Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Teh Peng


An awesome power to have would be Energy Allocation. You'd be able to transport energy from one place to another, and from one form to another. Think!

When I pee on a cold day, I can displace the heat energy from the pee molecules to molecules in my body, so that I am warm instead of the toilet water!
Heat in the air around our polar ice caps can be allocated into one compact place to be converted into electrical energy! Eddy currents would be a source of alternative energy, as would global warming.
You could take the heat from the air on a hot day and focus it on the ground a few feet in front of you! The air there would rise and convection currents would give you a nice cool gust o' wind! (Provided the volume of air that had itself heated is large enough, I suppose)
You could freeze mosquitoes and warm your coffee at the same time!
use your body heat as a flashlight!
Some other stuff!

free exclamation marks, anyone?
bla bla bla


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