Monday, June 22, 2009

Coffee's Only a Dime

June 16th.
Around 5pm.
You. Yes, you. That was very much uncalled for.
You are a confused, angry little boy.
Contemplate that, control yourself.


About the word 'Relationship'. It needs to be explained to some why to 'be in a relationship' with someone does not necessarily involve romance.
One should look into roots of the word.
Relationship. There is a relation between them. They are related.
"Billy is in a relationship with Mary."
This merely means that Billy and Mary are related in one way or another. Not necessarily romantic, it could be referring to a friendship, partnership, acquaintanceship, comanionship, etc.

And then I search the word on, and it ruins all of that with its fourth definition:

4. a sexual involvement; affair.


Also on le thème de la romance, I woz thinking one day about the nature of romance in most movies. Most film romances are the Love-At-First-Sight type, instead of that gradual, slow, progression that later buds into... confusion.. then blooms.

Blooms into the realisation "OMG I'VE FALLEN IN LIKE WIT YOO".
und zen i thought... wait. That kind of romance does appear on screens. Usually on dramas/soaps though.
I suppose it's the time constraints that cause this. It's all their fault.

('Playing hearts' has an interesting double meaning. Lawl.)

Interesting how, as a 13/14/15/16 year old, one can imagine romantic (or, for some... erotic?) scenarios with peers of the same age. And it appears perfectly fine. But years after, when one is, oh, say... 20? 30? And beyond? If those same thoughts of the same people at that time period arise in one's head, they would be opined as

really disgusting.

Not that I don't follow this. I just don't understand. (Or bother enough to mentally investigate. Yet.)

June 18th: First time in a loooong time I went outdoors without a bag with me/on my back. Woot!
The event: 5/1 class bbq @ CT's haus

Just as pleasure made constant and continuous is nullified, so Pain made constant and continuous is nullified.

i.e. Get studying, sirs and madams.
i.e. Get exercising.
Eat less.
Save money.
etc etc.
It may be shit for some, but the shit will pass.
Provided you deal with it long enough.

Random idea dump!
A multinational corporation that provided access to future-viewing?
It would never get infiltrated, as they would be able to look ahead and see you try.
They would always have enough moolah to maintain the company, given their ability to see how stock market goez.
They would have a code: to never take advantage of the future-viewing device/machine/whatever for malicious gains.
Their purpose would be to deflect possible dangers caused by the way the world's people are doing things at the time.

(actually today, technically, but)
Last week of study, leh. Lehzx.
Bah, humbug.


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