Saturday, April 18, 2009


I almost lost my croc today. When I entered CC's house for what would be the last time that day, then came out, I found only one croc left outside for me.


Did someone steal it? Why would they? Shiz. I took another slipper and roamed a bit outside. Cats.
Could it be them? Should be. Rrrr.
After more bummed walking, I discussed the matter with Chris. Then we went out further. Aha, there it was. On the grass.
There was a wet spot on it. And a wet spot on the one I was already wearing. Hmm... cat. Friggin cat. Definitely.

Chris couldn't believe it was the cat, though. Thought it was too impropable. Bla.

Fraggin cat.

[Bonus!: My back-neck is all tanned. Heh.)


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