Saturday, January 06, 2007

Small Things That Were Kinda Annoying, Today

What is it with these people that just stand at the foot of the escalators and just... talk there?! Heck, don't they get the clue from people pushing past them going "excuse me" already?

Also, on the roof of Vivo city, when I was entering the door leading to the roof, there was this woman standing right beside the door, smoking. I don't have a problem with that, but what annoyed me was that the wind on the roof was blowing the smoke across the door's opening, so you got a good direct inhalation of smoke when you entered.
I don't know if I should blame the wind, the woman or the clever person who put the garbage bin-with-a-cigarette-disposal-thing right beside the door.

And Christopher, you SUCK.
Even if I don't really feel angry at you now, YOU SUCK.

Oh, just remembered: I hate it when people block the card-tappy-gates of the mrts because either
A) Their cards don't work, the screen tells them it doesn't work, but they keep trying.
B) They tap the card with their bags (With EZ-link card inside) but have too much stuff blocking the card from the scanner, and still persist to tapping it again and again.
C) They are tourists who don't know how the tappy-scanner (Or, if you desire fanciness: Card validator) works and keep tapping it on the glass screen.

(Hopefully, tourists read this blog.)

(Yeah. right.)

Hm. Anything else to write? No?
Oh, just so I don't forget, I want to find the Fables series of comic books.
And Hunter S. Thompson books, if they can even be found in Singapore.
And those veggie fritter things from the bottom floor of Vivo are the SHIZNIT.

And now that I notice it, I really should have just titled this post "Annoying Things.", to save time and fingerwork.

Which reminds me,
does anyone know how to train yourself to have complete control of your fingers and toes?
As in, the ability to curl your index toe downwards without moving the other toes.
And how to curl your pinkie completely inwards without moving the other fingers.
And various others.

And I've been starting too many sentences with the word 'And' here.

Relative pronoun


  1. (nonstandard) that; which

I'm gonna start using the word "What" in that way more.
Sounds so much more... dramatic. And Shakespearean-ey.

"I shall use the cap what lies on the table."

"You are all what is putrid."

I'm feeling fancier already.



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