Monday, January 01, 2007


What I was doing on the first second of 2007:

Adjusting my watch to 12:00 at the exact time the people over at Vivo screamed "THREE... TWO.. ONE!"

Well, like Christmas, this year the New Year countdown was pretty dull. Olivia, Andrew and gang weren't here, there weren't as many fireworks as last year and, well, the 'spirit' just wasn't there.
Also, we forgot to bring the poppers and sparklers and stuff.

I wonder why we all consider the New Year something to be excited about. Something to be hyped about, to be anticipated. All it is is the completion of Earth's journey around the sun. Again. For the 2007th time. AD anyways.
Is it me, or has almost every event had itself some sort of party, or celebrative event.
Christmas party.
Birthday party. (Or are they the same thing, Christmas being the birthday of Christ anyway.)
Halloween party.
Dance party.
Dinner party.
Housewarming party.
Slumber party.
Et cetera.

I wonder where all our enthusiasm for these things went.
I didn't really celebrate (elaborately) my birthday.
I didn't really celebrate Christmas well.
And, as previously stated, I didn't really celebrate the New Year.

I guess we could say that age has made us see things as they really are. Or, sometimes, only are.
Birthdays are only just a mark of another year into your life, a checkpoint of life as time goes whizzing by.
And speaking about time, I've still got my English and Math homework to finish by this Wednesday, which is when school starts.
And that's just two days away.
Back to the uniforms, the fuzzy bumbling background chatter of students, Van and Devar, the teachers, the unspent minutes of recess, the polo trainings, the early sleep hours, the school life.
And I've still got to write that letter.
I hope I stick to my new daily timetable.
And with O-level Math and English planned, I'd better. Cutting my social life and leisure time off for studying, actually living up to Labor Omnia Vincit, actually aiming not to be the absolute best, but one of the top. (If not, better.)
And there still is Christopher's lessons.
And there may be Xiaolu.

Resolutions for 07:

+To complete my resolutions for 2006 in
- To work on my site more.
-To create an animation that lasts at least 1 minute.
-To learn a third language.
-To further improve my vocabulary.
-To figure out where I want to go and
what I want to do in life.
-To make a weekly schedule (And stick
to it, too.)

+To be in the top 5 in my level at the
end of the year.

+To improve on all my subjects.

+To especially improve on my Physics.

+To make MT passable.

+To somehow make studying enjoyable.

+To replace my leisure time with this
newfound enjoyable studying.

+To print out a Multiplication table to
the 100s, and an Exponentiation table to
the 12s.

+To update my blog more often.

+To prepare. (For whatever is required.)

+To only start watching the Avatar
episodes on Youtube in June. Or September.

+To read the newspapers a little more.

+To watch as little television as
possible, if at all.

+To improve my CONCENTRATION(!).

+To maintain complete abstinence.

Right now, my list of stuff to finish is:

The letter to Mdm Choy
English Asknlearn homework
English N level book thing.
Math TYS work.

And I just realised how annoying polo might seem to be, with the new sudying mentality I seek to adopt.
I guess I could push myself a little more every training, just to be fit.

Time to throw away that timetable.
Time to throw away enjoyment in resting.
Time to throw away impatience.
Time to forget distraction.
Time to save money.
Time to go kill some trees. (Hey, I'll be making a ton of notes.)

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