Maybe it's been presented to me before, but I never noticed. Noticing it made me happy, wooten
7.38pm: Just woke up from a 2-hour nappy. Yum.
Today will be the hundredth day that I record what I eat. It is also the last. The original objective (that eventually led to food recording) was for me to consume nothing but water for one week. Since I started my recording, not one of the 99 days recorded has me doing this.
Thus, I am doing it now. I may as well finish off this recording thing the way it was supposed to begin.
I have about 4.25 hours left. Weewoo!
Oei. Where's my Newsweek?!
Here's somethig I've been pining to put here for a while:
One day, a long time ago, Towel paranoia gripped me. With questions like "what if the part of the towel I'm using to wipe my face is what I used to wipe my armpit yesterday?", I was led to section my towel mentally into parts that would serve to dry only a certain region of my wet body.
Here, for the first time, is that allocation shown in picture.

Click to enlarge, duh.
In other news: I went to get my cert today! Saw Mdm Choy at the gen. office too. Weewoo. The radio decided to mind-read and played 'Glory Days' as I walked up York hill once more.
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