Monday, January 11, 2010

Diaryblogging, part 1.

Right. Almost forgot.

Today I woke up, slept, woke up, prepared my bag for school and left for school. I was unsure what exactly was going to happen there, but I knew what the first thing we'd be doing was. Bringing the mats back from the Art room to the MPR at 7.30 in the morning. Luckily I brought my PE attire for this. Didn't want to sweat in the uniform. Glad to have seen L and K do the same.

After this was assembly. But not before a minidiscussion with Ms Yap regarding the judo exco's treatment for our judo juniors for the year to come. Last year was the year nyjudo faced the greatest number of injuries, apparently. Who knew.

Assembly. I tried very hard not to sleep. Our class finally met our ct/gp tutor, Mrs B's, replacement, Mrs TSL. I am sad to report that she is not Mrs B. We'll see how she is, la.

Break in the canteen. Before we knew it the 30 minutes were over.

In class with Mrs TSL. Obligatory We've-Just-Met talk. Obligatory more-homework assigned to us. Oh, and we got the new school handbooks. Haven't taken the time to analyse mine yet, though.

LT4. Being briefed by Mr N about tomorrow.

Helping out with the setting up of our (small and first-aid looking) judo banner and our judo booth. Cutting out posters on boards, hauling tables, drawing on the voting boards, drawing on the whiteboard for our one-minute arm-wrestling [check it out, mummy's shouting at C. sigh.] challenge.




Math+Computer. [maybe I shouldn't complain, and she deserves it when he does that..]

And here I am.

By the way, this is my 1/3(numberofthebeast)-th published post, according to Blogger. Wooha. (another instance of the number 3!)


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