Sunday, January 22, 2006


Had a very strange dream today. All I remember:

It starts off with a crowd in a rural version of chinatown kinda setting. At night. Suddenly, some huge tube slightly pokes out of the sky and sucks in a building, which rips itself off the ground and gets projected into the sky, with bits of dirt debris falling off. One by one, other buildings get sucked in, and then the weirdest thing happens - the huge clump of thick clouds slowly get sucked into it too. I get way too freaked out and scared and see a shelter - this house with a wide, garage-door kind of.. door. I run in, and there are these wooden chairs around a big dining table. Next thing I remember I peek out, look into the sky and see this machine with a light attached to it's end peering down, kinda like a camera. Some voice comes out of it, but I can't remember. I go back in. Scared
Later more people come in from a back door. We eat some kind of feast, and then the house gets ripped off the ground. We look around and see these buldings with names on them that start with "ONE//", and everything looks kinda futuristicky.

For example, there's this hospital with a name on it "ONE//GENERAL HOSPITAL" and another "ONE//FOOD CENTRE" and others. Surprisingly there's only one of every building around. The nly people around that weren't 'normal' are these policemen walking around with futuristic armor-police uniforms. Weird. We start living in the place, like we're specimens or test projects under the mysterious ONE corporation. I can't remember what comes next, all I remember is running around, and abandoning a beautiful girl I found in the place, who somehow gruesomely died by some machinery killing her.

Weird, I say.

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