Sunday, April 08, 2007

More Weird Memory-Mappy-Linkage!

Hey, I depend on the mappy-linkage for blog content. So hushahush.

I was sitting here doing my geography work due tomorrow when this wheeled chair reminded me of when I sat in this teachers' room in Radin Mas to stay back finishing incomplete file work with a bunch of other classmates. It ws my first time being allowed to sit in a then-fancy, 'Adult' chair. With WHEELS.
This made me recall when I was sitting on the table doing my work halfway, ____ came in. I didn't know SHE had to stay back too. 'Damn'!

The Damn above is in inverted commas for reasons that will be explained shortly.

Well, that made me recall that ____ was (unknowingly at the time) my first 'friend-crush-tease'. Meaning that she was the friend I had a crush on sometimes, and kept exchanging insults with as a result. So the Damn is a 'Damn' because you had to pretend that you didn't like the person. Ah, those Playful, childish times. Those are the kind of people that people marry, aren't they? The people you like but don't feel uncomfortable around?

Eh, what doos I knowz abt <3 neW4yz

Oh, no!
It's a Monday tomorrow!
Well Godda-
Well Gosh Darn it!



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