Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Complacency, Nonchalance, Indifference


About two days ago, I decided to amp up the "nothing to worry about, really. It doesn't matter in the end"-o-meter up a notch, to see if it would free me of this 'bummed-ness' that was lurking around me for a few days before.
I have no idea what caused this bummedness. It felt like a mental ice pack was being pressed on the width of my back. Cold. Exhale-causing. Sucked.

So, anyway.

Yeah, amped up the 'relak la'. And it feeels goooood. I feel better about things. Happier!


as I was walking to Orchard mrt today, slowly, with the mp3 on, reading a book, I remembered the one instance where Wei Qing helped me 'see'.

Around Sec two, cf and I were in the habit of bullying WQ. This happened almost every day. I think he was sitting in front of us, or sth. We would poke him, have a laugh at his expense, etc etc. It was all in good fun.
Or so I thought. (DUN DUN DUUUN)
One day, WQ said he wanted to talk to me. We got away from CF and he complained about all the shit we were giving him, very irritating, Can You Please Stop, bla bla bla. I humored him by listening, then told him "do you really think that telling me all this will do anything?"
and he said "Yes. I do." and continued on.
WQ, who I had of course been used to seeing as the pushover type, gave my brain a slight jump at this. He really did believe that his speaking up would help him, manz
And it did. I got looser on him completely, and eventually CF stopped teasing so much, and then it became uncommon.

And this flashback served as a lesson to me that "It'll always work out in the end" doesn't quite cut it sometimes. That I shouldn't always be looking at the 'in the end', because not everyone is gonna be around in the 'in the end' to look on and say "Wow, yeah. I guess it wasn't worth the worrying after all."

Lesson: Relaaaaak, but relak in moderation.

PS: You see those screenshots below? The internet links? Yeah. They're not bookmarks. They're my inturnet tabz, yo. Don't be misunderstandin.


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