ANOTHER DUMB IDEA: A world covered in mechanical, vertical plates. Shaped like the sections made when one cuts an orange with vertical slices. There would be 1440 plates in total, one for each minute of the day (about 28km across the middle). The plates would all rotate at the same speed as the Earth but in the opposite direction. Hence, each plate would be 'frozen' in a specific 'time' of the day. (i.e. one would travel halfway round the Earth to get from the 1pm plate to the 1am plate.)
Or, to be simple, an Earth where one side perpetually faces the sun.
People would choose which time of the day they'd prefer to live in during the long term. The intensity of light would no longer affect the ability of one to sleep. (Perhaps there would exist no sleep altogether.)
If humans decided they'd all want to be living in the sunlight, the 'dark side' of this Earth would be free to grow wildlife undisturbed. Perhaps odd flora and fauna would somehow evolve without the need for sunlight. Maybe firefly-type biology would become extremely commonplace.
Today two butterflies flew past me like so.

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