sorry, lame joke
From 2009:
1. Consume nothing but water for 4 days. In January.
Didn't do it. The guilt had me recording my meals for months at a time, though. That's.. Jan 15 - Apr 24 and a briefer Sep 5 to Nov 20. And the only day where I actually did consume nothing but water was April 24th.
2. Obtain at least two As somewhere. Anywhere.
Math, 2.4km run.
5. (and this is from resolutions 2007..) To print out a Multiplication table to the 100s, and an Exponentiation table to the 12s.
Nope. Still nope! >:o
6. More than 1000 in the bank by March. Need to save, man.
Time for 2010.
1: B-standard for H2 Economics by July.
2: Be in the comfort zone for all subjects by mid-June.
3: Start running regularly again.
4: Be aquaintanced with at least 4 juniors that are non-judo.
5: As for As.
6: Secure my choice of path beyond JC.
Engineering? Architecture? Product design? Science? Writing? Math? Need to keep my mind open lest I find something I didn't know I wanted to do.
7: Read a German book with full comprehension.
8: Read a Mandarin book beyond the primary 3 level with full comprehension.
Kay, that's all for now.
Twenty-Ten, ahoy.
(I realise that if you add up all the digits of 2010, it's another instance of the number 3 in my life. Huzzah.)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Like a tether.
Bringin' ya back.
To the world again.
Face down,
nose down
to the grindstone
Bringin' ya back.
To the world again.
Face down,
nose down
to the grindstone
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Imagine being cursed with eternal life, eternal wakefulness and eternal immobility.
Like being a rock, but with a mind. (Or soul?)
If you had eyes to look at something, I figure they'd be ignored eventually. You can only look at something so long before disacknowledging (goodness this is an ugly word) it completely.
Same for smell. For taste. Hearing. Touch, even. All washed away in the infinity of your mind.
But what would you do?
What could you do?
Stuck with your head forever.
Like being a rock, but with a mind. (Or soul?)
If you had eyes to look at something, I figure they'd be ignored eventually. You can only look at something so long before disacknowledging (goodness this is an ugly word) it completely.
Same for smell. For taste. Hearing. Touch, even. All washed away in the infinity of your mind.
But what would you do?
What could you do?
Stuck with your head forever.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
A Series of Good Throws.
My gentle-sloping ascent. Ascension.
Odd idea: Imagine an immortal humanity. The problem with that would naturally be.. overpopulation. So such humans would need to have their ability to reproduce taken from them, if the planet wishes to survive. But then what? The same family of humans on Earth would stay there indefinitely? How about..
nature only allowing humankind to reproduce (to make new people) once they've done something. Fulfilled a certain quota for nature before they can peacefully pass on their genes and leave Earth themselves.
Still not sure what I wanna make that, though. True love, ala Groundhogs Day? Or... meeting a certain number of people from the rest of the population? Bla.
First post of December.
Kay, kay Vietnam.
Uh, Vietnam was pretty awesome. Serene dearth of people on the streets of Vung tau, and there was something about Ho Chih Minh that made me happy. I'm not sure what. Nice place.
Fun trip with the relatives overall. :D
Avatar was fantastic. Beautiful designs for the flora and fauna. And a good experiment for the part of my brain that practices empathy, as I told S. Lots of polar characters' shoes to put yourself in. Simple story, but well presented.
Christmas. I wish I went out or something! Pretty mundane xmas this year.
It says I typed this on the 15th, but I really did this in parts. So it's my post for the whole of December, sort've. So the lower down the text, the later I typed it.
I just want a room. A silent room. With blank, metal walls and a wooden table and chair. and all my notes and questions and assignments for all my subjects. And for me to just stay there for like.. 3 days. No food, just water. And derive what knowledge I can from all those papers in those 3 days. Then leave the room, a nd continue on from there.
I await the day that knowledge can be downloaded into our brains, including practical knowledge. School would be more engaging. Insert sigh here.
Ha, I remember when I typed 'My gentle-sloping ascent'. Hee.
What do you do when you can do everything?
It's time to reel in that empty hook, throw the line back into the waters. If I was typing the blogpost now, it would have the title "Keep Fishing."
Published 10:55 pm, December 29th, 2009.
Odd idea: Imagine an immortal humanity. The problem with that would naturally be.. overpopulation. So such humans would need to have their ability to reproduce taken from them, if the planet wishes to survive. But then what? The same family of humans on Earth would stay there indefinitely? How about..
nature only allowing humankind to reproduce (to make new people) once they've done something. Fulfilled a certain quota for nature before they can peacefully pass on their genes and leave Earth themselves.
Still not sure what I wanna make that, though. True love, ala Groundhogs Day? Or... meeting a certain number of people from the rest of the population? Bla.
First post of December.
Kay, kay Vietnam.
Uh, Vietnam was pretty awesome. Serene dearth of people on the streets of Vung tau, and there was something about Ho Chih Minh that made me happy. I'm not sure what. Nice place.
Fun trip with the relatives overall. :D
Avatar was fantastic. Beautiful designs for the flora and fauna. And a good experiment for the part of my brain that practices empathy, as I told S. Lots of polar characters' shoes to put yourself in. Simple story, but well presented.
Christmas. I wish I went out or something! Pretty mundane xmas this year.
It says I typed this on the 15th, but I really did this in parts. So it's my post for the whole of December, sort've. So the lower down the text, the later I typed it.
I just want a room. A silent room. With blank, metal walls and a wooden table and chair. and all my notes and questions and assignments for all my subjects. And for me to just stay there for like.. 3 days. No food, just water. And derive what knowledge I can from all those papers in those 3 days. Then leave the room, a nd continue on from there.
I await the day that knowledge can be downloaded into our brains, including practical knowledge. School would be more engaging. Insert sigh here.
Ha, I remember when I typed 'My gentle-sloping ascent'. Hee.
What do you do when you can do everything?
It's time to reel in that empty hook, throw the line back into the waters. If I was typing the blogpost now, it would have the title "Keep Fishing."
Published 10:55 pm, December 29th, 2009.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
It rained today.
The way back:

Mind you, it was still raining when I took that picture. Wetting-my-hoodie for the win.
While sitting at the taxi stand waiting for it to subside (in vain), I thought it'd be neat to have hotels (at least, the really really exclusive, up-scale ones) keep a gigantic room that was constantly (artificially) raining inside.
Or, the world's largest fountain. That happens to be fashioned into the shape of a room.
It would have in it different settings to experience the rain in - a forest, the beach, the city, etc.
And no shoes allowed.

The way back:

Mind you, it was still raining when I took that picture. Wetting-my-hoodie for the win.
While sitting at the taxi stand waiting for it to subside (in vain), I thought it'd be neat to have hotels (at least, the really really exclusive, up-scale ones) keep a gigantic room that was constantly (artificially) raining inside.
Or, the world's largest fountain. That happens to be fashioned into the shape of a room.
It would have in it different settings to experience the rain in - a forest, the beach, the city, etc.
And no shoes allowed.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
f(15.11.09) = 97
From Wikipedia.
Denarian 10 to 19
Vicenarian 20 to 29
Tricenarian 30 to 39
Quadragenarian 40 to 49
Quinquagenarian 50 to 59
Sexagenarian 60 to 69
Septuagenarian 70 to 79
Octogenarian 80 to 89
Nonagenarian 90 to 99
Centenarian 100 to 109
Supercentenarian 110 and older
I personally use Level 1, Level 2, etc. Buh.
I wonder if I should be worrying about the decreasing length of my posts. The blog is following the same pattern of most of my attempted diaries - Initially long entries that simplify and shorten over time.
Then again, it may be.. seasonal? I'll wait for the day that I'm really bored+free to plot myself a graph of Blogpost length vs Time.
'Till then!
Denarian 10 to 19
Vicenarian 20 to 29
Tricenarian 30 to 39
Quadragenarian 40 to 49
Quinquagenarian 50 to 59
Sexagenarian 60 to 69
Septuagenarian 70 to 79
Octogenarian 80 to 89
Nonagenarian 90 to 99
Centenarian 100 to 109
Supercentenarian 110 and older
I personally use Level 1, Level 2, etc. Buh.
I wonder if I should be worrying about the decreasing length of my posts. The blog is following the same pattern of most of my attempted diaries - Initially long entries that simplify and shorten over time.
Then again, it may be.. seasonal? I'll wait for the day that I'm really bored+free to plot myself a graph of Blogpost length vs Time.
'Till then!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Oh, I don't know.
It's over! Will now post whatever comes to mind.
Damn the dry skin on my face. At least it's healing.
The day:
-watch group 1
-watch group 3
-go canteen and not eat
-going to go home but met up with classmates instead
-Mcdonalds. Forgive me.
-J8. Buy tickets to 2012.
- omg point form!
-walk around. Popular. Music shop. NTUC.
-epic, epic graphics.
Enter judo. And increased library-ing.
Waitrose cereal, anyone?
Damn the dry skin on my face. At least it's healing.
The day:
-watch group 1
-watch group 3
-go canteen and not eat
-going to go home but met up with classmates instead
-Mcdonalds. Forgive me.
-J8. Buy tickets to 2012.
- omg point form!
-walk around. Popular. Music shop. NTUC.
-epic, epic graphics.
Enter judo. And increased library-ing.
Waitrose cereal, anyone?
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Johnny Walker: Keep ____ing.
Censorship brings out the worst in people's minds, where necessary or unnecessary.
The rules:
-Don't stop walking for 2 hours.
-Only stop to stop a thing that stops your walk.
Sure enough, it started drizzling.
Then raining.
Then lightning-ing.
But I made it, so nyaa.
HALLOWEEN IS HERE comes Christmas.
The rules:
-Don't stop walking for 2 hours.
-Only stop to stop a thing that stops your walk.
Sure enough, it started drizzling.
Then raining.
Then lightning-ing.
But I made it, so nyaa.
HALLOWEEN IS HERE comes Christmas.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Denk' an Dich und lass Du gehen
What am I doing/saying/being now that future me will look at and go ''Gah, GAH, what a TARD I was. AUGH.'' ?
I find recordings of my past self grueling to the ego.
Ah well. Live and learn, all that.
What am I doing/saying/being now that future me will look at and go ''Gah, GAH, what a TARD I was. AUGH.'' ?
I find recordings of my past self grueling to the ego.
Ah well. Live and learn, all that.
Monday, October 19, 2009
You're chubbing.
NYJC: H2 Physics Promo Ans ready for download in Litespeed Workbin.
Bastards. This makes me want to pee. Does.
Do you think, perhaps, that an added hour (or 3) to each exam duration would greatly boost the scores of Singapore's students? Or a 'leave when you are done' rule, perhaps? And those that go beyond 5 hours, fail. Because nobody's supposed to take that long in the workforce. Save for, maybe, the dlsyexic.
Intention: About 5 hours to spend in Jurong east mrt. 2 hours designated to contemplating the EoM.
Reality: 5 hours of finding and reading books, about 30 minutes on the train back thinking about EoM. With, I am proud to say, very satisfying results.
Bastards. This makes me want to pee. Does.
Do you think, perhaps, that an added hour (or 3) to each exam duration would greatly boost the scores of Singapore's students? Or a 'leave when you are done' rule, perhaps? And those that go beyond 5 hours, fail. Because nobody's supposed to take that long in the workforce. Save for, maybe, the dlsyexic.
Intention: About 5 hours to spend in Jurong east mrt. 2 hours designated to contemplating the EoM.
Reality: 5 hours of finding and reading books, about 30 minutes on the train back thinking about EoM. With, I am proud to say, very satisfying results.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Hello Sunshine
Yeah, it's probably over.
You know you are (probably) post-sick when the following do not continue.
-Every time you spit, coloured or not, the spit beholds consistency.
-You are greatly aware of the switch your body does between nostrils for inhalation.
-Random occurrences of sweat
-Fantastic weather sucks
Random thoughts about how we are like a resistor when we shower; water as the 'current' from hose to drain. Buh.
Thinking of the awesomeness of making several clones that are cloned a year apart each.
You'd have
Jack at year 1 beside
Jack at year 2 beside
Jack at year 3 beside..
et cetera.
Would be eerie but still kinda cool. To see the row of fellows beside you. Bizarre mirrors into your body's past.
You know you are (probably) post-sick when the following do not continue.
-Every time you spit, coloured or not, the spit beholds consistency.
-You are greatly aware of the switch your body does between nostrils for inhalation.
-Random occurrences of sweat
-Fantastic weather sucks
Random thoughts about how we are like a resistor when we shower; water as the 'current' from hose to drain. Buh.
Thinking of the awesomeness of making several clones that are cloned a year apart each.
You'd have
Jack at year 1 beside
Jack at year 2 beside
Jack at year 3 beside..
et cetera.
Would be eerie but still kinda cool. To see the row of fellows beside you. Bizarre mirrors into your body's past.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Despite my general indifference to the practice of abortions, this made me cringe a bit.
I guess I'll need to start making stands about things, sooner or later. The usual I-Don't-Knows and Haven't-Thought-About-Its are getting embarrassing.
Yes, change is a constant and how I think at one point may not be the same after a week, year, month or day. But at least have something to switch. Fence sitting would reduce how many times I may rip myself away from one stand to take on another, I opine. I'd limit my lessons.
Shit, I'm 18.
At times sit like rock
Then as water, seek and spread
Shape and form as mud
I guess I'll need to start making stands about things, sooner or later. The usual I-Don't-Knows and Haven't-Thought-About-Its are getting embarrassing.
Yes, change is a constant and how I think at one point may not be the same after a week, year, month or day. But at least have something to switch. Fence sitting would reduce how many times I may rip myself away from one stand to take on another, I opine. I'd limit my lessons.
Shit, I'm 18.
At times sit like rock
Then as water, seek and spread
Shape and form as mud
Mr Blue Sky
Sweaty, stinky shirt this morning. And what a morning, it's finally not so damn damp. I think the cold is making its exit at last! Phlegm-coughs are less frequent, the headache is down to a whisper. The runny nose is resting. As such I'm not snotting as much. Now, to enjoy the highs of post-runny-nose sickness. Squee.
Phlegming would be pissed.
Incidentally, I am discovering S's early fascination with the game Pandemic. (Pandemic 2, specifically.) Much patience is needed.
Random Occurrences:
+ As discovered last night, a plate with a slightly dried layer of chicken-chop gravy looks like an H-Bomb attack when placed under a running tap of water.
+ Today I discover humor in the name 'Iron Shirt'. From Shaolin soccer. Mumblemumble.
+ I also realise that this is the year I find the phrase "logical conclusion" being used more often than ever. Or at all, actually. Thank you anti-genetic-research literature. And anti-atheistic writings too.
+ My hair, from rat fur, is entering spiky tennisball mode. One rejoices.
I'd like to point out the following phrase.
"everything happens for a reason".
People often use this to comfort, to console, as a calming explanation for something annoying. Or even devastating.
What I'd like to say is that 'a reason' does not necessarily mean that there was a good reason behind the act/event. Or a pleasing one. Or an acceptable one. (Like skipping class due to laziness. Also, the holocaust.)
Also note that the reasons in question are not always intentional. (eg "The vase was right behind the door!")
oh, hurry it up...
Phlegming would be pissed.
Incidentally, I am discovering S's early fascination with the game Pandemic. (Pandemic 2, specifically.) Much patience is needed.
Random Occurrences:
+ As discovered last night, a plate with a slightly dried layer of chicken-chop gravy looks like an H-Bomb attack when placed under a running tap of water.
+ Today I discover humor in the name 'Iron Shirt'. From Shaolin soccer. Mumblemumble.
+ I also realise that this is the year I find the phrase "logical conclusion" being used more often than ever. Or at all, actually. Thank you anti-genetic-research literature. And anti-atheistic writings too.
+ My hair, from rat fur, is entering spiky tennisball mode. One rejoices.
I'd like to point out the following phrase.
"everything happens for a reason".
People often use this to comfort, to console, as a calming explanation for something annoying. Or even devastating.
What I'd like to say is that 'a reason' does not necessarily mean that there was a good reason behind the act/event. Or a pleasing one. Or an acceptable one. (Like skipping class due to laziness. Also, the holocaust.)
Also note that the reasons in question are not always intentional. (eg "The vase was right behind the door!")
oh, hurry it up...
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Fleming Would be Pissed
Oddthought. Do you think our lives would function normally if our thumbs were on the other end of our palms? (i.e. beside the pinkie.)
I imagine many tools and objects would have to be interestingly oddly-designed. (Would it be easier to lift huge boxes?) (or scratch your back?) (how would you hold a pencil?)
What does white noise smell like?
I imagine many tools and objects would have to be interestingly oddly-designed. (Would it be easier to lift huge boxes?) (or scratch your back?) (how would you hold a pencil?)
What does white noise smell like?
Friday, October 02, 2009
traverse and seek, find the names
many true but others changed
different faces, what a shame
inside still the same?
but sometimes I forget the self
perception had benumbed
turn my eyes around and ask:
what have you become?
many true but others changed
different faces, what a shame
inside still the same?
but sometimes I forget the self
perception had benumbed
turn my eyes around and ask:
what have you become?
My inherent reluctance to turn 18 years of age has yet to present itself.
I will wait.
Postmortem: GP
Now that I think of it, I figure my answers were a bit disorganised. Ideas were presented, but were they clear? For some reason I fear more for the compre answers than for summary and AQ. Brr.
(I realise it's the end of the week. Felt more like a Monday, really. It's odd recalling that I went to school just a few days ago.) (Wait, it's promos already?)
ECONS 2 (time limits and memory will kill you)
BIOLOGY (memory will kill you)
PHYS 3 (not knowing will kill you)
MATH (careless mistakes, time limits and not knowing will kill you)
CLB (LC) (not recognising words will kill you)
ECONS 1 (not knowing will kill you)
PHYS 1 (careless mistakes will kill you)
PHYS 2 (careless mistakes will kill you)
In the summer grass is dying
In the winter grass is dying
Sit here and seek spring
I will wait.
Postmortem: GP
Now that I think of it, I figure my answers were a bit disorganised. Ideas were presented, but were they clear? For some reason I fear more for the compre answers than for summary and AQ. Brr.
(I realise it's the end of the week. Felt more like a Monday, really. It's odd recalling that I went to school just a few days ago.) (Wait, it's promos already?)
ECONS 2 (time limits and memory will kill you)
BIOLOGY (memory will kill you)
PHYS 3 (not knowing will kill you)
MATH (careless mistakes, time limits and not knowing will kill you)
CLB (LC) (not recognising words will kill you)
ECONS 1 (not knowing will kill you)
PHYS 1 (careless mistakes will kill you)
PHYS 2 (careless mistakes will kill you)
In the summer grass is dying
In the winter grass is dying
Sit here and seek spring
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Point Form
Frangipani deathstench returns! Loveleh.
Hair is almost at 100% earhiding stage. Before&After pictures will be made. In five days.
Ms Hazel is Here
I woz thinking about the usefulness of a potential presentation tool: A lazer pointer that would serve as a cursor on the projected screen. Moving it around the projection would move the cursor arrow as long as the lazer is turned on and pointed at the image. One would click/rightclick with buttons that are on the lazer. Perhaps the sensitivity of the cursor could be reduced to prevent amplified movements of the lazer pointer (as a result of a tiny movement of the wrist) going out of control.
These pictures remind me of this picture
Hair is almost at 100% earhiding stage. Before&After pictures will be made. In five days.
Ms Hazel is Here
I woz thinking about the usefulness of a potential presentation tool: A lazer pointer that would serve as a cursor on the projected screen. Moving it around the projection would move the cursor arrow as long as the lazer is turned on and pointed at the image. One would click/rightclick with buttons that are on the lazer. Perhaps the sensitivity of the cursor could be reduced to prevent amplified movements of the lazer pointer (as a result of a tiny movement of the wrist) going out of control.
These pictures remind me of this picture
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Random Ramble. Ings.
Red bean snacks are win.
refrigerated-then-left-to-thaw-in-a-plastic-bag-before-eaten red bean snacks are very, very fail.
see also: diarrhea
When you are doing something that will involve the alteration of somebody's conditions, it helps to heighten your approval ratings when you ASK FIRST.
:< @ mom
Also, It's been a while. This is the 174th day. 9 days more and it'll have been a whole half year (in terms of months) that I've had my hair uncut.
(omg, 1+7+4 = 12! And 1+2 = 3! And 9 is 3 squared! I should care somehow!)
Oh, Time. There you go. Again. Running away.
Or rather, being pushed away. Displaced.
By a force mysterious. Something, or someone.
Do come back.
Be mine again.
refrigerated-then-left-to-thaw-in-a-plastic-bag-before-eaten red bean snacks are very, very fail.
see also: diarrhea
When you are doing something that will involve the alteration of somebody's conditions, it helps to heighten your approval ratings when you ASK FIRST.
:< @ mom
Also, It's been a while. This is the 174th day. 9 days more and it'll have been a whole half year (in terms of months) that I've had my hair uncut.
(omg, 1+7+4 = 12! And 1+2 = 3! And 9 is 3 squared! I should care somehow!)
Oh, Time. There you go. Again. Running away.
Or rather, being pushed away. Displaced.
By a force mysterious. Something, or someone.
Do come back.
Be mine again.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Momentary Diversion
Today is the first time I've ever seen/recognised a blind fellow in the mrt. Swinging his cane at the sensory dots, no less.
ANOTHER DUMB IDEA: A world covered in mechanical, vertical plates. Shaped like the sections made when one cuts an orange with vertical slices. There would be 1440 plates in total, one for each minute of the day (about 28km across the middle). The plates would all rotate at the same speed as the Earth but in the opposite direction. Hence, each plate would be 'frozen' in a specific 'time' of the day. (i.e. one would travel halfway round the Earth to get from the 1pm plate to the 1am plate.)
Or, to be simple, an Earth where one side perpetually faces the sun.
People would choose which time of the day they'd prefer to live in during the long term. The intensity of light would no longer affect the ability of one to sleep. (Perhaps there would exist no sleep altogether.)
If humans decided they'd all want to be living in the sunlight, the 'dark side' of this Earth would be free to grow wildlife undisturbed. Perhaps odd flora and fauna would somehow evolve without the need for sunlight. Maybe firefly-type biology would become extremely commonplace.
Today two butterflies flew past me like so.

ANOTHER DUMB IDEA: A world covered in mechanical, vertical plates. Shaped like the sections made when one cuts an orange with vertical slices. There would be 1440 plates in total, one for each minute of the day (about 28km across the middle). The plates would all rotate at the same speed as the Earth but in the opposite direction. Hence, each plate would be 'frozen' in a specific 'time' of the day. (i.e. one would travel halfway round the Earth to get from the 1pm plate to the 1am plate.)
Or, to be simple, an Earth where one side perpetually faces the sun.
People would choose which time of the day they'd prefer to live in during the long term. The intensity of light would no longer affect the ability of one to sleep. (Perhaps there would exist no sleep altogether.)
If humans decided they'd all want to be living in the sunlight, the 'dark side' of this Earth would be free to grow wildlife undisturbed. Perhaps odd flora and fauna would somehow evolve without the need for sunlight. Maybe firefly-type biology would become extremely commonplace.
Today two butterflies flew past me like so.

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
One would quite like to cut his long hair. Not that I dislike the long hair. I miss botak freshness.
Should I wait till the end of the month?
Mm. Wheel see.
"September 9, 2009, is the 252nd day of the year, 252 adds to 9"
"The day itself falls on a Wednesday and both Wednesday & September have 9 letters."
Mm. I'm surrounded with 3s and 9s myself.
Class 0927. Which is 3squared and 3cubed respectively. (Or 9 and 9squared)
My first name is 9 letters long.
Even 'Boon Siong' is 9 letters long.
Birthmonth is a multiple of 3
Birthday is a multiple of 3, and has the digit 3 in it.
I know 3 people in my school with the same birthday, inclusive of myself.
And that is all. Random9factz
Happy 09/09/2009
Should I wait till the end of the month?
Mm. Wheel see.
"September 9, 2009, is the 252nd day of the year, 252 adds to 9"
"The day itself falls on a Wednesday and both Wednesday & September have 9 letters."
Mm. I'm surrounded with 3s and 9s myself.
Class 0927. Which is 3squared and 3cubed respectively. (Or 9 and 9squared)
My first name is 9 letters long.
Even 'Boon Siong' is 9 letters long.
Birthmonth is a multiple of 3
Birthday is a multiple of 3, and has the digit 3 in it.
I know 3 people in my school with the same birthday, inclusive of myself.
And that is all. Random9factz
Happy 09/09/2009
Monday, September 07, 2009
Random Idea Post
Here's one I rediscovered:
A world where people, as they age, increase in body temperature.
At a certain age the citizens of such a world would all be sent to one place. A place where they would cause no harm to the rest of the world's living things via contact, and could interact with each other before their last days. Or years. A sort of pre-cemetery, where families hold ceremonies for their elders before they are sent there.
Eventually, said elders would become so hot that they would burn their way down the layers of crust and mantle to centre of the planet and feed the planet's core.
A world where people, as they age, increase in body temperature.
At a certain age the citizens of such a world would all be sent to one place. A place where they would cause no harm to the rest of the world's living things via contact, and could interact with each other before their last days. Or years. A sort of pre-cemetery, where families hold ceremonies for their elders before they are sent there.
Eventually, said elders would become so hot that they would burn their way down the layers of crust and mantle to centre of the planet and feed the planet's core.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
If I see another old lady NOT use the reserved seats again...
The volume of a pizza radius z and thickness a is given as
pi z z a.
Neat stuff.
This post will prelude me using the next few hours finishing off EoM draft 1. Rawrg. Haven't done a non built-up post in a while.
Let this post mark.. the start of our September study-holiday. I suspect outings and such will arise, which will be slightly annoying, but eh. Bla. Peh. Pff. Que sera sera and all that.
-Nucleic Acids
*Cell Biology
*DNA+Gene Expression
*Newton's Laws
*Conservation of Momentum
*Work Energy Power
*Circular Motion
*Gravitational Field
*Thermal Physics
I wonder if mosquitoes ever go into shock. When I 'hit' them and find them flying away when I raise my hand. Did the massive sound not affect them at all? Can they hear?
pi z z a.
Neat stuff.
This post will prelude me using the next few hours finishing off EoM draft 1. Rawrg. Haven't done a non built-up post in a while.
Let this post mark.. the start of our September study-holiday. I suspect outings and such will arise, which will be slightly annoying, but eh. Bla. Peh. Pff. Que sera sera and all that.
-Nucleic Acids
*Cell Biology
*DNA+Gene Expression
*Newton's Laws
*Conservation of Momentum
*Work Energy Power
*Circular Motion
*Gravitational Field
*Thermal Physics
I wonder if mosquitoes ever go into shock. When I 'hit' them and find them flying away when I raise my hand. Did the massive sound not affect them at all? Can they hear?
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Time to dump my handphone's Notes folder here.
'Matteo de longis' - artist whose stuff is ossome. Noted down the name when jc and I were at Bishan Library, so I wouldn't forget.
'Slimming cream is dangerous. This is strike two.' - sometime in... July(?), I accidentally dropped a can of slimming cream that was on top of a tall cupboard in my pursuit of a new tube o' toofpaste. The can cracked, and some of the orange cream landed on my forearm.
An hour or so later, in the mrt, I noticed that my forearm really hurt. Apparently a blueblack had formed without me noticing. The pain got worse. Foul substance!
Why strike two? Well. Somebody I know applied the stuff direcrtly on their stomach once, didn't understand how it worked. Didn't know it would sting so very, very badly.
Foul substance.
'Is 'generating phlegm like sneezing in your mouth?' - Random qn-in-head. Whilst walking across the parking lot on the way to the overhead bridge.
'Metal chair with extremely sharp spikes for legs. Every time you sat on it it would sink further into the floor/ground/earth, becoming one with that spot 'forever'.' - While walking up the hill late at night.
'Sensors to measure the weariness of people. Judged on weight of articles carried, age, muscle mass, etc. For usage in mrt cars as indicator of seat priorities.' - Outram mrt. I suspect this is the result of my brain being whiny about my everheavy bag.
'' - For memory.
'Get hit. Let go.' - No remember why. Maybe this was after parent-teacher meeting. Or something.
'An expert is someone who was once pert.' - Yesterday, on the way to the bank. Wordplay is win!
In exactly a month, I will have 2 stages left before I complete Level 2.
Back to paper?
Back to paper?
Back to paper?
'Matteo de longis' - artist whose stuff is ossome. Noted down the name when jc and I were at Bishan Library, so I wouldn't forget.
'Slimming cream is dangerous. This is strike two.' - sometime in... July(?), I accidentally dropped a can of slimming cream that was on top of a tall cupboard in my pursuit of a new tube o' toofpaste. The can cracked, and some of the orange cream landed on my forearm.
An hour or so later, in the mrt, I noticed that my forearm really hurt. Apparently a blueblack had formed without me noticing. The pain got worse. Foul substance!
Why strike two? Well. Somebody I know applied the stuff direcrtly on their stomach once, didn't understand how it worked. Didn't know it would sting so very, very badly.
Foul substance.
'Is 'generating phlegm like sneezing in your mouth?' - Random qn-in-head. Whilst walking across the parking lot on the way to the overhead bridge.
'Metal chair with extremely sharp spikes for legs. Every time you sat on it it would sink further into the floor/ground/earth, becoming one with that spot 'forever'.' - While walking up the hill late at night.
'Sensors to measure the weariness of people. Judged on weight of articles carried, age, muscle mass, etc. For usage in mrt cars as indicator of seat priorities.' - Outram mrt. I suspect this is the result of my brain being whiny about my everheavy bag.
'' - For memory.
'Get hit. Let go.' - No remember why. Maybe this was after parent-teacher meeting. Or something.
'An expert is someone who was once pert.' - Yesterday, on the way to the bank. Wordplay is win!
In exactly a month, I will have 2 stages left before I complete Level 2.
Back to paper?
Back to paper?
Back to paper?
Friday, August 14, 2009
The judo master made his way home. It had been a long, depressing day at the dojo. The new batch of students seldom fell without whining, and he never fared well with this.
He made his way to the train station. In a moment, the next train arrived.
The master stepped in. Sat. The train moved on to the next stop.
A drunk old man stumbled in, shouting and cursing at the ceiling, the floor and all things inbetween.
The master stared.
The drunk staggered over to the young woman, whose face was buried within her novel. He slapped it from her hands and stepped on its crisp, white pages.
The master stared still. 'If he did that to me, I'd make a mess out of him.' he thought.
The drunk, quite finished with the poor woman, set his sights on the elderly man beside her. He shoved, cursed at and even slapped the man, who in frightened stupor immediately left the train at the next stop.
'If he even thinks about laying a finger on me, he's a dead man.' muttered the master as he watched from the opposite bench. He clutched his bag tight with rage at the drunk's dearth of respect.
The drunkard swaggered over to the boy beside the master. A torrent of obscenities, certainly unfit for the ears of such a youth, poured from the drunkard's purple, enraged face. The boy burst into tears, and he ran off as well.
The master couldn't wait for his turn with the drunkard. He'd finally get back at him for the havoc and disrespect he had dealt to those around him. The master's eyes glared in furious anticipation. Only he was left.
The drunk man turned his head to the master. They exchanged stares. The drunkard gave a grunt and as he moved his foot forward, the master's hands freed themselves of his baggage. 'Go ahead. Do something.' he thought. 'I'm ready.'
The drunkard walked out of the train.
The master, dumbfounded, looked around him.
He made his way to the train station. In a moment, the next train arrived.
The master stepped in. Sat. The train moved on to the next stop.
A drunk old man stumbled in, shouting and cursing at the ceiling, the floor and all things inbetween.
The master stared.
The drunk staggered over to the young woman, whose face was buried within her novel. He slapped it from her hands and stepped on its crisp, white pages.
The master stared still. 'If he did that to me, I'd make a mess out of him.' he thought.
The drunk, quite finished with the poor woman, set his sights on the elderly man beside her. He shoved, cursed at and even slapped the man, who in frightened stupor immediately left the train at the next stop.
'If he even thinks about laying a finger on me, he's a dead man.' muttered the master as he watched from the opposite bench. He clutched his bag tight with rage at the drunk's dearth of respect.
The drunkard swaggered over to the boy beside the master. A torrent of obscenities, certainly unfit for the ears of such a youth, poured from the drunkard's purple, enraged face. The boy burst into tears, and he ran off as well.
The master couldn't wait for his turn with the drunkard. He'd finally get back at him for the havoc and disrespect he had dealt to those around him. The master's eyes glared in furious anticipation. Only he was left.
The drunk man turned his head to the master. They exchanged stares. The drunkard gave a grunt and as he moved his foot forward, the master's hands freed themselves of his baggage. 'Go ahead. Do something.' he thought. 'I'm ready.'
The drunkard walked out of the train.
The master, dumbfounded, looked around him.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Join Me In The Spiral
The Gods of Nostalgia beam their smiles down on me this morning. Their power is great and overbearing, and despite all things the hidden presence makes it all better.
Despite the plugged ears. Despite the nocturnal mosquitoes. Despite the dry eyes and wet night shirts. Despite this past week's sickness and the medicine, the early nights and my tinkly phone alarm. Despite the CLB file. Despite having Vic hear me swear on video and give me miniature hell for it. Despite my double fast-food nights. Despite the drawing blocks. Despite stepping on this clotheshanger. Despite the sore throat, the phegmy yellow blobs and my public hoaaaaaarrgghggghking. Despite the smses. Despite mrt people. Despite the bad punctuation of this post, even. Despite it all...
I feels fantarstick!
Moreso than you, maybe.
Hidden nostalgic frequencies are a force sublime.
Despite the plugged ears. Despite the nocturnal mosquitoes. Despite the dry eyes and wet night shirts. Despite this past week's sickness and the medicine, the early nights and my tinkly phone alarm. Despite the CLB file. Despite having Vic hear me swear on video and give me miniature hell for it. Despite my double fast-food nights. Despite the drawing blocks. Despite stepping on this clotheshanger. Despite the sore throat, the phegmy yellow blobs and my public hoaaaaaarrgghggghking. Despite the smses. Despite mrt people. Despite the bad punctuation of this post, even. Despite it all...
I feels fantarstick!
Moreso than you, maybe.
Hidden nostalgic frequencies are a force sublime.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Now That I Have a Cam...

Date of purchase:
September 30, 2008
Moment of death:
May 3, 2009 9:15:28 AM

Moment of disposal:
July 25, 2009 1:19:28 PM
Epic Naps
Known also as early, unprepared Sleeps.
The following is another Thing-I've-Always-Wanted-To-Post. I sort've forgot this one a few times along the way. Until a week or so earlier. I guess it wasn't as great as I initially thought it was, back when I thought it?
Probably because it relies on ageist stereotypes. And doesn't apply to all situations.

Observe the above image.
The arrows represent the type of thinking held
by each of the ages represented by the photographs.
Arrow points forward. Immersed in curiosity, the child seeks to discover more of the world he inhabits. The future is a fun thought to think of. "When I grow up, I'll be...!" and so on.
Arrow points downward. Immersed in the present, the adult is busy and occupied with the many matters at hand. One must think of what to do next, what to do Now. "Just a sec, I've got to do this"
Arrow points back. The angel of Reminisce drops by countless times, as the elder recalls the sinewave that was his/her life before the final years fall into place. The great changes of the present can't help but remind the elder of what they were changes of - the past. "Back in my day, you'd never see that happening. I tell you.."
Und das ist alle.
Don't really like it that much, and that's probably why it took so long from conception to publishing. I mean... the child should have two arrows, one down and one forward. The adult would have an arrow down and a thin arrow forward. Some adults are all down, some are all forward, some are all backward. Some 'Elder's would have an additional arrow down and forward. And so on. And so on.
And now... to do it for the love.
Phyllis should take it well. Martha's already there. Connie needs analysis and Miss B has too much to be productive.
The following is another Thing-I've-Always-Wanted-To-Post. I sort've forgot this one a few times along the way. Until a week or so earlier. I guess it wasn't as great as I initially thought it was, back when I thought it?
Probably because it relies on ageist stereotypes. And doesn't apply to all situations.

Observe the above image.
The arrows represent the type of thinking held
by each of the ages represented by the photographs.
Arrow points forward. Immersed in curiosity, the child seeks to discover more of the world he inhabits. The future is a fun thought to think of. "When I grow up, I'll be...!" and so on.
Arrow points downward. Immersed in the present, the adult is busy and occupied with the many matters at hand. One must think of what to do next, what to do Now. "Just a sec, I've got to do this"
Arrow points back. The angel of Reminisce drops by countless times, as the elder recalls the sinewave that was his/her life before the final years fall into place. The great changes of the present can't help but remind the elder of what they were changes of - the past. "Back in my day, you'd never see that happening. I tell you.."
Und das ist alle.
Don't really like it that much, and that's probably why it took so long from conception to publishing. I mean... the child should have two arrows, one down and one forward. The adult would have an arrow down and a thin arrow forward. Some adults are all down, some are all forward, some are all backward. Some 'Elder's would have an additional arrow down and forward. And so on. And so on.
And now... to do it for the love.
Phyllis should take it well. Martha's already there. Connie needs analysis and Miss B has too much to be productive.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
The Breathing Moss

Woke up this morning with completely numb right arm. Brought it down from above my head, left it there. When the blood rushed back it felt like it was... contracting? Buh.
SAW BEETLE LARVA ON WAY TO MRT THIS MORNING. Maggoty fat grub. Beetle larvae. Larva.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Consider Having Omnipotence.
Wat zou je doen?
Would you live your life the way it is now, cheating from time to time?
Would you live your own paradise?
Would you let yourself die?
Pass your abilities to somebody else?
Throw them away?
Play around? (eg making oneself gigantic enough that you'd be able to look at the universe from a god's-eye view) (eg making oneself so small you could see the inside of atoms, of quarks, beyond.) (eg exploding miles of ocean into the air, then spontaneously freezing it to make strange, sharp scultures) (eg peeling open your skin painlessly to assess your physical inner self?) (et cetera. Et cetera.)
Assuming you bore omnipotence, and lived forever, at what point would it get boring and unfascinating?
Would it?
Would you live your life the way it is now, cheating from time to time?
Would you live your own paradise?
Would you let yourself die?
Pass your abilities to somebody else?
Throw them away?
Play around? (eg making oneself gigantic enough that you'd be able to look at the universe from a god's-eye view) (eg making oneself so small you could see the inside of atoms, of quarks, beyond.) (eg exploding miles of ocean into the air, then spontaneously freezing it to make strange, sharp scultures) (eg peeling open your skin painlessly to assess your physical inner self?) (et cetera. Et cetera.)
Assuming you bore omnipotence, and lived forever, at what point would it get boring and unfascinating?
Would it?
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Failboy Fail Is.
And I turned anticlockwise, still facing the books. Seeing a row of identical Fables book spines, I took one out to see if I'd read it before. Familiar cover. Skimmed through it, found I had indeed read it before. Then I noticed to little boy to my right. He took a book out of one row of books, and unknowingly had shifted the bookstand that all the rest of the books in the row were leaning on.
One book fell. Then two. Then we both stood and stared as the rest of the row slowly tumbled to the floor.
I could've helped stop the great fall.
I wanted to see how far it would go...
After about 5/6ths of the row's books were piled sideways on the floor, I dove in to help.
Continue walking around circular bookshelf. See boy again, this time with mother.
Boy takes out one book.
About 3 fall out, onto the floor.
Zan stifles laughter, looks away.
Failboy is fail.
And now, photodump from the phone.

(From National Museum)
(Not done yet, but not in mood to upload the rest)
Nostalgia tickles me. Come closer, darn you.
One book fell. Then two. Then we both stood and stared as the rest of the row slowly tumbled to the floor.
I could've helped stop the great fall.
I wanted to see how far it would go...
After about 5/6ths of the row's books were piled sideways on the floor, I dove in to help.
Continue walking around circular bookshelf. See boy again, this time with mother.
Boy takes out one book.
About 3 fall out, onto the floor.
Zan stifles laughter, looks away.
Failboy is fail.
And now, photodump from the phone.

(From National Museum)
(Not done yet, but not in mood to upload the rest)
Nostalgia tickles me. Come closer, darn you.
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Pronouncing Dwing gives you a weird pronounciation of the word Doing.
Martha and I are doing fine, but things could be brought to a higher level. I won't be going out with Connie and Selvy until next week, but I suspect things will be dumpy. We never really clicked, but I'm still hopeful. Bonnie..? ..sigh. And Phyllis and I always had a spark between us, we were so passionate. Now I can barely listen to her.
And I want her back.
The angel of Pleasant Nostalgia has been brushing me with his feathers this afternoon. A new kind of brush, this nostalgia feels different. Maybe it's from farther back? Mm.
: ))
Martha and I are doing fine, but things could be brought to a higher level. I won't be going out with Connie and Selvy until next week, but I suspect things will be dumpy. We never really clicked, but I'm still hopeful. Bonnie..? ..sigh. And Phyllis and I always had a spark between us, we were so passionate. Now I can barely listen to her.
And I want her back.
The angel of Pleasant Nostalgia has been brushing me with his feathers this afternoon. A new kind of brush, this nostalgia feels different. Maybe it's from farther back? Mm.
: ))
Friday, July 03, 2009
Alpen, milk and two strawberries.
In a blender.
Oh yeah.
(Don't taste no different, actually)
List of asymmetries I've found through the years:
-upper teeth/gum row tilted slightly anticlockwise (clockwise from my view) with respect to upper lip
-left tooth-between-canine-and-fronttooth slightly more inside the gum than the right tooth-between-canine-and-fronttooth
-(my) left eyelid lower than right
-left chin hair grows pointing downwards, right chin hair points back
-same thing with central region of eyebrows: left one starts off pointing up-ish, right one starts pointing sideways
-EARS. Left one sticks out more
-sparser arrangement of sideburns on my right cheek than the left one
-nails of left and right big toe are strangely differently structured
And that's just the ones I've found.
In a blender.
Oh yeah.
(Don't taste no different, actually)
List of asymmetries I've found through the years:
-upper teeth/gum row tilted slightly anticlockwise (clockwise from my view) with respect to upper lip
-left tooth-between-canine-and-fronttooth slightly more inside the gum than the right tooth-between-canine-and-fronttooth
-(my) left eyelid lower than right
-left chin hair grows pointing downwards, right chin hair points back
-same thing with central region of eyebrows: left one starts off pointing up-ish, right one starts pointing sideways
-EARS. Left one sticks out more
-sparser arrangement of sideburns on my right cheek than the left one
-nails of left and right big toe are strangely differently structured
And that's just the ones I've found.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Mmrmm. 8am paper today.
I woke up at about 6.00am, turned the alarm off, looked at the bathroom door and saw that the door was closed, light coming from inside. Sister already showering. Hmp.
Back to bed. Just a tad more rest.
I woke up at about 7.12am, realised this, bolted to the shower, tried to smear on the liquid soap as I washed self. Got out, put on uniform, took bag, left. Dashed to mrt. "Arriving in 3 minutes", it said.
Entered exam venue, sweating, at about 7.50am. Took stuff. Sat down.
(friggin 5th-level venue)
(fraggin people-already-using-elevator. rar)
"lolnotsobadwhatHope that's the answer!shitnotime"
"OhshitnodictionaryHope that's the answer!"
And then you realise that it's there to be done whether you want to take it away or not. And then it's so much easier to want to do it, because it'll be there so long that you start to have fun with it.
Time to edit an old post.
I woke up at about 6.00am, turned the alarm off, looked at the bathroom door and saw that the door was closed, light coming from inside. Sister already showering. Hmp.
Back to bed. Just a tad more rest.
I woke up at about 7.12am, realised this, bolted to the shower, tried to smear on the liquid soap as I washed self. Got out, put on uniform, took bag, left. Dashed to mrt. "Arriving in 3 minutes", it said.
Entered exam venue, sweating, at about 7.50am. Took stuff. Sat down.
(friggin 5th-level venue)
(fraggin people-already-using-elevator. rar)
"lolnotsobadwhatHope that's the answer!shitnotime"
"OhshitnodictionaryHope that's the answer!"
And then you realise that it's there to be done whether you want to take it away or not. And then it's so much easier to want to do it, because it'll be there so long that you start to have fun with it.
Time to edit an old post.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
And the Theme for Today's Paper is...
"If I just had more time!"
Mm. Onwards to Ekawns.
I predict the next theme'll be along the lines of "I couldn't remember!"
Again: Mm.
Mm. Onwards to Ekawns.
I predict the next theme'll be along the lines of "I couldn't remember!"
Again: Mm.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I Can Feel It Dave
A man on the same mrt train section as I went with me from Dhoby Ghaut to Harbourfront. He was middle aged, paunchy. Not one you would call 'chipper'. We reached the last stop of the North East Line and everyone left. I slowly packed my book into my bag - the train at the last stop waits long before leaving - and noticed he was still just sitting there. He stayed in the train, other people got on, the train went off.
Think he's still there?
Daisy Daisy
give me your answer do
I'm half cra zy
all for the love of you
It won't be a sty lish marriage
I can't afford a carriage
But you'll look sweet upon the seat
Of a bicycle built for two
Think he's still there?
Daisy Daisy
give me your answer do
I'm half cra zy
all for the love of you
It won't be a sty lish marriage
I can't afford a carriage
But you'll look sweet upon the seat
Of a bicycle built for two
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
And Now, to Be Goodboy
My dear friend Opinion thinks that naming other people the following words
is an act more vulgar than if words conventionally considered vulgar (eg Fucker) were used. Don't be an idiot. Why are you so stupid? You don't have to be such an idiot. Et cetera. To call someone as such is an insult to... their mind. (lol mindhead) Their mind, that which is used
every day, to do
everything, at
every given moment.
You insult their life, foo.
Of course it's less insulting if one decides to be more... constructive with the criticism ('that's stupid, you should be doing this' as opposed to 'you're being stupid. stop it.') because Opinion says it's not very nice to call someone out on something they can't change. Or don't know how to change.
"Stop being an idiot."
Is the receiver supposed to understand immediately how he/she is being what the giver considers 'idiotic'?
(btw: This is all directed at a particular person I know who is a fan of using these words. The person hasn't used them to me in... years, I think, but they've still been using em on other people. And if you think it is you I refer to, and ask me if this is so, you will be told it is not. So fret not.)
is an act more vulgar than if words conventionally considered vulgar (eg Fucker) were used. Don't be an idiot. Why are you so stupid? You don't have to be such an idiot. Et cetera. To call someone as such is an insult to... their mind. (lol mindhead) Their mind, that which is used
every day, to do
everything, at
every given moment.
You insult their life, foo.
Of course it's less insulting if one decides to be more... constructive with the criticism ('that's stupid, you should be doing this' as opposed to 'you're being stupid. stop it.') because Opinion says it's not very nice to call someone out on something they can't change. Or don't know how to change.
"Stop being an idiot."
Is the receiver supposed to understand immediately how he/she is being what the giver considers 'idiotic'?
(btw: This is all directed at a particular person I know who is a fan of using these words. The person hasn't used them to me in... years, I think, but they've still been using em on other people. And if you think it is you I refer to, and ask me if this is so, you will be told it is not. So fret not.)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Tot: I know I'm feeling a little down when I actually do feel like I'm 'wasting my breath' when I speak.
I remember thinking, whilst in school, about how fantastic and convenient it would be if we didn't have classes or ccas so frequently, and thus would be able to stay at home and have optimum time to study ourselves.
We have that now, and I think I've been taking it for granted a wee bit. I've forgotten how much I wanted this, and what I wanted it for. Ey?
L. O. V.
I remember thinking, whilst in school, about how fantastic and convenient it would be if we didn't have classes or ccas so frequently, and thus would be able to stay at home and have optimum time to study ourselves.
We have that now, and I think I've been taking it for granted a wee bit. I've forgotten how much I wanted this, and what I wanted it for. Ey?
L. O. V.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Slapdash says:
List of interesting things to draw:
-megaman robot masters
-mythical beasts
-mythical beasts of literature that are only described, but not illustrated, and are left to the artist's interpretation (eg behemoth)
-elemental creatures
-tribal shitizzle from africa + newzealand (egmasks)
-jap stuff.. duh.
-prehensile body parts of animals
-personifications/embodiments of things (eg Death, Life, War etc)
Decided to post a habit that started earlier this year, left me, and now seems to be returning.
When peeing on a really full bladder, I put four fingers of my hand on my stomach, just slightly below the belly button, and keep it there. After the last drop has been dropzed, I place my thumb where that area of my stomach now is, and measure the difference in distance.
Just to see how much of my bladder's width has changed. Heh.
Cheap thrillz.
Disgusting habits.
[Edit: I apologize to those who cannot/do not pee standing up. For they are unable to indulge in this sick, sick habit.]
List of interesting things to draw:
-megaman robot masters
-mythical beasts
-mythical beasts of literature that are only described, but not illustrated, and are left to the artist's interpretation (eg behemoth)
-elemental creatures
-tribal shitizzle from africa + newzealand (egmasks)
-jap stuff.. duh.
-prehensile body parts of animals
-personifications/embodiments of things (eg Death, Life, War etc)
Decided to post a habit that started earlier this year, left me, and now seems to be returning.
When peeing on a really full bladder, I put four fingers of my hand on my stomach, just slightly below the belly button, and keep it there. After the last drop has been dropzed, I place my thumb where that area of my stomach now is, and measure the difference in distance.
Just to see how much of my bladder's width has changed. Heh.
Cheap thrillz.
Disgusting habits.
[Edit: I apologize to those who cannot/do not pee standing up. For they are unable to indulge in this sick, sick habit.]
Coffee's Only a Dime
June 16th.
Around 5pm.
You. Yes, you. That was very much uncalled for.
You are a confused, angry little boy.
Contemplate that, control yourself.
About the word 'Relationship'. It needs to be explained to some why to 'be in a relationship' with someone does not necessarily involve romance.
One should look into roots of the word.
Relationship. There is a relation between them. They are related.
"Billy is in a relationship with Mary."
This merely means that Billy and Mary are related in one way or another. Not necessarily romantic, it could be referring to a friendship, partnership, acquaintanceship, comanionship, etc.
And then I search the word on, and it ruins all of that with its fourth definition:
4. a sexual involvement; affair.
Also on le thème de la romance, I woz thinking one day about the nature of romance in most movies. Most film romances are the Love-At-First-Sight type, instead of that gradual, slow, progression that later buds into... confusion.. then blooms.
Blooms into the realisation "OMG I'VE FALLEN IN LIKE WIT YOO".
und zen i thought... wait. That kind of romance does appear on screens. Usually on dramas/soaps though.
I suppose it's the time constraints that cause this. It's all their fault.
('Playing hearts' has an interesting double meaning. Lawl.)
Interesting how, as a 13/14/15/16 year old, one can imagine romantic (or, for some... erotic?) scenarios with peers of the same age. And it appears perfectly fine. But years after, when one is, oh, say... 20? 30? And beyond? If those same thoughts of the same people at that time period arise in one's head, they would be opined as
really disgusting.
Not that I don't follow this. I just don't understand. (Or bother enough to mentally investigate. Yet.)
June 18th: First time in a loooong time I went outdoors without a bag with me/on my back. Woot!
The event: 5/1 class bbq @ CT's haus
Just as pleasure made constant and continuous is nullified, so Pain made constant and continuous is nullified.
i.e. Get studying, sirs and madams.
i.e. Get exercising.
Eat less.
Save money.
etc etc.
It may be shit for some, but the shit will pass.
Provided you deal with it long enough.
Random idea dump!
A multinational corporation that provided access to future-viewing?
It would never get infiltrated, as they would be able to look ahead and see you try.
They would always have enough moolah to maintain the company, given their ability to see how stock market goez.
They would have a code: to never take advantage of the future-viewing device/machine/whatever for malicious gains.
Their purpose would be to deflect possible dangers caused by the way the world's people are doing things at the time.
(actually today, technically, but)
Last week of study, leh. Lehzx.
Bah, humbug.
Around 5pm.
You. Yes, you. That was very much uncalled for.
You are a confused, angry little boy.
Contemplate that, control yourself.
About the word 'Relationship'. It needs to be explained to some why to 'be in a relationship' with someone does not necessarily involve romance.
One should look into roots of the word.
Relationship. There is a relation between them. They are related.
"Billy is in a relationship with Mary."
This merely means that Billy and Mary are related in one way or another. Not necessarily romantic, it could be referring to a friendship, partnership, acquaintanceship, comanionship, etc.
And then I search the word on, and it ruins all of that with its fourth definition:
4. a sexual involvement; affair.
Also on le thème de la romance, I woz thinking one day about the nature of romance in most movies. Most film romances are the Love-At-First-Sight type, instead of that gradual, slow, progression that later buds into... confusion.. then blooms.
Blooms into the realisation "OMG I'VE FALLEN IN LIKE WIT YOO".
und zen i thought... wait. That kind of romance does appear on screens. Usually on dramas/soaps though.
I suppose it's the time constraints that cause this. It's all their fault.
('Playing hearts' has an interesting double meaning. Lawl.)
Interesting how, as a 13/14/15/16 year old, one can imagine romantic (or, for some... erotic?) scenarios with peers of the same age. And it appears perfectly fine. But years after, when one is, oh, say... 20? 30? And beyond? If those same thoughts of the same people at that time period arise in one's head, they would be opined as
really disgusting.
Not that I don't follow this. I just don't understand. (Or bother enough to mentally investigate. Yet.)
June 18th: First time in a loooong time I went outdoors without a bag with me/on my back. Woot!
The event: 5/1 class bbq @ CT's haus
Just as pleasure made constant and continuous is nullified, so Pain made constant and continuous is nullified.
i.e. Get studying, sirs and madams.
i.e. Get exercising.
Eat less.
Save money.
etc etc.
It may be shit for some, but the shit will pass.
Provided you deal with it long enough.
Random idea dump!
A multinational corporation that provided access to future-viewing?
It would never get infiltrated, as they would be able to look ahead and see you try.
They would always have enough moolah to maintain the company, given their ability to see how stock market goez.
They would have a code: to never take advantage of the future-viewing device/machine/whatever for malicious gains.
Their purpose would be to deflect possible dangers caused by the way the world's people are doing things at the time.
(actually today, technically, but)
Last week of study, leh. Lehzx.
Bah, humbug.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Get to it, Kid
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Strawberry Windz
Not that I didn't get used to icy showers, but the feel of WARM WATER on one's ornery self after forgetting such a sensuous wonder of wonders... kicks ass.
Unfortunately, the fingers of my right hand have skinscrape wounds right between the knuckles and nails.
A trip to the bathroom sink reminded me that raw skin + water = $%@*&
And so, every trip to the shower involves my right hand avoiding getting wet. So my left hand does all the soapwork, while righty holds the nozzle. As a result, the left side of my body gets less soaped-up, as my left hand can't quite reach my left armpit/armarea/back. So my mind does something it hasn't done in ages; it anthropomorphises the left and right sides of my body. "I have to be dirty because you hurt?!" etc etc.
(I used to do that with... scissorsleavesfurniturepillowswalletslegoblocks etc etc)
(back in them wee years)
(Thought: My right hand remains unwashed though. So fair game.)
Mini social networking website that allocates each day of our 2009 years (or maybe just the past 100) to a list of people born on those days.
Then further breaks upthe hours of each day and allocates the hours to people born within those times. (Maybe even break it up into seconds?)
So... people would be able to find others that were born at the exact same day. Or moment, even. You know, for shits and giggles.
PS: This is one of the first, if not the first, movies I watched in cinema. Finally tracked it down.
Ah, phuket. Nothing moretowrite.
Not that I didn't get used to icy showers, but the feel of WARM WATER on one's ornery self after forgetting such a sensuous wonder of wonders... kicks ass.
Unfortunately, the fingers of my right hand have skinscrape wounds right between the knuckles and nails.

A trip to the bathroom sink reminded me that raw skin + water = $%@*&
And so, every trip to the shower involves my right hand avoiding getting wet. So my left hand does all the soapwork, while righty holds the nozzle. As a result, the left side of my body gets less soaped-up, as my left hand can't quite reach my left armpit/armarea/back. So my mind does something it hasn't done in ages; it anthropomorphises the left and right sides of my body. "I have to be dirty because you hurt?!" etc etc.
(I used to do that with... scissorsleavesfurniturepillowswalletslegoblocks etc etc)
(back in them wee years)
(Thought: My right hand remains unwashed though. So fair game.)
Mini social networking website that allocates each day of our 2009 years (or maybe just the past 100) to a list of people born on those days.
Then further breaks upthe hours of each day and allocates the hours to people born within those times. (Maybe even break it up into seconds?)
So... people would be able to find others that were born at the exact same day. Or moment, even. You know, for shits and giggles.
PS: This is one of the first, if not the first, movies I watched in cinema. Finally tracked it down.
Ah, phuket. Nothing moretowrite.
Friday, June 05, 2009
Red is Me is Red Me is Red
*flicks overturned beetlebaby off tablet*
Hads outing with jewdokas yesterday at Sentosa.
Had econs lessons at school before, so I arrived a lil later. Got on the tram to Sentosa, took it to Beach Station.
Got out.
Turned left, where any unsuspecting Sentosa-frequenting teenager would have gone. To Palawan, and that other beach. Where there's so much more free space. And clean water. And atmospheric beachpeople noise. And... NOT SILOSO. Which was where everyone turned out to be.
Something I found out after walking half the way back from the other side of the friggin beach.
Answer yer phones, beaches.
Activities that occurred:
1: Burying jc in sand
2: Volleyball
3: Volleyball
4: Soccer with strangers
5: Getting pwnt by the sun
6: Swim
7: Volleyball
Activites I participated in:
1. Not to mention the administration of sandboob surgery upon the aforementioned jc.
2. Watching, mostly.
3. With 4-5 people. bdoink
4. lol, no.
5. facearmsbackneck
6. And splashing balls in peoples' faces. And splashing sands in peoples' faces. And splashing random seaweeds ats peoples' faces. And getting sea-osotogaried. And floating.
7. lol
8: CHOMPchickenrice
9: CHOMPbrownricemealfromthatthunderteariceshopinfoodcourtomglongsentence
10: goes homes.
11: Attend judo the next day with painful burning back and face.
12: Get pwned by Matthew who I took the bus with to school (which we were both going to) from bpss instead of taking the circle line.
Whilst already in bus:
"how long does it take?"
"about 40 minutes?"
Und that was all.
Hads outing with jewdokas yesterday at Sentosa.
Had econs lessons at school before, so I arrived a lil later. Got on the tram to Sentosa, took it to Beach Station.
Got out.
Turned left, where any unsuspecting Sentosa-frequenting teenager would have gone. To Palawan, and that other beach. Where there's so much more free space. And clean water. And atmospheric beachpeople noise. And... NOT SILOSO. Which was where everyone turned out to be.
Something I found out after walking half the way back from the other side of the friggin beach.
Answer yer phones, beaches.
Activities that occurred:
1: Burying jc in sand
2: Volleyball
3: Volleyball
4: Soccer with strangers
5: Getting pwnt by the sun
6: Swim
7: Volleyball
Activites I participated in:
1. Not to mention the administration of sandboob surgery upon the aforementioned jc.
2. Watching, mostly.
3. With 4-5 people. bdoink
4. lol, no.
5. facearmsbackneck
6. And splashing balls in peoples' faces. And splashing sands in peoples' faces. And splashing random seaweeds ats peoples' faces. And getting sea-osotogaried. And floating.
7. lol
8: CHOMPchickenrice
9: CHOMPbrownricemealfromthatthunderteariceshopinfoodcourtomglongsentence
10: goes homes.
11: Attend judo the next day with painful burning back and face.
12: Get pwned by Matthew who I took the bus with to school (which we were both going to) from bpss instead of taking the circle line.
Whilst already in bus:
"how long does it take?"
"about 40 minutes?"
Und that was all.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Consider Staring at a Light Source For Hours.
Anyhway. Want to put this idea here because
I just like the name, really. The concept probably isn't all that new. Or original.
Tables would be large and spacious.
Cheap earplugs would be sold at the counter for those who wish to study in silence.
Or... a 'silent study room' could be organised.
Eating permitted anywhere within le place.
Target consumers would be students, o course.
Food would be snacks only, no mealz0rs. That means everything sold seperately.
EZlink paying, yay
Laptop room, for laptop studyers!
No music/radio being played overhead!
Various isolated studyrooms!
Best of all,
this ridiculously large-and-thus-expensive place would be called...
*casts drumroll*
yeah. It'd just be nice to have an indoor studyish environment
that permits eating.
Gahmen, do your thing.
Anyhway. Want to put this idea here because
I just like the name, really. The concept probably isn't all that new. Or original.
Tables would be large and spacious.
Cheap earplugs would be sold at the counter for those who wish to study in silence.
Or... a 'silent study room' could be organised.
Eating permitted anywhere within le place.
Target consumers would be students, o course.
Food would be snacks only, no mealz0rs. That means everything sold seperately.
EZlink paying, yay
Laptop room, for laptop studyers!
No music/radio being played overhead!
Various isolated studyrooms!
Best of all,
this ridiculously large-and-thus-expensive place would be called...
*casts drumroll*
yeah. It'd just be nice to have an indoor studyish environment
that permits eating.
Gahmen, do your thing.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Consider an Atheist Hillbilly.
Fate and her ally Understandingmp3 join forces to kick me in the face: On the mrt home, as I read the Isaac Asimov book, I chance upon the short story The Fun They had.
Read it and the trauma will be apparent. Probably.
(Remember that I read this on the last day of school before the month-long holidays.)
Then Understandingmp3 gives me We've Gotta Get Out Of This Place by The Animals as I leave Harbourfront mrt into the fresh day's air, into the holidays.
Here's the zebragraphs I've been pining to create since sec school, comin right up.
But first, some background.

Observe! The road outside Outram Sec. In orange are the entrances to the school's interior, and the red lines represent sidewalks.
After walking across the bridge, I enter the scene in the direction indicated by the pink arrow. One would simply jaywalk in a straight line to the large school entrance, but no. You can't jaywalk. Teachers drive to school in the morning, and it sucks to be caught by their angry cars.
AND SO. Here are the two routes that I'd take if I were to enter le school.

Eh, I usually use the blue route anyway. Less break in my line of direction, and not as much of a slope to climb once I'm inside.
Through months of walked down these paths, I seeked efficiency. How would I be able to get to the other side of the road in the least distance/time, whilst having to walk over that stupid zebra crossing?
And so, I mindxperimented with the following routes.

In transparent red is the 'normal' route. (see: n00wbzx0rZ route)
1: My favourite route. Especially satisfying when ending up ahead of people that were walking at the same speed as you before the zebra crossing. Confuses the councillors too.
2: Meh, a bit more guai. Better than the normal, but not as satisfying or fast as 1.
3: Even guaier-er. Used on days where I feel lazy or the DM is watching.
4: Lulz. Not used so much because it's the riskiest of the four. Only when in a rush.
Now for the bottomright-to-bottomleft crossings...

5: The other favourite. Used almost always, just a skimming of the zebra crossing to show I've acknowledged I'm not supposed to jaywalk (stupid camera-in-front-of-school).
6: Used when lazy. Again, just grazes the crossing. I do my best to file down that red path to a straight line.
7: omg secret path!: just jaywalk bah
Mangoes be a-falling along Marang road. This means food for birds, lizards, thecat, ants, squirrels, unwantedvisitorsthatcollectthebloodyfruit, squirrels and squirrels.
Also, this one day (last last week?) when I was walking home I thought of a neat-arse idea: 3-dimensional billards. In antigravity. Wooten!
It'd be neat to float one's way around the balls in the billiards arena to make each shot. The lack of gravity would enable balls to travel in a straight line, without the balls' weight pulling them away into a curved route and all.
I guess the only problem would be... how to stop the balls from moving on indefinitely? How to have them roll at the same speed and friction that a velvety pool table would provide? I doubt that the air in a space shuttle alone would give enough air resistance to stop the balls moving whole metres away from each other after a collision. What then?
Hm. Air saturated with a certain chemical would work, I guess. A chemical with just the right structure that would have the balls appear to move through it with the same friction as the aforementioned velvety table. Of course, such thick air would be dangerous to inhale. So astro-billiards-ers would have to wear gas masks.
It's still a neat thing to fantasize about if it worked...
Another thing found weeks ago: There is a spot on the back of my head (or is it in?) that goes all warm when I am... unknowingly frustrated? Or sianzed even? Dunno. But I felt it weeks ago, and it felt familiar. Just can't quite put a finger on what caused it the previous few times.
I thought about the times in my past where I've looked upon another person exhibit behaviours that I once had too. The stages in my behavioural development that I've passed, and now look back/look at other people exhibit them and think "Heh, I've been there/passed that stage". Like when a certain JZK talked about joining ___ as a cca because he wanted to focus on intellectual development rather than physical.
As if you had to sacrifice one for the other, or something.
And I realised that I used that excuse in primary school to keep indulging myself in my books, drawings and computering. Instead of standing up off my ass and exercising.
Also, when I saw JZK do tiny, silent, vicious attacks in response to repeated taunting n shit, I realised I did that a couple of times in the past too. If someone wouldn't stop being annoying, I'd make a quick and really painful pinch then go about like I didn't do a thing. Seeing someone do that again made me lol.
Anyway. This made me think o the things I'm doing now. Which ways I adopt will I look back on and say "lolz, I did that" or "lulz, I'm past that now"?
Do we really grow past these things? Or do our changing environments deprive us of the opportunity to reenact them again?
Also thought of what infinite longevity/youth would do to retirement. Or marriage.
Think. If you could live forever without dying by natural causes, would you ever be able to retire? To sustain the infinite amount of feeding you'd have to provide yourself, you would have to work.. like, forever.
But wait! Retirement may not disappear, but merely change its ways. People may work for about.. 60 years, then 'retire' for another 40 years with those savings, then start working again for another 60 years, then retire again, repeat ad infinitum. Retirement cycles, they'd be called. And we could get different jobs each time.
(Is there a job you could find that would keep you in retirement for the rest of your life?)
(i.e one that would keep providing without further input?)
And... marriage. What would happen to couples if they could live for thousands of years? Would people stick to the same person for that length of time? How many people will use the phrase "together 4ever" when actually faced with the 'forever' they've promised?
I'd imagine that marriages would eventually fade out, polygamy embraced as norm and children finding themselves in family trees that continuously expand not only from the latest branches, but in the earlier branches as well.
But who knows. Couples may indeed last forever.
Couples may even decide to end their lives together.
Gawsh. What would happen to the concept of death in a world where nobody can say "we'll all die eventually"? People could go on living forever if they wanted (of course, if they didn't like eat poison or commit suicide or sth)and death, if not by accident, would become a choice. A final "Kay, I think I've had enough" moment.
Would each person have a very special day to mark this event? This event where they decide not to go on? Or would such suicide have numerous efforts to be prevented, as it is now?
Have been revisiting Smash Mouth lately. Iz good stuffz. I wish I had limewire again, gawsh.
Yes, Vic. It was nice when I could pirate without knowing that it was pirating.
Yeah, I'd buy their cd, too. cheesebun
pullups 10
situps 45
shuttle run 9.4
sit&reach 145? Idunno, but I got B. And I'm 17 at the moment. (17.66, actually.)
jump 232
2.4: 10.20
Dumb little thing I noticed: Every word that ends with a plosive followed by 'le' can be pronounced the same way if the 'le' is reversed to 'el':
Principle > Principel
Jingle > Jingel
Dangle > Dangel
etc etc.
Read it and the trauma will be apparent. Probably.
(Remember that I read this on the last day of school before the month-long holidays.)
Then Understandingmp3 gives me We've Gotta Get Out Of This Place by The Animals as I leave Harbourfront mrt into the fresh day's air, into the holidays.
Here's the zebragraphs I've been pining to create since sec school, comin right up.
But first, some background.

Observe! The road outside Outram Sec. In orange are the entrances to the school's interior, and the red lines represent sidewalks.
After walking across the bridge, I enter the scene in the direction indicated by the pink arrow. One would simply jaywalk in a straight line to the large school entrance, but no. You can't jaywalk. Teachers drive to school in the morning, and it sucks to be caught by their angry cars.
AND SO. Here are the two routes that I'd take if I were to enter le school.

Eh, I usually use the blue route anyway. Less break in my line of direction, and not as much of a slope to climb once I'm inside.
Through months of walked down these paths, I seeked efficiency. How would I be able to get to the other side of the road in the least distance/time, whilst having to walk over that stupid zebra crossing?
And so, I mindxperimented with the following routes.

In transparent red is the 'normal' route. (see: n00wbzx0rZ route)
1: My favourite route. Especially satisfying when ending up ahead of people that were walking at the same speed as you before the zebra crossing. Confuses the councillors too.
2: Meh, a bit more guai. Better than the normal, but not as satisfying or fast as 1.
3: Even guaier-er. Used on days where I feel lazy or the DM is watching.
4: Lulz. Not used so much because it's the riskiest of the four. Only when in a rush.
Now for the bottomright-to-bottomleft crossings...

5: The other favourite. Used almost always, just a skimming of the zebra crossing to show I've acknowledged I'm not supposed to jaywalk (stupid camera-in-front-of-school).
6: Used when lazy. Again, just grazes the crossing. I do my best to file down that red path to a straight line.
7: omg secret path!: just jaywalk bah
Mangoes be a-falling along Marang road. This means food for birds, lizards, thecat, ants, squirrels, unwantedvisitorsthatcollectthebloodyfruit, squirrels and squirrels.
Also, this one day (last last week?) when I was walking home I thought of a neat-arse idea: 3-dimensional billards. In antigravity. Wooten!
It'd be neat to float one's way around the balls in the billiards arena to make each shot. The lack of gravity would enable balls to travel in a straight line, without the balls' weight pulling them away into a curved route and all.
I guess the only problem would be... how to stop the balls from moving on indefinitely? How to have them roll at the same speed and friction that a velvety pool table would provide? I doubt that the air in a space shuttle alone would give enough air resistance to stop the balls moving whole metres away from each other after a collision. What then?
Hm. Air saturated with a certain chemical would work, I guess. A chemical with just the right structure that would have the balls appear to move through it with the same friction as the aforementioned velvety table. Of course, such thick air would be dangerous to inhale. So astro-billiards-ers would have to wear gas masks.
It's still a neat thing to fantasize about if it worked...
Another thing found weeks ago: There is a spot on the back of my head (or is it in?) that goes all warm when I am... unknowingly frustrated? Or sianzed even? Dunno. But I felt it weeks ago, and it felt familiar. Just can't quite put a finger on what caused it the previous few times.
I thought about the times in my past where I've looked upon another person exhibit behaviours that I once had too. The stages in my behavioural development that I've passed, and now look back/look at other people exhibit them and think "Heh, I've been there/passed that stage". Like when a certain JZK talked about joining ___ as a cca because he wanted to focus on intellectual development rather than physical.
As if you had to sacrifice one for the other, or something.
And I realised that I used that excuse in primary school to keep indulging myself in my books, drawings and computering. Instead of standing up off my ass and exercising.
Also, when I saw JZK do tiny, silent, vicious attacks in response to repeated taunting n shit, I realised I did that a couple of times in the past too. If someone wouldn't stop being annoying, I'd make a quick and really painful pinch then go about like I didn't do a thing. Seeing someone do that again made me lol.
Anyway. This made me think o the things I'm doing now. Which ways I adopt will I look back on and say "lolz, I did that" or "lulz, I'm past that now"?
Do we really grow past these things? Or do our changing environments deprive us of the opportunity to reenact them again?
Also thought of what infinite longevity/youth would do to retirement. Or marriage.
Think. If you could live forever without dying by natural causes, would you ever be able to retire? To sustain the infinite amount of feeding you'd have to provide yourself, you would have to work.. like, forever.
But wait! Retirement may not disappear, but merely change its ways. People may work for about.. 60 years, then 'retire' for another 40 years with those savings, then start working again for another 60 years, then retire again, repeat ad infinitum. Retirement cycles, they'd be called. And we could get different jobs each time.
(Is there a job you could find that would keep you in retirement for the rest of your life?)
(i.e one that would keep providing without further input?)
And... marriage. What would happen to couples if they could live for thousands of years? Would people stick to the same person for that length of time? How many people will use the phrase "together 4ever" when actually faced with the 'forever' they've promised?
I'd imagine that marriages would eventually fade out, polygamy embraced as norm and children finding themselves in family trees that continuously expand not only from the latest branches, but in the earlier branches as well.
But who knows. Couples may indeed last forever.
Couples may even decide to end their lives together.
Gawsh. What would happen to the concept of death in a world where nobody can say "we'll all die eventually"? People could go on living forever if they wanted (of course, if they didn't like eat poison or commit suicide or sth)and death, if not by accident, would become a choice. A final "Kay, I think I've had enough" moment.
Would each person have a very special day to mark this event? This event where they decide not to go on? Or would such suicide have numerous efforts to be prevented, as it is now?
Have been revisiting Smash Mouth lately. Iz good stuffz. I wish I had limewire again, gawsh.
Yes, Vic. It was nice when I could pirate without knowing that it was pirating.
Yeah, I'd buy their cd, too. cheesebun
pullups 10
situps 45
shuttle run 9.4
sit&reach 145? Idunno, but I got B. And I'm 17 at the moment. (17.66, actually.)
jump 232
2.4: 10.20
Dumb little thing I noticed: Every word that ends with a plosive followed by 'le' can be pronounced the same way if the 'le' is reversed to 'el':
Principle > Principel
Jingle > Jingel
Dangle > Dangel
etc etc.
Monday, May 11, 2009
A Dumping.
Not very bloglike. I'm sorry:
Just putting stuff here so I can go back and think about them later. Things I wanna think about, but not right now. For it is 1.40 am:
-Why it seems more ethical to pick a dollar note that was left there off the ground than to stumble inside a house with the door left open and a dollar note left on the table, then take that note, or see a car with the door left open and a dollar note left on the dashboard, then taking the note.
-The advantages of sticking to honour
-Gosh, there's still that zebra-crossing thing I never posted here. rrgh
(Hopefully, I'll edit this post and make it proper)
Just putting stuff here so I can go back and think about them later. Things I wanna think about, but not right now. For it is 1.40 am:
-Why it seems more ethical to pick a dollar note that was left there off the ground than to stumble inside a house with the door left open and a dollar note left on the table, then take that note, or see a car with the door left open and a dollar note left on the dashboard, then taking the note.
-The advantages of sticking to honour
-Gosh, there's still that zebra-crossing thing I never posted here. rrgh
(Hopefully, I'll edit this post and make it proper)
Friday, May 08, 2009
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Balan S. Itall
No rules for a day. What'd you do?
Back in primary school (can't remember if it was upper or lower), I remember sometimes fantasizing about my future, older, 16-20-ish self coming back to his past and sharing with me all his awesome tips, tricks, secrets and wisdom that he got from already living through what I was in. Just seeing this person would make me feel happy, knowing that he was doing well and he was me.
My point is: I had an image of what I expected my future self to be. Wanted him to be, rather. He was smart, charming, and all that crapola. The question I thought of earlier on the morning walk to the mrt was... are you that guy? What would your little 7-12 year-old self think of you now? Would he look forward to being you? Would he prefer to change you?
Well, I doubt my future, older, 25-35-ish self would say much if he'd return to meet me, so's not to mess up the time continuum or anything. But I can dream, can't I? I can. I do have an expectation for the futuremenow to bear though, whatever he may turn out to be like.
To my future self:
Be happy, okay?
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Run West, my Son
-It would be nice to see a National Just-Go-Out-And-walk-Around Day happen. For everyone to take a break and explore the space around them. Take a breather. And it would be called... the Big Roam. Or Jalanfest. Or something.
-It would be nice to see more obsessives. Their fixation brings them to places we never thought to look, and they bring back things we never knew we could dooooo.
-It would have been nice to have a watch that didn't bloody stop every few minutes. Then I'd know if I ran an hour. Dangholio.
-It would have been better if I didn't shatter the watch face, ahem.. heh... ha.
Am now playing around with alphabet soup. I'm sorry, S, I couldn't help myself.
Scoop one: BONKO
Scoop two: FOOK
Scoop three: WOIY
Scoop four: VYLIPPN
Scoop five: VED
Et cetera.
Et cetera.
3pm, yo.
-It would be nice to see a National Just-Go-Out-And-walk-Around Day happen. For everyone to take a break and explore the space around them. Take a breather. And it would be called... the Big Roam. Or Jalanfest. Or something.
-It would be nice to see more obsessives. Their fixation brings them to places we never thought to look, and they bring back things we never knew we could dooooo.
-It would have been nice to have a watch that didn't bloody stop every few minutes. Then I'd know if I ran an hour. Dangholio.
-It would have been better if I didn't shatter the watch face, ahem.. heh... ha.
Am now playing around with alphabet soup. I'm sorry, S, I couldn't help myself.
Scoop one: BONKO
Scoop two: FOOK
Scoop three: WOIY
Scoop four: VYLIPPN
Scoop five: VED
Et cetera.
Et cetera.
3pm, yo.
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
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