Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mr Blue Sky

Sweaty, stinky shirt this morning. And what a morning, it's finally not so damn damp. I think the cold is making its exit at last! Phlegm-coughs are less frequent, the headache is down to a whisper. The runny nose is resting. As such I'm not snotting as much. Now, to enjoy the highs of post-runny-nose sickness. Squee.
Phlegming would be pissed.

Incidentally, I am discovering S's early fascination with the game Pandemic. (Pandemic 2, specifically.) Much patience is needed.

Random Occurrences:

+ As discovered last night, a plate with a slightly dried layer of chicken-chop gravy looks like an H-Bomb attack when placed under a running tap of water.

+ Today I discover humor in the name 'Iron Shirt'. From Shaolin soccer. Mumblemumble.

+ I also realise that this is the year I find the phrase "logical conclusion" being used more often than ever. Or at all, actually. Thank you anti-genetic-research literature. And anti-atheistic writings too.

+ My hair, from rat fur, is entering spiky tennisball mode. One rejoices.


I'd like to point out the following phrase.
"everything happens for a reason".
People often use this to comfort, to console, as a calming explanation for something annoying. Or even devastating.
What I'd like to say is that 'a reason' does not necessarily mean that there was a good reason behind the act/event. Or a pleasing one. Or an acceptable one. (Like skipping class due to laziness. Also, the holocaust.)
Also note that the reasons in question are not always intentional. (eg "The vase was right behind the door!")

oh, hurry it up...


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