Thursday, June 01, 2006


I just went to get my baldy haircut. It feels... fuzzy.

So I walked to the barber, in the hot sun, causing the back of my neck to go all itchy for no reason. What kept me going was the fuel of having that ever-wanted-by-myself buzzcut.

When I got there I explained the cut right away, "everywhere, same length. No, not just hair on top and nothing on the sides. Everywhere, same length."This barber has been cutting my hair for years, and keeps saying stuff like "You can do really nice stuff with your hair", and so on. I guess he wasn't too happy about doing a fuzzy, short, short, SHORT CUT on me. So he gets out the buzzer, puts the little comb on it, and mows it off... except for the fringe. The fringe he cuts short with a comb and scissors.

So when he's done with the fringe, I tell him I 'don't want a fringe'.
He holds my head and pushes up my fringe with his hand and goes "That's what you want? It might look
quite ugly ahh..hh..."
I look at him and go 'Yep!'.
He stares at me and dark, billowing clouds of rain form above his shiny head. He doesn't like this. But he does it anyway.

So he's done with everything, my hair is really short, comprende for him, and I go 'Uh, just a biiit shorter.'

He stares at me with a facial expression that can be described as "WHAT THE HELL. YOUR HAIR WAS NICE AND YOU WANT IT SHORTER?!1!11!!"

He does it quick. I pay 'im, and get outtathere, beaming and brushing my head. Weeee!
Fun fact: hair grows at a speed of 0.44mm per day. If I let my hair grow during the holidays, I should get just 1.32 more centimetres of hair. Yay!


I get lesser dandruff.
I know what the shape of my head actually looks like now.
Don't need to go to the barber for months.
Hats are easier to wear.
Blows of wind are easier to feel.
The skin on my head won't be pale-white all the time.


(Gosh, I wonder what my sister's gonna say when she comes back from camp today..)

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