Saturday, October 31, 2009

Johnny Walker: Keep ____ing.

Censorship brings out the worst in people's minds, where necessary or unnecessary.

The rules:
-Don't stop walking for 2 hours.
-Only stop to stop a thing that stops your walk.

Sure enough, it started drizzling.
Then raining.
Then lightning-ing.
But I made it, so nyaa.

HALLOWEEN IS HERE comes Christmas.


Monday, October 26, 2009

Denk' an Dich und lass Du gehen


What am I doing/saying/being now that future me will look at and go ''Gah, GAH, what a TARD I was. AUGH.'' ?
I find recordings of my past self grueling to the ego.
Ah well. Live and learn, all that.


Monday, October 19, 2009

You're chubbing.

NYJC: H2 Physics Promo Ans ready for download in Litespeed Workbin.

Bastards. This makes me want to pee. Does.

Do you think, perhaps, that an added hour (or 3) to each exam duration would greatly boost the scores of Singapore's students? Or a 'leave when you are done' rule, perhaps? And those that go beyond 5 hours, fail. Because nobody's supposed to take that long in the workforce. Save for, maybe, the dlsyexic.

Intention: About 5 hours to spend in Jurong east mrt. 2 hours designated to contemplating the EoM.
Reality: 5 hours of finding and reading books, about 30 minutes on the train back thinking about EoM. With, I am proud to say, very satisfying results.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hello Sunshine

Yeah, it's probably over.
You know you are (probably) post-sick when the following do not continue.

-Every time you spit, coloured or not, the spit beholds consistency.
-You are greatly aware of the switch your body does between nostrils for inhalation.
-Random occurrences of sweat
-Fantastic weather sucks

Random thoughts about how we are like a resistor when we shower; water as the 'current' from hose to drain. Buh.

Thinking of the awesomeness of making several clones that are cloned a year apart each.
You'd have
Jack at year 1 beside
Jack at year 2 beside
Jack at year 3 beside..
et cetera.
Would be eerie but still kinda cool. To see the row of fellows beside you. Bizarre mirrors into your body's past.


Saturday, October 17, 2009


Despite my general indifference to the practice of abortions, this made me cringe a bit.

I guess I'll need to start making stands about things, sooner or later. The usual I-Don't-Knows and Haven't-Thought-About-Its are getting embarrassing.
Yes, change is a constant and how I think at one point may not be the same after a week, year, month or day. But at least have something to switch. Fence sitting would reduce how many times I may rip myself away from one stand to take on another, I opine. I'd limit my lessons.
Shit, I'm 18.

At times sit like rock
Then as water, seek and spread
Shape and form as mud


Mr Blue Sky

Sweaty, stinky shirt this morning. And what a morning, it's finally not so damn damp. I think the cold is making its exit at last! Phlegm-coughs are less frequent, the headache is down to a whisper. The runny nose is resting. As such I'm not snotting as much. Now, to enjoy the highs of post-runny-nose sickness. Squee.
Phlegming would be pissed.

Incidentally, I am discovering S's early fascination with the game Pandemic. (Pandemic 2, specifically.) Much patience is needed.

Random Occurrences:

+ As discovered last night, a plate with a slightly dried layer of chicken-chop gravy looks like an H-Bomb attack when placed under a running tap of water.

+ Today I discover humor in the name 'Iron Shirt'. From Shaolin soccer. Mumblemumble.

+ I also realise that this is the year I find the phrase "logical conclusion" being used more often than ever. Or at all, actually. Thank you anti-genetic-research literature. And anti-atheistic writings too.

+ My hair, from rat fur, is entering spiky tennisball mode. One rejoices.


I'd like to point out the following phrase.
"everything happens for a reason".
People often use this to comfort, to console, as a calming explanation for something annoying. Or even devastating.
What I'd like to say is that 'a reason' does not necessarily mean that there was a good reason behind the act/event. Or a pleasing one. Or an acceptable one. (Like skipping class due to laziness. Also, the holocaust.)
Also note that the reasons in question are not always intentional. (eg "The vase was right behind the door!")

oh, hurry it up...


Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Fleming Would be Pissed

Oddthought. Do you think our lives would function normally if our thumbs were on the other end of our palms? (i.e. beside the pinkie.)
I imagine many tools and objects would have to be interestingly oddly-designed. (Would it be easier to lift huge boxes?) (or scratch your back?) (how would you hold a pencil?)

What does white noise smell like?


Friday, October 02, 2009


traverse and seek, find the names
many true but others changed
different faces, what a shame
inside still the same?

but sometimes I forget the self
perception had benumbed
turn my eyes around and ask:
what have you become?



My inherent reluctance to turn 18 years of age has yet to present itself.
I will wait.

Postmortem: GP
Now that I think of it, I figure my answers were a bit disorganised. Ideas were presented, but were they clear? For some reason I fear more for the compre answers than for summary and AQ. Brr.
(I realise it's the end of the week. Felt more like a Monday, really. It's odd recalling that I went to school just a few days ago.) (Wait, it's promos already?)


ECONS 2 (time limits and memory will kill you)
BIOLOGY (memory will kill you)
PHYS 3 (not knowing will kill you)
MATH (careless mistakes, time limits and not knowing will kill you)
CLB (LC) (not recognising words will kill you)
ECONS 1 (not knowing will kill you)
PHYS 1 (careless mistakes will kill you)
PHYS 2 (careless mistakes will kill you)

In the summer grass is dying
In the winter grass is dying
Sit here and seek spring
