What made me think of these, I think, are the books 'How to overcome your difficulties' (a very Buddhist-influenced book) and 'How To Use Both Sides of Your Brain' (which repeatedly stressed the complexity and wonder of our brain throughout the book), which I had read recently.
I then thought: If our brains were extremely simple, would we lead simple, peaceful lives as well?
And I thought of things which complicated life, one of the first being Race.
Before you read the next few lines, know this to help you understand it better. I believe that our physical and cultural differences are caused by our locations, our surroundings. One of the things that influence me to think this is that most people with darker skin have origins in countries that are mainly around the equator. There are more, but that's not for now. Anyways, moving on -
Then I immediately thought: Why isn't this planet we live on smaller?
If Earth were smaller, there would be fewer people to argue with, issues would rarely be settled by bombing because countries would be too close to each other, there would be a lot less land to argue about, people would look a lot less different from each other, it would be easier for countries to communicate, deadly changes in the planet like, say, the atmosphere, would be easily observed by people, it would be harder for couples to cheat because there would be fewer places to hide, and so much more. Sure, we might become less capable to problem-solving (because of the reduction of problems) and thus become less smart, but we wouldn't have any smartypants people to compare our intelligence with, and thus wouldn't care. Our minds would be smart enough for this new world. Wouldn't a smaller planet be awesome?
Hey, what if we were given these mind-exercising complications for a reason?
I mean, none of us enjoy the complications all that much. Maybe we're smart for a reason of a larger scale, a bigger picture.
I also wonder: What if someone wished for this before, and we do indeed have a smaller planet than before? I wonder how chaotic that world would have been before this one.
Maybe it is true, maybe the world has become smaller, and maybe we haven't noticed because, similar to the adaptation theme throughout this post, everything on the Earth has become smaller with it as well.
How funny.
Well, in that case,
Wouldn't it be better if Earth had a smaller planetary mass, but everything on it stayed the same size?
I love that balcony.
The calmness of it just... forces me to ponder.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Should I?
... ...
Really, should I?
It would be 'sweet'.
It would also be embarrassing.
Should I?
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Grow Up.
Who are you to say that when you rejected taking it in the first place, making an excuse by telling ME not to 'joke around' and take it?
In you come with none other than those words, when you never even TOUCHED the damn thing, and she had to bring it to class eventually.
Have you no sense of responsibility?
You may refer to your SeeseA to counter that, fine, there is responsibility in that, but even then you don't do anything, as you boast so frequently to everyone. And even if you DID show responsibility then, do you think that compensates for EVERY OTHER aspect of life that demands responsibility?
It is a fact that for every project you've been in, that I've seen, you did nothing. Nothing for contribution. And the laziness isn't all.
Accompanying this, there still is Arrogance. The gift of the Brag. Hell, you brag and brag, but never really give others a chance to prove you wrong, do you? Nice my ass. "I listen to what people say" my ass.
I haven't forgotten the possiblity that why you act this way may just be 'for fun', or just you 'joking around'. Ah. joking around. Sound familiar? Look at that first paragraph now.
Anyways, you might say that it's all in good fun but, Mr I-Know-How-Everyone-Feels, think about outcomes such as this. Think about the little flames that build up in whoever has to take your arrogant shit.
I guess you didn't think about that beforehand, Mr Forethought.
Also: Caring for one person doesn't make you an extremely caring. Doesn't make you worthy of saying I'm So Caring. So shut up.
If you do know who you are, and feel that if I "want to say something say it to my (your) face",
maintaining the tough-shit aura you have worked so hard to build, No.
I don't want to say it to you.
I just want this to be my time to actually show how I feel right now, interruptions discluded, stupid bigot schoolgames aside, even if it's written in semi-secrecy.
This is all but a thought bubble, anyway.
I may return to calmness tomorrow, maybe even a state of acceptance for you, forgiveness even, but I'll keep this here as a scar. As a reminder that not all is happy and wonderful and great all the time. And a reminder to the mindless Me of tomorrow, who probably will forget about this after sleep.
(P.S: ARRH.)
(P.P.S: To someone else: You were right. You just didn't know how to express it.)
(P.P.P.S: See what happens when I wake up late and rushing?)
Monday, January 29, 2007
In primary school, the romance system worked this way:
1: There must be someone you 'like'.
2: 'Who you like' will be the most phenomenal secret in your entire existence.
3: If you ever tell anyone who that person is, it will be told to someone else.
4: It will.
Now as we get older, the romance system gets a little different:
1: There must be someone you like, but you are allowed to switch from time to time.
2: It's not that much of a secret, but if someone knows who it is and asks you if it's true, you are obliged to say "Shut up lah."
3: Usually the person is told, at some point.
4: If you're lucky, you'll go out for a while, and then break up.
5: if you're not, then too bad. That person might just go "Oh. Okay." or "Hah?! really?! Shit!"
Still, we get older, and eventually it will evolve to something like this. Well, for the guys as far as I know:
1: You don't have to 'like' someone.
2: Who you 'like' can be anyone, as long as they look good. (eg. "I'd hit it.")
3: That's pretty much it. And if someone stimulates your feelings enough, you get a girlfriend.
I have yet to know what the situation is like as we age further. Bleh.
PS: I follow the third system, which explains why I can't answer all you idiots going "C'mon, who you like one???" "Don lie lah, must be someone", et cetera.
And here's a thought made while sitting on the tree stump up the hill to home:
I typed the full-stop of this sentence at exactly 6:54pm and 0 additional seconds, January the 29th, 2007.
That particular time will never occur again.
Doesn't really mean much, but it's kind of weird if you look at it that way, huh? That every passing second is a fresh, new one and will only exist once, ever.
6: 56 and 0 seconds.
And counting.
They're flying past, at a rate of One Second per Second.
And they're never coming back.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Drop 20.
It mostly lies in these two:
Wikipedia's description of the 'story' in the song:
"The lyrics, which describe a prisoner's anguished longing for his wife,"
And this portion of the lyrics:
"And time goes by
so slowly,
and time can do so much
are you
still mine"
They just make me feel all sad inside, not knowing if your wife has fallen in love with another man, while you remain trapped inside prison, unable to do anything, going mad not knowing what's going on out there.
And before I got the song, I only heard an instrumental version of it by Mantovani.. and just that little excerpt made me all sighy too. (This was about three months ago.)
And my friend just booked out of NS. He's booking back in today. I think he already has.
This kind've made me think of how maddening it would be, to be in NS for 2 years, almost confined from the outside world and unable to know what's going on out there, and missing the education that the damn girls are getting.
They say females can join NS too.
To any female reader reading this now: Would you join National Service? You do have the choice. Would you?
My friend says they can't blog about NS. Aw. I guess it's to prevent foreign nations from being 'prepared' for what Singapore's army has for attack (or defence).
I told him I was planning to live in extremely lousy conditions: eating simple food, sleeping in smaller periods, training a whole lot more and such two weeks prior to enlisting.
He said the following:
"enjoy ureself as much as possible!"
It must be pretty bad there.
Well, I've still got a long way to go before then. I'll consider this post a reminder, then.
"And time... can do sooo muccchh... ... are you... ... still.. MIIINE"
: (
Saturday, January 27, 2007
So I woke up and reminded myself that I wanted to go jogging on the weekend. (I wanted to, after eating so much and all.)
And so I showered.
And I changed.
And put on my socks.
And shoes.
And started running out on the road towards Mount Faber.
I also helped this guy find Faber on the way back.
Coming back from Faber, up the hill to home, I thought of some weird little thingy while feeling the sweat in the hair on the back of my head:
Hairsweat means your hair's wet
Skinsweat means your skin's wet
And so on.
Get it?
Yes? No?
Well, have a good morning. I know I have.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Sleeping easily.
Waking up early on my own.
Waking earlier the later I sleep.
Just because Van thought it was amazing:
And I thought on the walk up the hill to home:
Why is it that (well, to me,) when an Indian girl speaks English with a European/Caucasian accent, it sounds really... annoying (and arrogant), but when a Chinese girl speaks English with a European/Caucasian accent, she automatically becomes the hottest thing in the universe?
(PS: Doesn't apply to Van, in my case. I'm used to her speaking, and only notice the 'accent' when I reiterate what she says with a guy voice. Again, strange.)
Hm. What's up tomorrow?
SS test (study for it)
POA thingy?
Oh, man. C4L lessons. Arrgh. Darn peanut.
And ZEST is in two days.
Awesome, it's gonna end.
More extras-
My religion: Whatever makes you happy. (Though I do favour the Clockmaker Hypothesis.)
About religion:
I think that humans will never really find the answer to the question of How It All Began. And not just the Earth, I mean All. How did God come to be? How did what made God be made (et cetera)? What caused the big bang? Is it all a loop? Why can't people like me just accept "God was just... there."? Will this all solve my easy-sleepiness? Is the answer No?
Which reminds me of an awesome paradoxical question I read once:
Is the answer to this question No?
Tis a muddled up post, 'tis.
I hear their dog crying out from the balcony.
God it's sad.
Hearing it whine every night. Not being able to roam free like the other dogs.
Confined to the locked balcony, only able to see the night sky outside.
I wonder what it thinks.
What it would say.
Does a dog weep?
If it could, would its tears be seen?
Gah, there it goes again. IT'S SO TRAGIC.
All it wants is love.
All this sunken-feeling-ness makes me feel about her, for some reason.
Because she's the only thing I had for teenage 'romancery'? Only one who showed me le mushiness? Probably.
Till we meet again, I guess. Hope I don't forget you.
I wonder what Love feels like.
Why can't those who preach it describe it, huh Mariam? Huh Van?
All people have to describe it is 'butterflies'. Or 'listening to more love songs'
There goes the dog again.
Feeling emo sucks.
Thanks a lot, dog. You started it.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Journal "Correct"ions.
Marked version:
"I enjoy playing soccer as it keeps me in shape, allowing me to interact easily with my friends and improve friendship with others.
Why did she replace "allows" with "allowing"? What does keeping in shape have to do with INTERACTION?
And isn't it supposed to be ".. and improves friendship.." instead of ".. and improve friendship.."?
am SO self-sudying this year for.. 'Subject X'. Rrrr.
But for now, I shall look like a good, untroublesome student and conform. And conform I will, until the hatred within builds a sculpture high enough within me to reach my mouth.
Also: Tonight is the first night ever that I will shave.
Sigh. Goodbye, good old firstbuds.
It went something like..
"You want to go to Poly or JC after Secondary school?"
"Dunno leh..."
"You know in Poly don't need uniform but JC must need?"
"HAAA... really ah? Ok then I choose Poly"
(Note: some of the horrible Singlish here is exaggerated, what with my vast knowledge of the creole language and all.)
If it only it was that simple now, heh.
We know too much to be happy (in short term).
I also realised how much the previous post made me less troubled about the extra 1 year given by being in the NA stream.
Of course, the only reason it's 'extra is because streams with 4 years exist. Grar.
Oh, and this morning (while I was showering) my mind somehow conjured up this poetic-sounding bunch of words which, as much as it will to you, confuses me:
Look past the sun, the moon, the stars
beyond the planets, Venus, Mars
Beyond it all, beyond the dark
Stark void unknown to us, so far
away that we shall never know
what do you see?
I see
What the poem means,
I haven't the darndest clue. It just popped up in my head.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Another 'I Just Noticed How..' moment. *exclamationmark*
Around my age, a Sec one (age 13) would be a lot different than a Sec three (age 15).
But as they grow up and become adults, you'll have them be, say, 45 and 43 (the age gap still is 2 years).
And suddenly, they don't seem that far apart.
Still, I guess, that's not much of a surprise, with puberty and different levels of education seperating us at around this age. By your forties you'd have have a developed yet aged body, and had your education finished. You'd know about the same thing as your younger/older peers, only seperated by experience.
But then again, that could just be two years of being a baby earlier. Not much experience there; our memories usually don't go that far.
and that brings me to another question: When, really, do we start being conscious/aware of our surroundings? And when do we know enough about them to start actually gaining 'experience'?
Just a pondering.
And a pondering sprouted from a pondering.
And now, I study for the SS that is to come tomorrow.
There's just something about Mr. Ooi that makes the class accept his telling us of a test on the second day we have SS lessons, instead of going "HAAaaaaaA.... WAH LAU EH"
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Erosion is Neat.

These are two of the several photos I took yesterday at the foot of the hill that goes up to Marang Road. Neat little erosion formations I spotted after the heavy rain.
I've even resized them to 1024 x 768 pixels, so I, and you, can use them as a Desktop wallpaper, which is what I have done. Woo.
Explanation for the slow:
The rocks were there, on the ground, and the rain came and washed away all the sand/earth that was around the rocks (the rocks/pebbles acted as 'umbrellas' to the sand beneath them), making the pebble/rocks look like they were on these.. hills. Neat, huh?
(FYI: They're not huge boulders, just pebbles that I took reeally close up. Here's a flipped version of the first picture, which I figure would be better for use as a wallpaper.)
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Small Things That Were Kinda Annoying, Today
Also, on the roof of Vivo city, when I was entering the door leading to the roof, there was this woman standing right beside the door, smoking. I don't have a problem with that, but what annoyed me was that the wind on the roof was blowing the smoke across the door's opening, so you got a good direct inhalation of smoke when you entered.
I don't know if I should blame the wind, the woman or the clever person who put the garbage bin-with-a-cigarette-disposal-thing right beside the door.
And Christopher, you SUCK.
Even if I don't really feel angry at you now, YOU SUCK.
Oh, just remembered: I hate it when people block the card-tappy-gates of the mrts because either
A) Their cards don't work, the screen tells them it doesn't work, but they keep trying.
B) They tap the card with their bags (With EZ-link card inside) but have too much stuff blocking the card from the scanner, and still persist to tapping it again and again.
C) They are tourists who don't know how the tappy-scanner (Or, if you desire fanciness: Card validator) works and keep tapping it on the glass screen.

(Hopefully, tourists read this blog.)
(Yeah. right.)
Hm. Anything else to write? No?
Oh, just so I don't forget, I want to find the Fables series of comic books.
And Hunter S. Thompson books, if they can even be found in Singapore.
And those veggie fritter things from the bottom floor of Vivo are the SHIZNIT.
And now that I notice it, I really should have just titled this post "Annoying Things.", to save time and fingerwork.
Which reminds me,
does anyone know how to train yourself to have complete control of your fingers and toes?
As in, the ability to curl your index toe downwards without moving the other toes.
And how to curl your pinkie completely inwards without moving the other fingers.
And various others.
And I've been starting too many sentences with the word 'And' here.
Relative pronoun
- (nonstandard) that; which
- 1902, J. M. Barrie, The Admirable Crichton
- That’s her; that’s the thing what has stole his heart from me.
I'm gonna start using the word "What" in that way more.
Sounds so much more... dramatic. And Shakespearean-ey.
"I shall use the cap what lies on the table."
"You are all what is putrid."
I'm feeling fancier already.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Squidge. Squidge.
Surprisingly to myself, I didn't feel the usual Evil Anger that I felt when walking home in heavy, heavy storms.
I guess this is my new shoes' first experience of wetness. Had to come eventually, I guess.
My forehead is having faint traces of the usual Headache-After-Walking-In-Rain feeling. Uh oh.
Body, you better not get sick.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Adjusting my watch to 12:00 at the exact time the people over at Vivo screamed "THREE... TWO.. ONE!"
Well, like Christmas, this year the New Year countdown was pretty dull. Olivia, Andrew and gang weren't here, there weren't as many fireworks as last year and, well, the 'spirit' just wasn't there.
Also, we forgot to bring the poppers and sparklers and stuff.
I wonder why we all consider the New Year something to be excited about. Something to be hyped about, to be anticipated. All it is is the completion of Earth's journey around the sun. Again. For the 2007th time. AD anyways.
Is it me, or has almost every event had itself some sort of party, or celebrative event.
Christmas party.
Birthday party. (Or are they the same thing, Christmas being the birthday of Christ anyway.)
Halloween party.
Dance party.
Dinner party.
Housewarming party.
Slumber party.
Et cetera.
I wonder where all our enthusiasm for these things went.
I didn't really celebrate (elaborately) my birthday.
I didn't really celebrate Christmas well.
And, as previously stated, I didn't really celebrate the New Year.
I guess we could say that age has made us see things as they really are. Or, sometimes, only are.
Birthdays are only just a mark of another year into your life, a checkpoint of life as time goes whizzing by.
And speaking about time, I've still got my English and Math homework to finish by this Wednesday, which is when school starts.
And that's just two days away.
Back to the uniforms, the fuzzy bumbling background chatter of students, Van and Devar, the teachers, the unspent minutes of recess, the polo trainings, the early sleep hours, the school life.
And I've still got to write that letter.
I hope I stick to my new daily timetable.
And with O-level Math and English planned, I'd better. Cutting my social life and leisure time off for studying, actually living up to Labor Omnia Vincit, actually aiming not to be the absolute best, but one of the top. (If not, better.)
And there still is Christopher's lessons.
And there may be Xiaolu.
Resolutions for 07:
+To complete my resolutions for 2006 in
- To work on my site more.
-To create an animation that lasts at least 1 minute.
-To learn a third language.
-To further improve my vocabulary.
-To figure out where I want to go and
what I want to do in life.
-To make a weekly schedule (And stick
to it, too.)
+To be in the top 5 in my level at the
end of the year.
+To improve on all my subjects.
+To especially improve on my Physics.
+To make MT passable.
+To somehow make studying enjoyable.
+To replace my leisure time with this
newfound enjoyable studying.
+To print out a Multiplication table to
the 100s, and an Exponentiation table to
the 12s.
+To update my blog more often.
+To prepare. (For whatever is required.)
+To only start watching the Avatar
episodes on Youtube in June. Or September.
+To read the newspapers a little more.
+To watch as little television as
possible, if at all.
+To improve my CONCENTRATION(!).
+To maintain complete abstinence.
Right now, my list of stuff to finish is:
The letter to Mdm Choy
English Asknlearn homework
English N level book thing.
Math TYS work.
And I just realised how annoying polo might seem to be, with the new sudying mentality I seek to adopt.
I guess I could push myself a little more every training, just to be fit.
Time to throw away that timetable.
Time to throw away enjoyment in resting.
Time to throw away impatience.
Time to forget distraction.
Time to save money.
Time to go kill some trees. (Hey, I'll be making a ton of notes.)